Thanks goes to McMurray Hatchery


8 Years
Feb 2, 2011
Wasilla Alaska
I ordered 25 chicks (must have hit refresh 3 times as I ended up with 75 must be chicken math) Anway, PO called this morning to come get them. Picked up the loudly chirping chicks and rushed home, all healthy and alive.

To ship from Iowa to Alaska with no fatalities at this time of the year is fantatic. I tip my hat to McMurray for a fine job getting me the heathly chicks and rapid delivery.
75? And you wanted 25?
That is good to hear that they all made it! good to hear positive reviews about them...looking to order next year and was concerned about the long travel...but if all 75 made to Alaska with no problem...says good things!
Ordered 101 in cold, cold January. Received 110, with only 1 fatality. Yes, I do live here in Iowa, but those chicks got here overnight, and healthy. They are 11 weeks old now, and I only lost 4 to my own inexperience. McMurray has my vote!
Mine are supposed to arrive today or tomorrow. We get another shipment to our post office from the hub at 2:00. I'm hyperventilating, it's a multiple-person order and we're all waiting around like nervous nellies.

Congratulations, I hope mine/ours are all ok. We also have a guy who ordered straight run chicks and some are the same as one of the breeds of mine.

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