That sleepy gosling song


9 Years
Jan 28, 2010
central massacheezits
So the Goons are just short of a month old. From the first morning they hopped out of the Metzer's box and into their brooder, they've had one distinct call different from their usual animated chatter: they trilled a sweet, crooning peep when they're happy, cozy, and ready to snuggle down for a nap. I think of it as the Gosling Lullaby and it melts my heart into warm sticky goo.
anyhow they're coming up on four weeks now, and while their voices are changing just a bit, they still sing the Sleepy Song. Will they sing it as adults? Will they grow out of it?

Oh, I remember that soft little trill! One of the sweetest things. However I do think they grow out of it: with their croaky adult voices, I'm not sure it's even vocally possible, though at first they do try (and their voices crack). They have other vocalizations, however, that sort of replace it, and their voices stay a little squeaky for a while.
I was just talking about that to my other half. I had my little one on my lap and she always does that little song as she "nuzzles" & grooms me. Then she settles down chirping away while I stroke her head and neck....always does the trick getting her to sleep. I just love that silly girl!
Mine grew out of it. He still has what I call a "nighty-night"-sound, but it's deeper and coarser. I really miss that sweet trill! And I think that Gosling Lullaby is a great name for it.

When I go out at night to check up on him, he whispers little honks at me. And when he's introduced to a new treat or an exciting toy (like my new rubber boots), he makes a purry sigh of delight.
It IS sweet. But yes, they grow out of it.

I tried to copy it, and sing it back to them. It helped them settle down in the outside coop when I moved them. But I guess I've gradually switched over to the word "bedtime!".

Now that you mention it, I kinda miss it. Still hoping for goslings.
The trill is the best! I've had one or more house raised purring Sebs for the last 6 years. Such a comfy sound!
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