The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

I have 1 RIR ROO, 1 Easter Egger Roo, 1 Plymouth Barred rock, 4 Jersey, 2 RIW, 2 Marans, I also have a small flock of Bantam silkies but I don't foresee them having much to do with it LOL

I had originally though Easter egger but the feet and leg feathers are confusing me

Could there be some French Maran blood in your Marans? They have feathered feet. The eye stripes are common in Easter Egger chicks. I am betting she is an EE/Marans cross.
Could there be some French Maran blood in your Marans? They have feathered feet. The eye stripes are common in Easter Egger chicks. I am betting she is an EE/Marans cross.

Would EE/Marans cross result in Olive Eggers?
I really need to be more awake...or read closer before I post.
I though you asked about "my" allergies. Now I just feel silly!


I had an easter egg hunt today!

I was out doing chicken chores when I heard a hen around the corner in an old shed--When I checked, I found that some of the TJ's hens had been using an old roll out nest box to lay eggs--There were 40 eggs in there!

I am off to float test and clean them now.

Silly Chickens!
Holy moly!!!



Back on my feet and things are doing better too... thanks!

My husband just finished my new incubator today. We moved it into the kitchen. The temperature is staying in the 99.1-99.5 range. I still need to make sure that there aren't any hot/ cold spots and keep en eye on the humidity. I'm going to start collecting eggs for a test hatch! Followed by the EHAL!


I would like to join- but none of my hens are accepting my new roos. =( So I am doing a little shout out.

I want to hatch easter eggers for my Easter hatch. Anyone have some of a different color? I love the EE's with unexpected coloring. =)

My EE Snowbird-

Love the white with black!!
HarmonyAnns polish babies getting big!! She was having fun putting them on my fox! I told her they poo on it she is in trouble!! they pood on her instead!! ha ha ha
Those are the cutest chicks! What breed are they?
I had an easter egg hunt today! I was out doing chicken chores when I heard a hen around the corner in an old shed--When I checked, I found that some of the TJ's hens had been using an old roll out nest box to lay eggs--There were 40 eggs in there! I am off to float test and clean them now. Silly Chickens!
When you say "TJ" chickens or "Trader Joes" are you talking about chicken hatched from store eggs? Or a particular breeder? I have seen several people here talk about hatching fetile store eggs. I would like to try that. Not sure where to get them in podunk northern Idaho..
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