The 4th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long

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No pips here yet.
I candled last night, and no internal pips, but at least some of them still seem to be alive. I did it really quick, so I didn't try to get a count. I have 7 that made it to lockdown.
I am having humidity issues. It was too low, and then went too high, but I think I fixed that quickly enough. I will just have to see how today goes.
Six more chicks hatched overnight; I pulled three dry fuzz butts out so the 3 wet chicks can dry off without being stepped on quite so much. That's 8 chicks. Plus NC, the orfink ;) found lost and cheeping on the coop floor 3 days ago. (Dunno why none of the three broodies claimed it... Too focussed on the rest of their eggs, I guess.)

Woo hoo! Make that a ninth flopping around in half a shell just since I started typing!
Well, I lost the other duck. Next time I hatch them it'll just be the ducks, but I have to wait until Ducky starts laying again. She hasn't laid a single egg since I set them. Still only 3 chicks and no pips. I'm going to float test in just a bit to see what still might hatch before I give up on this hatch.
My final count was 17 out of 20, 3 were mispositioned.

So what was the final set count anybody know?

When will the winners of the contests be announced?
so far I have 3 ducks and 3 chicks in the brooder, two chicks that hatched this morning and 1 working on it, plus I know I have at least one more viable egg that still had blood vessels present yesterday when I candled it quickly. SO I hope it is ok I hold off until late tomorrow (college classes start back tomorrow and I don't get home until 10 pm or so....)

My ducks are done, 3 hatched, 1 pipped on the side that was laying on the ground of the incubator and drowned in its fluid (not sure why it pipped that side when I had it laying the correct way
I guess you win some and lose some
) and I candled the last one with no movement or blood vessels so pipped and it had no movement, cracked further and found it quit maybe day 25/26 as it still had a lot of yoke not absorbed. Still holding hope for the rest of my chicken eggs, but regardless I'm glad I have what I have
. Pictures and final count when this hatch is done.

Congrats to all those with babies, and sorry for those with little to no hatches.

OH and Happy Easter!
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OK, I didn't even try for the Easter hatch along. My eggs were due to hatch 2 days ago. But they held out. 2 chicks this morning. And Olive Egger and a Jaerhon. I have two more pips on Jaerhon eggs. About 10 more to go.

I saw the last post, hatching in an egg carton. I was thinking about this. As my eggs are in an egg turner. Thoughts? Does keeping them upright help?
If you had them in a turner, then hatching them upright will help. They should be hatched the way they were set , so if you set them on their side then you should hatch them on their side. Hope this makes sense.

Well, none of my ducklings hatched
two died right after they pipped.......But I already have 34 chicks in the brooder and 2 ducklings in there so I guess I didn't need the eggs to hatch lol. HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!
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