
Hello! I just started with a backyard flock of 5 in Central Texas!

My chickens are just starting to go outside, and I'm trying to decide the best way to maintain my run in an efficient way and to keep the smell down because I'm in a neighborhood. My run is covered, so that will help keep some rain out! We've had plenty this year, that's for sure.

Would y'all let me know what you do in your run? I'm considering wood chips, leaves, sand, leaving it as dirt, or any mixture of those! I'm also open to suggestions. I'm hoping to keep the run from getting muddy. Thank you!!!!

Do you have a garden? I would put soil in there, and mix it with the poop, then scrape the top layer off, put it in your garden for top soil and composting. It gets hot enough in Texas, that if you put a compost pile started, and put waste in it, it will cook it fast. You can try putting black tarps over it, but our poop pile doesn't even need a tarp! We put straw/hay and other stuff, and then rake it out and mix it with the horse poop and other stuff.
@kajira I don't have a garden as of now, but my husband and I are hoping to start one this coming year! I think that putting organic matter (I have an abundance of leaves right now!) in the run, and then raking it out and adding it to a compost pile when it starts to stink is the way to go! Thanks for your input!
hey supergirl105.
I'm new from N Dallas.
I started by hatching eggs in my classroom too. Coolest project ever. Only 6 survived from 24 fertilized eggs. Ended up with 5 Roos to rehome and 1 hen of unknown breed (Kino was named by the student responsible for her after an anime character). Kino is an egg laying champion!
I have been thinking of adding 2 guineas to my little flock. They would free range over 7 acres with my dogs and sleep in the barn at night.
Am I dreaming of fun feathered friends for my dogs that are fun to watch and hear as well as are great bug control or is this a reality???
The guineas are SUPER fun watch! I can't help imaging that is what the dodo bird must have been like before extinction. And they are loud. Ducks and chickens get noisy when you feed them. Turkeys talk to each other. Guineas make noise constantly.
And people always talk about them being flighty. My brother had some that disappeared within a week. I hatched mine, and tried the outdoor brooding with them so maybe they learned where home is and have no desire to leave?
They are so much fun though. They run in circles just for fun.
@TexasLisa few pics of the boy I got from you all grown up. He's been doing a pretty good job covering these leghorn girls.
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WOW, he is absolutely gorgeous! It will be interesting to see what the chicks will look like. His dad sired me a couple of hens that lay olive eggs.
he's a pretty boy.......little on the small side, but that is fine with these hens. I really like his coloring on his breast.
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