
Northeast Texas have been raising birds a few years without much knowledge now I am gaining some knowledge thank yall


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That's kinda nasty. I'd at least bury or burn them rather than let them sit around and rot. We shoot them here too if need be.
Maybe it was a deterrent, Kind of like when there is a hog tearing up your feeder and you shoot it and let it lay for the other hogs to be wary of?
You're right about shooting the coyotes, but like had been mentioned, people aren't usually around when they strike. This same ranch had to get rid of a herd of goats because even though they had Great Pyrenees guard dogs, the coyotes were double teaming the dogs to keep them busy, and yet another going in for the kill. Tell you what though, after my cat was taken, I carried my gun with me whenever I went outside in case a coyote was stupid enough to appear. Usually around here, they're most active at dusk and into the evening. They killed my cat at night. My dogs and I could hear it, but could never have gotten there to save him. :( When they start howling, I go outside and shoot at a haybale a number of times. Just the noise scares them off if they don't have prey in sight.
Here in West Central Texas the coyotes are most active at dusk, through the night and into the a.m. when they are returning to their dens. We have seven dogs that free roam our property a little bit each day and do their "duty" all around the perameter of our farm. The result is that the coyotes pretty much avoid us. But, at night, we can hear them circling around us, yapping and howling. That is when our dogs go ballistic and charge the dark but all within our fences. A shotgun blast to the sky will send them scattering.
I agree, they are difficult to get. You may be able to shoot a few, however they are smart and they seem to avoid the area just long enough for me to let my guard down, then they strike again.
I can shot them, however I wish I could track them and find the dens. I just don't have the knowledge or the gift of being able to.

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