
I ain't from TX but @flocktastic is and she could use some prayers you guys. Her son decided to break his arm/elbow last night after supper. He's currently out of surgery but hurting.
@flocktastic Just saw the post that your son had an accident. Hope he is doing better. When I was about 4 I fell off a porch and broke my shoulder. I don't remember much about it except that I was sure proud of my cast in the daycare I went to. I was really popular for a while. My prayers are with you. I am sure he will be fine.
I can ship for 45. The birds are 10 each. I try to ship 8 for body warmth and I am can throw in a couple of extra birds as well for a fellow Texan. Send me your email in PM and I can send a PayPal invoice so we can ship them to you as soon as possible.
Okay. I'll talk to the hubby.
Well if you decide to do it please PM a good address and phone number so the Post Office can contact you for pick up. Also, let us know as soon as you can so we can follow USPS guidelines on shipping baby chicks, Ideally, we would have to ship tomorrow to be compliant and not have the chicks stuck in the Post Office over the weekend.
Sorry to hear your AC is out. I would just DIE. Congratulations on the hatch!

Chocolate and mottled orpingtons ready to ship or for local pick up. They just hatched.
What does mottled mean?

Thank you everyone for the advice!!

Now I have another question: Should I worry about these ducklings? Out of 8 eggs, 4 ducklings are already in the air pocket at the top.

They have 6 days left in the incubator, but can they come early???
That appears to me to be just shadowing. Not quite an internal pip but shadows start to form as the duckling moves into the pipping position.

They should be just fine. Leave them be and they'll come when ready. It's normal they take a while

Just killed a Texas Brown Snake (rat snake) about 6-7 feet long. It was after my Cayugas. Guess they will try to get the ducks if they can't get to the eggs. Luck had it that I went out to gather eggs a bit early today or it may have been successful.
Thank God you saw it
Check out this thread https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/515899/best-way-ive-found-yet-to-deal-with-snake-problems I just found today. I might try this. Another option a friend just told me about yesterday was to take an egg, poke a small hole in it and put a fishing hook attached to some line inside the egg and then seal the egg shut with tape. When the snake takes the egg, he gets the hook.
Showed my husband the shadows on the eggs a few minutes ago and two of them you can hear tapping on the shell! It was pretty amazing!!
Can you hear them peeping? Hearing peeps is a sure sign they have internally pipped. They can make a clicking noise that sounds like tapping but it's actually them breathing with their head bent over. There's a thread here somewhere that explains it much better than I can. It's like if you try to breathe with your mouth open and chin smashed against your chest.

It all is soo amazing. Good luck with your hatching.

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