
I just needed to get something off my mind.
Over the last few weeks our adult flock of 25 hens and 2 roosters has been killed off to 18 hens and not by choice. Our neighbor's dogs, 2 properties over, has come onto our property and killed our birds. The first time they killed 3 hens and 1 rooster, and wounded another hen (2 weeks ago), 5 days later they killed another 2 hens, then yesterday we were pulling onto the property and saw one of the 2 dogs carrying off one of our hens. My husband chased him and screamed at him. The dog dropped the hen, we thought she was dead but she jumped up and ran back to our property. They did kill our other rooster and 2 more hens. My husband was able to talk with the neighbor and explained to her what was going on. She said that she would pay for the damages, my husband explained that we were not looking for her money, we want her to keep her dogs on her property so they will stop killing our chickens. He also explained that if the dogs do come back on our property that they will be killed. 
Would you do something differently? 

I know you have probably received the best response. So allow me to give you mineverything.

I used to live in Dallas and moved to a cabin in Onalaska, TX. I moved worth my tiny flock of 4 ladies. 2 Ameracunas and 2 Polish. The previous owner left thier chickens behind. a rooster Australorp and 4 princesses, a pilgram, 2 Australorp and a white one. breed unknown. They were out of food, and water. the waterer had green residue around the r ring and up inside. I cleaned it all up, to almost new, bought feed and fed them all.
I built up using pvc , a run and attach a new small coop.
The neighbor's pit bull was trying to get in.
went to the neighbor's yard and told them all of this. they apologized and said they will make sure their dogs stay in their yard.
I bought an Americuna rooster. 2 weeks later, woke up to dobserve barking. by the time I got to them one dog was inside the run. 3 ladies dead, and my rooster seems to be maul
I know you have probably received the best response. So allow me to give you mineverything.

I used to live in Dallas and moved to a cabin in Onalaska, TX. I moved worth my tiny flock of 4 ladies. 2 Ameracunas and 2 Polish. The previous owner left thier chickens behind. a rooster Australorp and 4 princesses, a pilgram, 2 Australorp and a white one. breed unknown. They were out of food, and water. the waterer had green residue around the r ring and up inside. I cleaned it all up, to almost new, bought feed and fed them all.
I built up using pvc , a run and attach a new small coop.
The neighbor's pit bull was trying to get in.
went to the neighbor's yard and told them all of this. they apologized and said they will make sure their dogs stay in their yard.
I bought an Americuna rooster. 2 weeks later, woke up to dobserve barking. by the time I got to them one dog was inside the run. 3 ladies dead, and my rooster seems to be maul

Sorry, my hands shake...

to continue....

I'm not a good with guns but I tried to shoot the dog. I missed, and got the puppy that was outside the opening.
the neighbor's was yelling and shouting. I, on the other hand, raised these 3 ladies. I was devastated but what can i do..
a month later I had errands. came home to a missing chicken. one of the Australorp was missing. she gotten used to me and runs to me for any treats. the rest dogs bit she wasn't around. that night, I counted, yup missing. took a flashlight went into to woods, nothing. finally looked under the cabin. she was there. not moving saw feathers everywhere. only conclusion, the neighbor's dogs can again. cause of it was any other predator, she wouldn't be intact.
next day, was cleaning up. pit bull came again, had the gun with me this time and a friend. the dog took a step toward him and growing. I handed the gun to him and he killed the dog.
Again, we can hear the neighbors shouting and yelling.

we have the right to kill the dog. though we didn't like it.
Sorry, my hands shake...

to continue....

I'm not a good with guns but I tried to shoot the dog. I missed, and got the puppy that was outside the opening.
the neighbor's was yelling and shouting. I, on the other hand, raised these 3 ladies. I was devastated but what can i do..
a month later I had errands. came home to a missing chicken. one of the Australorp was missing. she gotten used to me and runs to me for any treats. the rest dogs bit she wasn't around. that night, I counted, yup missing. took a flashlight went into to woods, nothing. finally looked under the cabin. she was there. not moving saw feathers everywhere. only conclusion, the neighbor's dogs can again. cause of it was any other predator, she wouldn't be intact.
next day, was cleaning up. pit bull came again, had the gun with me this time and a friend. the dog took a step toward him and growing. I handed the gun to him and he killed the dog.
Again, we can hear the neighbors shouting and yelling.

we have the right to kill the dog. though we didn't like it.
I am so sorry you had to deal with that :(

My great pyr chased off my neighbors pitbull - she's a sweet little thing, but I'm glad my great pyr keeps my birds safe so I don't have to shoot a dog.

I would, and not lose sleep over it though. I'm not emotional about that kind of stuff.
I am so sorry you had to deal with that :(

My great pyr chased off my neighbors pitbull - she's a sweet little thing, but I'm glad my great pyr keeps my birds safe so I don't have to shoot a dog.

I would, and not lose sleep over it though. I'm not emotional about that kind of stuff. 

I want to get a dog..just don't know what need is the best and don't know how to train them to stay away birdso.
Also, considering on getting pheasants...

I'm thinking I'm at the point of, if it happens again, I wouldn't lose sleep either.
I want to get a dog..just don't know what need is the best and don't know how to train them to stay away birdso.
Also, considering on getting pheasants...

I'm thinking I'm at the point of, if it happens again, I wouldn't lose sleep either.
You need to get a livestock guardian dog, and raise it with your birds.
How cold is it today? The water froze as soon as it hit the air! c

And the chickens are walking on water!

And the ducks don't know what to think!!!
Yep, that is how cold it got. It stayed around 15 here most of the day. My ducks actually were sitting on their frozen pools...I guess pretending that they were floating. The chickens ate and then spent most of the day inside their coop. Our geese (silly geese) spent the day trying to catch the wind and pretend to fly.
Half my chickens stayed in the coop and half decided they wanted to see what this white stuff falling from the sky was. My ducks just looked at their pond that was frozen and looked at me like I could change what was going on. Silly ducks. We gave all the birds hot oatmeal and warm mashed potatoes this morning...I think if you put your hand in their bowl it would have been eaten too. Nothing was left when they left the bowl.
How cold is it today? The water froze as soon as it hit the air! c
And the chickens are walking on water!

And the ducks don't know what to think!!!
Chickens walking on water, lol. Too funny.
I will never forget the time our pond had ice. When I let the duck out they went running, hit the ice and slid. Then they got out and looked at me like, "WHAT did you do??, lol."

I am slightly jealous you peoples had snow.

We only got down to like 40, where I live. There was no snow.
We hit freezing and there were some overpasses closed but no snow. Tonight is MUCH colder.

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