The 8th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!!!!

Quote: you betcha nailed it. you forgot the peacock. I have a cat that moved in, a street dog my daughter got me off the road on the white line eating road kill, now a peacock that has joined the flock, Two turkeys which will multiply around the 24th, 6 doves that live in the house that sing every morning. Two mallard ducks that fly in every morning and graze in the the pasture. Oh yes numerous Toad frogs that live in the well house. and there's a California rabbit that visits my hay stack every afternoon that like to beat up my street dog, Pup Up. Too many chickens to mention 1 +1 = 100
And of course a devilish little, very smart fox that shows up for breakfast occasionally.....
love my life
PSS love the picture
Just candled 70 eggs. Have 50 happy embryos left.
After candling, out of 48, looking like 13 infertile and 5 maybes. I was expecting it with a new rooster with some of the girls. But saw awesome movement in the ones developing! Got a great video I have no idea how to attach lol
I forgot to post what I have set for the Easter Hatch-A-Long.

Total of 42 eggs set. Splash Orpingtons, Langshans, Ameriflowers, Olive Eggers, Cream Legbars, EEs and barnyard mix.
I forgot to post what I have set for the Easter Hatch-A-Long.

Total of 42 eggs set. Splash Orpingtons, Langshans, Ameriflowers, Olive Eggers, Cream Legbars, EEs and barnyard mix.

Thanks for posting the set numbers. We need a lot more members to post their numbers. We have contests that rely on Them!
I really like vimeo! I can put huge videos up on it and do for the church. I am now putting them up in HD format.

I think I may give Vimeo a whirl as my 18 second candling vid is still only at 83% processed after an hour :(

I can't upload on either, not sure what's going on :(


I candled last night and here's one of the EE eggs!

Fab pic :D

Thank you


Somebody mentioned the wiggly eye thing so I was curious when you see that lol

It is like a wiggly eye too :lol:

My 7 candling update.

Out of 60 eggs set.

4 non fertile
3 blood rings

So far 53 seem to be developing as they should be.
There are 4 or 5 though that the air cell is settled more on the side than it is upon the top of the egg.

53 sounds good :)

EHAL - Day 7 Candling Report:

Crele Orpinton - 20 set, 2 clears
Jubilee Orpington - 9 set, 1 clear
Cream Legbar - 9 set, no clears; however, 3 look iffy
Langshan - 5 set, no clears; however, 1 looks iffy
Bredha - 5 set, no clears

Out of 48 set, 45 are still in the running although 4 of those remaining are questionable.

I'm very pleased with the results of the first candling.

That's a great result :highfive:

As early as day 5!  Tiny, but if they are moving, you can see it.  On day 7 for sure. 

Do you peak day 5 Cynthia? :oops:

Well, my LG bator is finally down to 44% humidity after hanging out at 54% for the past five days. :th I hate the incubator.....

Have you taken water out (reduced the surface area of water) to reduce the humidity?

I hope you're not depending on the built-in LG digital hygrometer. It's better to get an analog unit and place it inside your bator. WalMart has them for less than $10.

Me too, I never trust the incubator. I got my fingers burnt once with that but never again.

Just candled, and.......

2 Frizzles are clear
1 Naked Neck is clear
1 Red Cuckoo Orpington has a blood line
1 BYM is clear

Other than that, the remaining 35 eggs are doing great! Left are:
15 BYM
13 Naked Necks
5 Red Cuckoo Orpingtons
2 Silkie X


Yes, I got one off amazon with great reviews for $8.00.


Well, I candled tonight. Of the 10 magpie duck eggs I set, 9 are alive and well, one was clear.  Of the 5 Royal Palm turkey eggs I set... one was clear, one is weird, and 3 are definitely alive. The weird one has "something" in it.... it's not clear, and it's not a blood ring... it kinda of looks like a chick but I don't see any veins in it which is weird, as the others all do.  So, no idea on that one, I left it in there for now.

Certainly leave in for a double check. Fingers crossed it's just tricking you and all is good at your next candle.

Just candled 70 eggs. Have 50 happy embryos left.


After candling, out of 48, looking like 13 infertile and 5 maybes. I was expecting it with a new rooster with some of the girls. But saw awesome movement in the ones developing! Got a great video I have no idea how to attach lol

I'm putting my clears down to a first season young cockerel.

To upload a video you will first need to upload to you tube or similar. Copy the link to the vid and then use the film roll icon in your editor to paste it in your post here on BYC.

I forgot to post what I have set for the Easter Hatch-A-Long. 

Total of 42 eggs set.  Splash Orpingtons, Langshans, Ameriflowers, Olive Eggers, Cream Legbars, EEs and barnyard mix.

ron, I will peek on day three if the eggs are white or really light. Now I will hide.
Not all of them, I will do a few to get an idea of what's up. If I am seeing something, I leave the rest alone. If I am not, I peek at more.
Of course, I realize, even with white eggs, we don't always see something that soon. So nothing goes out until day 7.

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