The 7th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-A-Long!

Hi Lozuufy how's Ratty? Are you the one that had the pigeon hatch for the NY Hal?

As for the emu dinosaur Google how scientists are bringing back the dinosaurs using the humble chicken. Emu are mentioned as well as Silkies. Now I know not everything on line is true but just that the thought is there is scary.

LOL right!?! Dont need a jurassic world incident :p
Haven't seen this specific article but that's actually how this conversation started! If you go back a bit someone mentioned how they changed the genes in a chicken embryo to make a snout instead of beak and then Lozuufy mentioned how a few years ago someone made chickens have longer tails and if you combined them then you'd have a dino chicken and i thought why not a dino emu lol

Was totally going to make a Jurassic park reference to the previous two quotes.


I forgot to add a picture of my eggs!!

The top two trays are my mixes from my own flock. The left tray is the Ameracauna and Barnvelder that were hand delivered by @yummychocolate3 when she took a road trip to Belfair Wa to get a Rooser. The right tray are BlackCopperMarans and Olive Eggers from a local person.

Funny thing to note.. I always feel strange like I am doing something illicit when I meet someone in a parking lot to buy eggs. Does anyone else feel that way?

Lol yes I have felt that way getting both eggs and chicks and often wondered if a cop would stop and check us out if they saw these transactions. :)
I am not hatching eggs, but some that hatch will be coming my way.  Do you all mind if I comment occasionally?

Fairly certain I speak for everyone hear when I say of course you're welcome!!!

Everyone some of my hatch will be going to Daethen :) she's never incubated but is very interested in the process, and is as excited as the rest of us too!
Funny thing to note.. I always feel strange like I am doing something illicit when I meet someone in a parking lot to buy eggs. Does anyone else feel that way?
I've sold hens and roosters in the parking lot of Starbucks. You should see the looks!

Merlin wanted to say good afternoon with a crow!!
Handsome boy!

How do we look at the list of how many eggs were set? I know mine it there because Mike said so. I am just curious as what the numbers are for everyone, When I click on it nothing happens.
They are listed in the first post of this thread.

@mlm Mike

37 total set - Saturday 3:00 p.m.

12 Icelandic eggs from my flock
7 Icelandic eggs from a friend's flock
6 Welsummer eggs from another friend's flock
12 Mille Fleur d'uccle shipped eggs

We had a couple of birthdays this week and had family staying Friday through this afternoon, but managed to get eggs over to my neighbor's house and into the incubator. Now we wait.........I'll be out of town for a week and the incubator is at my friend's house so I can't do too much fretting and looking and checking. I will candle on the 16th and pull anything that needs to go. If there are broody hens by then, I'll see what is good and give the hens some eggs to hatch!!
Inquiring minds wanna know where the Welsummer eggs came from.

I'm in, I'm in....A dear friends is bringing me an incubator and eggs tomorrow, lol! Woo Hooo!!!
It wouldn't be the same without you!

are we supposed to post photo of what we set or a list and number?
Photo's are great, but how many you set are a must! When you are done setting all of your eggs, post that number in this thread.

Well, I'm in the 2016 Easter Hatch-a-long now!

Saw some $2.99 a carton fertile white eggs at Trader Joe's. Could not resist. They are sitting in my 'bator with the Rock Island Safeway $4.49 brown eggs, air cells traced in pencil, x's and numbers on their sides, leaning at an angle in the bottom half of an egg carton with the undersides snipped out so they get some ventilation. Carbon dioxide builds up in the bottom of 'bators that have no ventilation holes in the bottom, and I think it could be the cause of mysterious chick mortality in plastic tote brooders and coolerbators that have no such holes.

I'm somewhat concerned that my first set of eggs, the brown ones, got baked when temps rose for unknown reasons and the eggs became quite hot to the touch. Also many of the brown eggs appear clear on being candled. I've read that the Rock Island fertile eggs have low levels of fertility. So Imma hedge my bets and do a staggered hatch with two kinds of eggs. When lockdown comes for the brown eggs, I'll put in a coffee cup with an inch of distilled water and a washcloth in it to spike the humidity, which has been running around 40-50%. The air cells on the brown eggs are looking good. The white eggs are 2 weeks old but just have little nickel and dime size air cells, and I noticed one saddle shaped air cell and one floating air cell. These eggs are all getting TLC and I am handling them as though they were shipped.

I got a ventilated plastic tote brooder set up with a 150w reptile bulb clamp lamp, a cheap terrarium thermometer, shredded newspaper for litter, a little jar and big lid for a waterer, and I am looking forward to actual bitty chickens. Will post pix.

The local feed store lets customers advertise their hatchlings for sale on a chalkboard out front. I know I can't keep them all; we are zoned for 6 pullets locally. The store in question sells vaccinated hatchery pullet chicks for $3.25 each, the breeds there now are White leghorns, Dominiques, Rhodies and Barred Rocks.

There's a local store that sells eggs of white turkeys for $2.00 a flat. Come April, I'm thinking of trying to hatch some of those when the chickens are sold off. If they turn out to be infertile on inspection, they still are good for omelets, deviled eggs, and what-not. Is it true you can get $10 for a turkey poult?

I am wishing everyone luck, and reading the threads about the MPC Contest eggs with strong interest.
Glad you decided to join us! Good luck with your hatch!

Quote: Wow, 8 dozen!

So what is the best reviewed incubator everyone likes that won't break the bank. I have a couple of the styrofoam ones and a couple my hubby made for me but I was just wondering what everyone else has?
I have the Brinsea Eco 20 and love it. It is definitely a set it and forget it incubator. The down side is it doesn't have much room for hatching, so I use my hovabator 1602 for hatching.

I am not hatching eggs, but some that hatch will be coming my way. Do you all mind if I comment occasionally?
Of course, comment away!
Me and my daughter were playing hide and go seek, she hid by a tree and well two chickens were getting it on right in front of her and she kept trying to hush them and said "shhh be quite mommy is going to find me" I bout died of laughter
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