The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

It is with much dread that I report I will not be able to participate in the Hatch-A-Long. This past weekend a predator killed my only Roo
. Not just my roo but my two easter eggers as well. Fortunately I had just hatched some eggs and I am pretty sure one of them is a roo (only 2 weeks old) but it will be a while before he is big enough to keep the girls safe.

Hopefully next year.
Where you at @jcopeland29710 ? maybe we can send a few fertile eggs for you to hatch so you can join us in the fun. Im sure there are plenty here that can send a few, even if barnyard mix.
ok so as I have written before, I am very new and inexperienced at incubating eggs. I have 6 eggs in my incubator right now. I posted a couple days ago that I think I had 3 or 4 quitters in there, but now it looks like 5 of 6 have quit. It was mentioned that I should calibrate my humidity and temps. Not sure how, but I did go and get another thermometer, and hygrometer and place them in with the eggs, and boy what a difference. My incubator said temp was 99.5 and humidity was 45%, new tools said 100.4 and 22% humidity. Now which do I believe? and can the low humidity be the problem with the eggs quitting on me? I do have 1 left that is supper lively, looks like it is dancing in there, I figure its probably a tough ole rooster lol. Suggestions are appreciated, I want a good result from my next batch which will be the HAL.

Either way, I would say temps are pretty close to where they should be. 99.5 to 101 being ideal for a still air..the 99.5 to 100 being for a bator with a fan.

I like my humidity low. In fact. I was off on the date with a staggered hatch this time. I had 9 eggs in. I went to turn them one night, and noticed...a crack! Then, on another, I heard a chirp. I had that humidity in the 20's in the air bator all that time..sometimes in the low 30's. They did fine. I put them and all of the rest of them into the bator I wanted them to hatch in, and of course, raised the humidity into the high 50's. They all hatched like I said. :)
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, so much info gets hard to find exactly what I need some times !

You're welcome. Sally is a wealth of useful information.

Celsius to Fahrenheit (ºC to ºF) conversion calculator click HERE
Thermo/hygro suggestions post #13998
AcuRite customer support and thermo manuals post #27294
Taking SHELL TEMPS post #30771
How an Ear/Medical thermometer Works post #34345
Brinsea Incubator Thermometers click HERE
Strombergs Thermometers click HERE Hygrometers click HERE Digital Thermo/Hygros click Here
Hova-Bator GQF Incubator Thermometer / Hygrometer (Wet Bulb) 3018 post #32892
HEAT SINKS/ Stones/Pebbles ADD THEM TO STYRO! post #43903

Calibration is a MUST:
WHY YOU SHOULD CALIBRATE and link to HOW: post #545 also see calibration in Hatching Eggs 101 TEMPS SECTION
Calibrate the hygrometer a video
post #35121
EASY Calibration post #19746 bottom of post #20480
How to calibrate STICK type FOOD Thermometers post #27294
Hygrometer calibration Benny's method post #36265
Adding, fan or no fan?

what day are they on?

did you take pics of your candle DIS?

How old were the eggs? where they washed? how were they stored?

Shipped or your own eggs?
No fan

on day 12 now

no pics, tried but they come out terrible

Eggs were less than a week old, unwashed, stored pointy end down in cool not cold basement

My own eggs.

I did see signs of life in all of them at day 6.
No fan

on day 12 now

no pics, tried but they come out terrible

Eggs were less than a week old, unwashed, stored pointy end down in cool not cold basement

My own eggs.

I did see signs of life in all of them at day 6.

Why do u think they've quit? Do u see a death ring or a dead embryo?
Sometimes around day 14 I have a hard time seeing them move. If I were u I would continue incubating and see what happens on day 21.
I hope all your babies hatch. Good luck!!
My Cuckoo Marans pullet just started laying! Looks like I'll have some of her eggs for the EHAL too! They aren't as dark as I was hoping for but it was 1 1/2 shades darker than what I'm getting from my Blue Marans :D

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