
We are located in Denton about 40 miles north of Dallas. We are very new to backyard chickens, purchased our first 4 this past summer. They are currently 5 months old. Excitedly awaiting for the first egg. Have 1 Rhode Island Red, 3 Eggers.
Hi folks...hope everyone made it thru the cold okay.  Our gang did fine...it got down to 28 but with the plastic and 39 chickens in the house and my deep litter it stayed above freezing in the chicken house thru it all.  No frozen water or chickens!  BTW the clear shower curtains work great and it looks good and the chickens can see out and we can see in!  I used those nails like you put up tar paper with that have the little plastic disks on them.  I just pulled the nails out and used short drywall screws instead.

Anyway...I have a problem with one of my bantam hens. I posted this in the injury forum but if anyone has dealt with this and can help I'd sure appreciate any advice.

Her eye itself isn't infected but she has a hard blister almost like a big boil or pimple between her eye and her beak. It has gotten quite big about the size of a bean now and her eye is closed because of the swelling.. We saw a video of how to get the junk out by pushing it back toward the eye and out of the eyelid. But she is so small I was afraid I'd crush her head. Also that this is actually a parasite that gets into the eyelid...don't know if either of these is correct. Anyway when we tried to push it out tonight a whole lot of nasty pus stuff came out her beak. Like it was all in her sinus passages. It's a little smaller but still full of junk. My question is can this be opened from the out side with a scalpel making a small incision and cleaning it out and flushing with optical saline like you use for contacts. (just saline not contact cleaner). I haven't found a chicken vet anywhere around me as yet. I know this has got to be painful and she can't see out of her bad eye at all. The eyeball looks fine back in there just pushed back because of the big lump. Thanks for any help or links to fix this. Magpie

I hope you got the information you needed. I know that I have read and seen something on something like you described, but I gave my chicken books to a friend so I couldn't look it up.
I hope everything is better.
I hope you got the information you needed. I know that I have read and seen something on something like you described, but I gave my chicken books to a friend so I couldn't look it up.
I hope everything is better.

I looked at a thread...kinda gross...but I think we can do the surgery. Gonna attempt it tomorrow.
Got to do something before she is blind. More afraid of hurting her. I've lanced abscesses on cats but on a leg or body never so close to an eye. Just hope I don't shake too much!!!
Just did some math and realized we just past our first year of having chickens on November 2nd!!! Wow how fast it went by!!! Started with 17 now have 39. Have only had been a few problems, mostly with raising chicks, so guess we did pretty well for a couple of new eggs!!! Just want to say "thanks" to everybody who helped us succeed and we're excited about another year.
Just did some math and realized we just past our first year of having chickens on November 2nd!!! Wow how fast it went by!!! Started with 17 now have 39. Have only had been a few problems, mostly with raising chicks, so guess we did pretty well for a couple of new eggs!!! Just want to say "thanks" to everybody who helped us succeed and we're excited about another year.

Congrats on your chicken anniversary!
Just did some math and realized we just past our first year of having chickens on November 2nd!!! Wow how fast it went by!!! Started with 17 now have 39. Have only had been a few problems, mostly with raising chicks, so guess we did pretty well for a couple of new eggs!!! Just want to say "thanks" to everybody who helped us succeed and we're excited about another year.[/quote

henless, Nice setup you have there.
Thanks! I really like it, and my chickens seem to like it also. :)

BTW the clear shower curtains work great and it looks good and the chickens can see out and we can see in! I used those nails like you put up tar paper with that have the little plastic disks on them. I just pulled the nails out and used short drywall screws instead.

Anyway...I have a problem with one of my bantam hens. I posted this in the injury forum but if anyone has dealt with this and can help I'd sure appreciate any advice.
I used the screws/washers I put up my hardware cloth with. Worked great!

How's your hen doing? Hope she is doing better!!

Headed to a wedding in Aubrey, TX. Stopped to eat in Midlothian. Hello to all the backyard chicken folks in Midlothian.
Have a safe trip!

It has started raining here again. Coming down pretty good. I'm glad the temps aren't low like it was last week!

Update on my cookie tin heater, it worked great! The temp got down to 24 in the barn, and my nipple bucket waterer did not freeze this time. The chicken poop and the dog water froze, but the nipples still worked. :)
Hi guys, been very busy over here! I had to reduce my flock as the yard could not support them all, so I sent 7 of my ladies to live with my sister. She tells me they are doing great and love the bigger yard she has for them. Hopefully this will let my grass grow back to support my flock, or I will have to reduce some more. 2 of my chickens and3 geese are determined to be mommies, but it's too cold and late in the season, so they will wait until spring.

2 of my Siberian Huskies, Dawn and Phantom earned their CGC title! Yay! Cheyenne just got spayed, and I rescued and spayed 2 kitties that are now up for adoption. One kitty was being kicked by some mean kids at my sons school and I couldn't just do nothing, so I grabbed her and brought her home. She has a nasty injury to her tail, but is otherwise fine and very loving. If anyone wants or has room for a house cat, let me know. I have a young grey tabby (Ivory) and a solid black (Ebony), both are female and spayed with rabies shots.

On Dec 13 I pick up our newest addition, a beautiful grey Siberian Husky girl! So excited, hubby got her for me as my Christmas present.
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