
Hi everyone, I'm Chris and I live in Houston, Tx. I have 18 chickens and 1 white midget turkey. I really want more, but I live in a neighborhood and we have to follow the city ordinances. So that means no rooster or anything that will disturb your neighbor. So hopefully next year I will be able to move out the city on a 2 acre lot. I like what the city offers I just don't like living in the city anymore. I don't like that my girls can free range more and I really want a rooster! So I just wanted to say hi! #thecuckoofarm
Welcome from the Dallas area!

We got snow this morning in McKinney. Jut a light dusting. My 7, 11 week olds did great! One of my crazy Russian babies tried to "bathe" in the powder before she realized it was cold.
Poor baby tried to take a dirt bath in the snow...I truly hope we don't get any this year. I'm still paying for the landscaping I did myself 2 years ago when it snowed down here. My girls seem to be okay with the cold right now, but the sun is out also.
Hi everyone, I'm Chris and I live in Houston, Tx.  I have 18 chickens and 1 white midget turkey.  I really want more, but I live in a neighborhood and we have to follow the city ordinances.  So that means no rooster or anything that will disturb your neighbor.  So hopefully next year I will be able to move out the city on a 2 acre lot.  I like what the city offers I just don't like living in the city anymore.  I don't like that my girls can free range more and I really want a rooster! So I just wanted to say hi! #thecuckoofarm
Welcome from Magnolia
Magnolia is a pretty little town. I used to own a house in Tomball before moving into the city. It was always so nice to roll the windows down and drive down some of those backroads.
I would love to have 5 acres that would be perfect for me. That would give me plenty of room for what I would like to do. I think it great that kids know where are food come from and not the microwave or the frozen section at the grocery store. I try to find easy homemade things to make to save money and to learn something new. My problem is I get impatient and I start getting cranky because I can do what I want to do now. It will all work out. That is what matters. For now my chickens, turkey, 6 dogs and 1 cat can survive in the city until next year.

Welcome and i hear ya on that one. I was born and raised in the North side of Houston up until i was 19. I wouldn't go back if someone paid me. I've done got to used to the country life here in Erath county between Abilene and Ft. Worth. I live outside city limits but i only have about 1/3rd of an acre so it's limiting me on what i want to do. I'll be looking for acreage next year. 5-10 acres sounds good.
Well you are doing better than me right now. My girls are stuck in a backyard with no view but a 12 ft fence. It really bothers me, so I try to spend as much time as I can with them and try to keep them busy. Like I said, by the middle of next year I plan on being out of the city and living in the country. I don't mind working in the city it just time to go because I need some space! good to meet you Shawn.
Welcome from the Dallas area!

We got snow this morning in McKinney. Jut a light dusting. My 7, 11 week olds did great! One of my crazy Russian babies tried to "bathe" in the powder before she realized it was cold.
That's funny!!

I'm in Parker..not too far from you and mine rushed right out like always...and put on the brakes. "Umm..hey, chicken momma, what the heck?" They then jumped on everything to keep their feet off the sprinkling of snow...the fence, the windmill, the feeder...ME...but I had on a slick coat and my hen slid right off and gave me a stink eye for the rest of the day...how DARE I have on a slick coat??!! Don't you EVER wear that coat again!..oh it was hilarious!!
Hi folks...hope everyone made it thru the cold okay. Our gang did fine...it got down to 28 but with the plastic and 39 chickens in the house and my deep litter it stayed above freezing in the chicken house thru it all. No frozen water or chickens! BTW the clear shower curtains work great and it looks good and the chickens can see out and we can see in! I used those nails like you put up tar paper with that have the little plastic disks on them. I just pulled the nails out and used short drywall screws instead.

Anyway...I have a problem with one of my bantam hens. I posted this in the injury forum but if anyone has dealt with this and can help I'd sure appreciate any advice.

Her eye itself isn't infected but she has a hard blister almost like a big boil or pimple between her eye and her beak. It has gotten quite big about the size of a bean now and her eye is closed because of the swelling.. We saw a video of how to get the junk out by pushing it back toward the eye and out of the eyelid. But she is so small I was afraid I'd crush her head. Also that this is actually a parasite that gets into the eyelid...don't know if either of these is correct. Anyway when we tried to push it out tonight a whole lot of nasty pus stuff came out her beak. Like it was all in her sinus passages. It's a little smaller but still full of junk. My question is can this be opened from the out side with a scalpel making a small incision and cleaning it out and flushing with optical saline like you use for contacts. (just saline not contact cleaner). I haven't found a chicken vet anywhere around me as yet. I know this has got to be painful and she can't see out of her bad eye at all. The eyeball looks fine back in there just pushed back because of the big lump. Thanks for any help or links to fix this. Magpie

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