
5 year old Blondie
Thank you, I was also assuming that it was shot at first, then after watching it for awhile it looked more like a central nervous issue. You may be right jtn42248, it may indeed be poisoning.
Around here people put poison out to kill the coyotes, who are killing livestock. That's another possibility. Should the vultures find the poison first, they die....they may even die if they eat a coyote that's died of poisoning. Bet your chickens are fine.
Ahh, poison for coyotes! I didn't even think about that. What kind of poison and method is typically used? I have 2 Aussies that could possibly get into it whatever it is.
Ahh, poison for coyotes! I didn't even think about that. What kind of poison and method is typically used? I have 2 Aussies that could possibly get into it whatever it is.
That's the problem with poison and why I keep my 6 dogs in a fenced yard despite owning 30 acres. A huge ranch close to me uses poison and their property is completely fenced. They figure if a dog manages to get past the fence and gets poisoned, it's not their problem. I have mixed feelings about all of it since the coyotes got one of my cats who managed to "escape" my fenced yard a year or so back. I'm not sure what type of poison they use or the delivery system, although I assume it's something canine would enjoy eating.
it is legal to shoot coyotes in tx right? why the heck are ppl poisoning??? that should be illegal! any animal could get into the poison and it gets more potent as it goes up the food chain!!!
it is legal to shoot coyotes in tx right? why the heck are ppl poisoning??? that should be illegal! any animal could get into the poison and it gets more potent as it goes up the food chain!!!

Because people are afraid of guns. Because coyotes can be tricky to shoot when they are moving and most people are not good enough shots. Because coyotes may not be out during the times that a person is around to find them attacking their animals. Because people are stupid.

Many people use poison for rodents. Other animals eat the dying or dead rodents and are then poisoned themselves - including people's pets who eat the poisoned mice and the owners can't figure out that they killed their own pet.

They just don't stop to think about the long term ramifications of their actions.
Because people are afraid of guns. Because coyotes can be tricky to shoot when they are moving and most people are not good enough shots. Because coyotes may not be out during the times that a person is around to find them attacking their animals. Because people are stupid.

Many people use poison for rodents. Other animals eat the dying or dead rodents and are then poisoned themselves - including people's pets who eat the poisoned mice and the owners can't figure out that they killed their own pet.

They just don't stop to think about the long term ramifications of their actions.
I would rather shoot the 'yotes. Though, I did see one rancher use snares once, to solve his 'yotes. A lot of dead 'yotes all the way around the perimeter of his fence line in various stages of decay.

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