
Well I candled my eggs well ago and they were all under developed so looks like it was nothing of my doing just a bad batch so hopefully we will do better next time. Guess that's what happens when you get them from Craig's list
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Well I candled my eggs well ago and they were all under developed so looks like it was nothing of my doing just a bad batch so hopefully we will do better next time. Guess that's what happens when you get them from Craig's list
Sorry about your eggs.
Hopefully your next batch will make it to hatching.
Sorry about your eggs. :(    Hopefully your next batch will make it to hatching. 

Thanks. I am going to try again but not until we are finished moving and I have a stable place to set things up. So for now everything goes back in the box where it will be safe. I did however get one roo out of my last hatch. All of the other chicks have most of their feathers except him he looks so small compared to the rest.
Guess I will find out if eating the head and top 1/3rd of a coral snake can kill a chicken. I killed a coral snake this morning with a shovel. Kinda chopped it into three pieces. I came inside to use the Internet to look it up to verify it was in fact a coral snake. I wasn't sure I was remembering the rhyme about red on yellow kill a fellow. When I went back out the part with the head was gone. I am guessing the chickens got it. I hope it doesn't poison the hen that swallowed it or affect the eggs.
Guess I will find out if eating the head and top 1/3rd of a coral snake can kill a chicken. I killed a coral snake this morning with a shovel. Kinda chopped it into three pieces. I came inside to use the Internet to look it up to verify it was in fact a coral snake. I wasn't sure I was remembering the rhyme about red on yellow kill a fellow. When I went back out the part with the head was gone. I am guessing the chickens got it. I hope it doesn't poison the hen that swallowed it or affect the eggs.
i dont think it wil bother anything . thats what the gizzard does. i know my hens will catch a mouse and fight over it. :)
Howdy from Round Rock, Tx! Just getting started but we have 4 girls, hopefully. They are four weeks old now and love their coop. I was surprised to see how quickly they learned to get in the coop at night. The auto door is working great.
Guess I will find out if eating the head and top 1/3rd of a coral snake can kill a chicken. I killed a coral snake this morning with a shovel. Kinda chopped it into three pieces. I came inside to use the Internet to look it up to verify it was in fact a coral snake. I wasn't sure I was remembering the rhyme about red on yellow kill a fellow. When I went back out the part with the head was gone. I am guessing the chickens got it. I hope it doesn't poison the hen that swallowed it or affect the eggs.
Just think how many bad things chickens eat (without us knowing) when they free range.

Welcome to byc new people! Lots of stuff on here. I learn something new every day. :)

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