The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Joining a day late!!!! Set my eggs today. Whoops!
Oh and I set 24. Chickens.
@Sally Sunshine

I set 10 bantam Phoenix, 1 secret surprise for the hubs, 2 blue wheaten Ameruacana, 6 Silkied Ameruacana, 18 BBS SiAm splits, and 9 of my own mixed eggs fell in the bator so my total needs adjusted to 46

Glad I could help! Good luck incubating!
you as well!!

I'm in, I'm in....A dear friends is bringing me an incubator and eggs tomorrow, lol! Woo Hooo!!!
MICH !!!!! That is my MICH!!! are you serious!!! you told me no!!! NOT GONNA ARGUE I AM Happy to see you back!!!! @Gardeningmama

@Sally Sunshine

I've set 37 eggs for the HAL!

whatcha set saris?
I lost all my quotes. Thank you to everyone that was concerned. I'm feeling much better now. At this point I'm just tired. My in-laws were over today for a cook out and I had to help with a lot of stuff.

I got the chance to check a few of my eggs earlier, so I candled my Silkie eggs. 100% fertility!
I am glad your feeling better Raz
rest up now please! Good news on the fertility, send them over to have a talk with HarmonyAnns CurlySues please! lol

So what is the best reviewed incubator everyone likes that won't break the bank. I have a couple of the styrofoam ones and a couple my hubby made for me but I was just wondering what everyone else has?


Joining a day late!!!! Set my eggs today. Whoops!
Oh and I set 24. Chickens.
hope your feeling better 2nd one in the group to have appendices in a month! what did you set? send an update over in the incu thread please so I can update your hatcher note
Thank you to everyone that is posting their set numbers! Keep them coming!

did you get mine I set 8 dz
Hi you put some kind of top on the container so they don't jump out?  I have three eggs I've set for a friend, they are blue, my eggs are EE', they could come out looking a lot like one of mine...want to give this a try! 
  I remember someone on here uses potato sacks.  Sets a few in there, ties up the end.  I just worried about the little toes getting caught in the sack. 

The containers that I use around here come with the tops attached to the rest of the container.

On the homemade box I use a very fine screen mesh wire that I wrap around the box to keep them from jumping over into another section.
@Sally Sunshine

I set 10 bantam Phoenix, 1 secret surprise for the hubs, 2 blue wheaten Ameruacana, 6 Silkied Ameruacana, 18 BBS SiAm splits, and 9 of my own mixed eggs fell in the bator so my total needs adjusted to 46
Added your info to the other threads notes for hatchers!! thank you Saris and best of luck!!! I have no doubt you will do amazing!!

OMLord, You know I love you, right??? I'm sooo excited to be able to do this, this year...I really thought last year was my last hatch. Sally Sunshine, you're my chickie idol...
dawwwwwww Mich!!!! your my Mommy and Furniture Painter Idol!!! I think your amazing at both!!
I missed you!!!!
I just bought that same incubator for the hatch along. Genius 1588 right? I'm loving it so far seems to be holding temp great. How's your experience been with it?

I heard it was easy to use and pretty fool proof which was perfect for a new hatcher like me - so far, so good! I was really paranoid about making sure it was calibrated and had 3 other thermometers and a hygrometer in addition to the digital one in the actual incubator. But it seems to be really accurate - I keep checking continually though - just to be sure. I'm hoping for a good hatch rate and that we don't have any weird temp dips or anything. You'll have to let me know how yours does too!
So what is the best reviewed incubator everyone likes that won't break the bank. I have a couple of the styrofoam ones and a couple my hubby made for me but I was just wondering what everyone else has?
I have a Brinsea Mini Advance and I don't think it's worth the money. The other incubator we have is a coolerbator my spouse and I made. I like it the best.

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