
I had a rat snake that lived in my coop all last summer. I just let him be. The price of haveing him around was that he ate a few eggs a week. My thoughts were it was better to have one big snake insted of a lot of little mice and rats.

Now my hens have never hatched out a clutch. (Something im trying to change for years now) So I have never worried about lossing babies. I would think (just my opinion) that the snake is more intrested in eggs. rather than fighting an mad hen for a chick.

If I where you, it would seem there are two choises. IF you think that you hens are good enought mothers and will keep the snake pecked away from the chicks. Then you could wait and see if a chick ends up missing.

Or if its freeking you out the only other thing to do is relocate or dispatch the snake.

How comfterble are you with capturing the snake???:|

It apeers im just down the road from you, im in oak hill. If you dont want the snake dead I am willing to catch him for you and remove him. I would relocate him here at my place. I can put him under my barn, I keep a lot of feed grain in there an I like snakes around to control the mice.

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Dear Joe,

Ummmm sorry this snake scared me so bad that I had my husband get rid of it. At 11:30pm I am not a very friendly woman!

I don't have the mother hen. I just got into chickens and only have four seven week old chicks. They were six and half when this snake came into our lives. Since I have so few chicks I think this snake wanted a quick meal. He was about four feet long!

Normally when we see a non-vemonous snake we just leave it be but when you see one that close to your chicks, and they were scared to death, action has to be taken.

How would one go about trapping snakes? Do you think putting a surlfur ring around the outside of the coop would keep snakes from coming into the coop? Do you think a four feet long snake could fit through chicken wire? I would be happy to contact you about removing a snake if you can tell me how to trap them WITHOUT touching them. My husband did remove the snake on a sharp shooter before he took care of it so I guess HE could do that and put it in a jar or plastic tub until you get here. I wanted to shoot it ASAP but he talked me out of it and only because I finally saw that it would put holes in the coop!

Thanks for the information,
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Hello there, I am from Leander TX, it's about 30 miles north of Austin, currently I had 53 baby chickens, they are 3 weeks old now, I still keep them in the brooder cage in my shop therefore I could watch them everyday at work.

nice to know ya'll


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