The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Let me know if you ever figure it out.  What you described is exactly what happens to me on every hatch.  You didn't say how many didn't hatch, but if I get 50% I'm doing good!  One of the main reasons I don't hatch much anymore.  Especially when you spend $50+ on shipped eggs, it gets old quick.  On this hatch I set 15 eggs, and ended up with 7 chicks.  Only 2 were clear and/or quit.  I've tried everything I know of to fix it.  Dry incubating till the end, 50% humidity, and everything in between.   60% at hatch or 90% humidity at hatch.. it doesn't matter, same result every time. Tried different incubators, table tops and cabinets... same deal.  Someone asked you if your eggs pipped internally... and I've had it both ways.... No pips, internal pips, external pips.... usually all on the same hatch!  It sure gets frustrating.  
this was my 3rd hatch first was less than 25%, second 0% so I checked everything from what mfg said at 60% on first hatch then dropped it down to 25 only 25% so second started out at 25% then on lockdown to 70% total loss so this time I upped it to 35% till lockdown then between 65 and 70 at lockdown I jave over 60% hatch rate! So now I'll have to see what worked and what didn't work to see what is best for my area. It's a trial and error process then on to my dyi incubator I think I can build something better than this Chinese one I have then I can see how good my hatch rate can truly get
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Not looking great. One cream legbar cockerel and one turkey poult hatched so far, with a malposition pipped for a day and a half but still acting like it's drawing up. Saw a little movement in a few more turkey eggs but dang it all if I don't have to be gone all day next two days, and family doesn't do the chickens. Even having the brooder going for the two that hatched, still wish I could scoop out the newbies as they hatch.
I had a total of 30 hatch. But if we are only to count the ones that actually hatched on Easter sunday, then I can only say 1 hatched out of the 30.
7 hatched and made it to the brooder!
I had like 6 break open and get shrink wrapped but because I can't see into the incubator it was too late to try to help them when I finally opened the bator to get an chicks 24hrs after the first hatch. So sad, I hate this incubator! I need a brinsea. The rest are prob full term and dead in the eggs.
So far 21 have hatched out of 38 that went into lockdown. I used cut down pulp egg cartons for the first time, and that seemed to help the hatch. However, I did lose two chicks. One pipped at the wrong end and never zipped. The other pipped too early and bled out inside the shell. Upon inspection, it still had a good bit of the yolk sack that wasn't absorbed.

I also had to make one rescue which is the part I like least about incubating hatching eggs. The chick pipped yet did not progress for over 36 hours. The outer membrane was becoming brownish and crusty; the chick was getting weaker and weaker, so I opted to help the chick along. The chick has a distended navel, but is quite robust and active, so hopefully it will make it.

So far I have had a few surprises. The Cream Legbars did better than expected and hatched on time: Four pullets and one cockerel. That works for me!
The bredas hatched last. Langshans did well. On the downside, only a few jubilee orps hatched (3 out of 9). Crele orps also could have done better (6 out of 17, although 3 were questionable going into lockdown). I'm going to give the remaining eggs a little more time before I fold up my tent.
Check under the learning center here on this site. I had a chick hatch out with it over a year ago. It just bent over and couldn't drink or eat or stay on it's feet, I looked up photos under wry neck and it matched up. Found a recipe posted on this site. It worked for my chick.
Ok, need help from anyone..or a bunch of someones that hatch duck eggs. Had a friend bring over a few duck eggs because mama got taken by a racoon. Candled when he got here. The eggs had been out for the egg was not good for sure. I could see veining in the other two, but no movement. I told him that I would let them warm up and candle later. Well, I just did, and they are viable. He is...guessing..that mama had been sitting for about a week. If I get photos of candling tomorrow night, think I could get a guesstament on how long they have been incubated? If it were chicks..I would say a week. How long again for ducks to incubate? We really guessed last time with quite a few he brought by. I only got a few to hatch. He gets them back if they hatch, as much as I would love to have a duck. Or two.

I need to know for much humidity I should have in there. I have it a mid 40's for now.

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