
I am so sorry to hear this.  Poor babies.

Thank you! What fazed me the most was our cat. We had her for a LONG time. She was no youngster.

Thank you!
So sorry for your loss

Thank you!!
This was Munchkin our kitty
Thank you! What fazed me the most was our cat. We had her for a LONG time. She was no youngster.
Thank you!
Thank you!!
This was Munchkin our kitty
Any idea what happened? Old age?
So sorry!

Cancel this, I just saw you post on another thread...still...so sorry! It hurts to lose a furry friend!
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With all the rat problems outside, I've moved the chicks back inside. For the last 6 years, I've used a wading pool with cardboard walls and usually by 3 weeks, the chicks are flying over the side. This time, since I've got two ages (1 week and 3 week olds), I challenged my Dad to help me build something enclosed. Added bonus with this one - the dogs can look, but not get. :)

Nice Brooder. Challenging dad to build something usually comes out well. I converted an old workbench that's been in my storage shed in the way for 30 years.
So I lost 4 animals over night. 1 I think from illness, 1 was a Lil deformed n didn't eat, and 2 I think had heart attacks from fire crackers. Lost a duckling, a barred chocolate duck, my wonderful cat we had for so many years, and our barred rock.

Tough losing so many so fast. I could hear my dog walking on my hardwood floors after she was gone. Had to get another to drown out the silence.

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