The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Yup :) . Eggs can be stored (large end up) for up to 2 weeks at room temp (but I think 50 degrees in a place with high humidity is best) before fertility levels start to drop.
Question, which is more important, humidity or temp when storing hatching eggs? The only room with a humidifier is kept at 70degrees for the incubator. The rest of the house is low to mid 60's, but dry as we in Northern Indiana. Thanks!
A question just popped into my mind: we only get about 5-6 eggs a day but are hoping to set 24, can we collect for a few days leading up to March 5 and set aside the ones we want to put in the bator? And do we just leave them in a carton at room temp? Hmm :idunno

Yes. Some people collect for 2 weeks. Do not wash. Try to get good sized, clean (if possible without cleaning), small pores (candle to see) and good shapes. I prefer to collect for no more than a week-10 days. They lose viability fast after that. Keep in cool room on a slope. I use a paper towel roll under it and gently turn from side to side 3-4 times a day. Remember large side up good luck.
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. Eggs can be stored (large end up) for up to 2 weeks at room temp (but I think 50 degrees in a place with high humidity is best) before fertility levels start to drop.

Yep, just be sure to store big end up :-D I'm already collecting for the HAL :-D

Perfect, I was hoping that was the case. Thanks everyone!
I have 1 RIR ROO, 1 Easter Egger Roo, 1 Plymouth Barred rock, 4 Jersey, 2 RIW, 2 Marans, I also have a small flock of Bantam silkies but I don't foresee them having much to do with it LOL

I had originally though Easter egger but the feet and leg feathers are confusing me
I second whoever it was who said Marans. If you have 2 Marans hens, I think they would be the carriers of the leg feathering. Cute chick!!
I've had a few confusing conundrums in my flock. Still not certain as to what transpired.

I've got two Silkies that "appear" to be crossed with Easter Egger because they have the green legs. I don't know exactly what for sure because they are from the eggs I resurrected from the eggs of the predated girls. And the eggs could have inseminated prior to my getting the hens. It could happen, I guess. They are so tiny.

But I appear to have an EE cross with my OEGB. I'm pretty darn sure that's not possible. The chick came out of an OEGB pullet egg and it's half way between the size of the OEGB chicks and the EE chicks of that hatch. She's got the green legs and the coloring of the EE...but a bit more sass like the OEGB.

This is the size difference.

Mr. Peeperton and Mr Rock are on the messy board in the middle of the pic. That's the size difference. The OEGB pullets are same size as Mr Peeperton.
Yep... that's not going to work. Only thing I can see is the red bantam rooster sitting on the cage has EE but doesn't show it. At all.
So I dunno.

Please...tell us more...

Porcelain D'Uccle bantam

Easter Egger

Their babies. Yes it can happen
Day 21 is about to end. 2 of the 8 that went to lock-down have hatched. 2 more pips. Finger crossed for another sleepless night. Will be moving the hatched chicks to the brooder soon. Pic coming up!
I have 1 RIR ROO, 1 Easter Egger Roo, 1 Plymouth Barred rock, 4 Jersey, 2 RIW, 2 Marans, I also have a small flock of Bantam silkies but I don't foresee them having much to do with it LOL

I had originally though Easter egger but the feet and leg feathers are confusing me
Marans have leg feathers. Even if your marans hens don't, it would probably be in their genes. Many breeds have recessive feather stubs that can show up now and then, Mainly when you don't want them...

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