
We are Texans right?  We are tough, we are strong, we don’t back down, but we are also gentle, we are kind, we help our neighbors in need, we accept other for who they are, the whole time without losing who we are as individuals.

If I find a predator on my land, my first duty is to protect my kids, then my dogs, then my chickens.  That is my right!  However, it is also 100% someone else’s right to not agree with that.  Maybe they have other solutions that work, maybe they don’t, I can listen to what they say and either apply or agree to disagree.  However, I will stand firmly on fighting for the right any person to voice their opinion, even if I don’t always agree.  No matter what, everyone should be treated with respect.

I love to hear different opinions/methods without attacks about personal character or beliefs.   I will apply what works for me and not apply what does not.

Nope, don’t expect everyone to agree with this post either.

I don't think too much watermelon would hurt them unless they refuse to eat their regular feed because of it. Like kids preferring candy to meatloaf. Actually I always held out for ice cream
Yes Honorary Texan!! I think she is from West Virginia. My father in law is from WV and he is definitely cut from the same cloth. Self reliant, do it yourself and don't complain. I always kid him that his hillbilly blood is why my children hate shoes

LOL I sent Bee a PM on the other chicken site, and told her she had been made an honorary Texan. This was here reply.

"Wow! I am so humbled! I didn't even know there was a Texas thread on BYC and that anyone even knew who I was in Texas!
Tell them a big ol' Texan THANK YOU from the Bee! How cool...never been west of OH before...now I'm a Texan!

Y'all are just the sweetest folks!"

YES! That would be SO awesome Lisa. You know, I sent her a message telling her how grateful I was that she didn't let the naysayers tell her she couldn't speak her heart or mind about God. She is just about the sweetest person I have met on here (I love all of y'all but you guys aren't exactly sweet
Now THAT really hurt!!
Wearing cloths at home!?! People do that?!?
I am like Catkai---I have chicken prints on the back of my shirts!

Lisa :)
I knew the HS football comment would be picked on. [COLOR=0000CD]In my opinion[/COLOR], :oops:  we send our kids to school to improve their brains. Concussions received in football do damage to their brains. MOST coaches don't care, they just want to win. If you are good enough you might get a paid scholarship to college. So you get educated but are more than likely brain injured and can't make the right decisions to use it. I know there are a lot of people that played football and don't notice anything wrong, but think what they would have been without their brains getting shaken like a marble in a can. Your brain wasn't designed for that.
Sports and the camaraderie that goes along with them is a positive thing. It is football that the brain injuries are occurring in. Many pro players are coming out and saying that something has to be done to protect the kids.

[COLOR=0000CD] If winning and being #1 is worth a brain injury to your child[/COLOR] then let them play. But to me this isn't gun control, politics, religion or snake killin...it is our kids brains! The injuries don't go away after the game is won! JMO

Ha! Really wasn't picking on you. Just picked pretty much the only one out of your list that I disagreed with. :)

My DH is a first year HS football coach. We live in the itty bitty town he graduated from, so there are a lot of expectations on him because he played D1 college ball. After college he was so burned out on football that he didn't even step in a weight room for 10 yrs, but when we moved back here he got that itch - but only after he started getting to know some of the local boys and realized he could help make a difference in some of them. I agree that some coaches are only in it for the win, but just like with stupid gun owners, don't let those few jade your opinion of them all. This is our first year doing the coaching thing. We are only 2 games into pre-district, and I've already had joking comments thrown my way about how my husband is a "mother hen." (Which really cracked me up! Maybe all the chickens in the yard are rubbing off on him?) Safety is a MAJOR deal with him and that's one reason he harps on correct technique and demands the boys give 100% effort 100% of the time. When you get lazy is typically when you get hurt. And while head injuries are without question a major concern, blown knees or backs are statistically much more likely. Not something you hope happens by any means, but then again we can't force our kids to walk around in plastic bubbles all day - never to experience any pain... I personally (and I'm REALLY not arguing with you, just setting out my side) believe that the positives - learning teamwork, hard work, responsibility, leadership (for some), and just that good ol' knowledge that if you get knocked down (whether physically or proverbially) then you gotta get back up and go harder - outweigh the negatives. Not to mention that, for some, being good at this game may be the only way some of these kids can go on to college, which is a great thing for their brains. :)

My beef is not with HS football. My beef is with peewee ball. We have a 7 yr old who will not be allowed to put on pads until he reaches 7th grade. Yes, they're still growing in jr high, but a 7-13 yr old's body is one that absolutely needs more time to develop before you start crashing into one another. My DH didn't play peewee and he proves that you don't have to start that early to be good at the game.

Okay, I'll stop with the football talk!!!

I still didn't get an egg yesterday. I NEED the temperature to drop around here and I NEED some rain so my grass will stop dying and I NEED for my birds to stop molting. *sigh*
LOL I sent Bee a PM on the other chicken site, and told her she had been made an honorary Texan. This was here reply.

"Wow! I am so humbled! I didn't even know there was a Texas thread on BYC and that anyone even knew who I was in Texas!
Tell them a big ol' Texan THANK YOU from the Bee! How cool...never been west of OH before...now I'm a Texan!

Y'all are just the sweetest folks!"



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