The African and Chinese goose thread!!

so i just got a brown chinese goose a baby about 2 weeks a girl and we also got a duck a boy crested runner... I just read that you should always have two chinese geese together cause if you didnt it was cruel. But the little goose follows they duck around and is in love with him. If you pick the duck up and she cant see him she cries. I guess what i am trying to ask is will they make a good pair? I didnt get two duck or two geese cause i do not want them to breed. I just want them as pets

I think what you read was something to the extent of "only having 1 goose would be considered cruel" - geese dont need to be the same breed for company, having different types of geese together is okay.
2 geese or 2 ducks would have been best. If you didnt want them to breed, you could have gotten a pair of the same sex, either 2 females or 2 males (in my case, I got a straight run [that means un-sexed] pair and I was really hoping for them to be both females, because I also didnt want them to breed & we'd get goose eggs as a bonus! But as luck would have it, my pair turned out to be 1 male & 1 female. So what we do is take her eggs as she lays them. Goose eggs are great to cook with.)
The reason I say that 2 of a kind are better is because when they grow up with babies of different species, they sometimes have trouble identifying what species they are.
But since you only have those two, I would say the duck + goose combo is way better than being alone. Miss Lydia on here had a solo goose who was raised with a bunch of ducks & for a while, it behaved like a duck. It wasnt until Miss Lydia found him another goose for company, did he learn how to be a goose - ducks are foragers whereas geese are grazers.
Your little guys should be okay. Another myth out there is that geese mate for life, domestic geese (and ducks, for that matter) mate with anyone thats available.
Good luck & welcome to the forum.

Hi, I am new to the goose area of BYC, I have mainly been a chicken gal until a friend gifted me with a big incubator as a Christmas gift. So I have hatched out Muscovies, and some quail, and last Saturday I came across a woman with some goose hatching eggs. I drooled, and told her I would happily buy the three eggs she has out. Turned out that was the top layer, she had 23 and of course I bought every one of them.

So, I need help! I am totally and completely new to this, just consider me a complete dummy and please throw any and all advice at me, pm's, comments here, help me! I THINK I have a pretty good idea of how to take care of them in the incubator, but once they hatch, boy golly, I am going to need help! I set them that evening so this last Sunday is their official day one.

Help me! The box says they are "Brown Chinese Swan Geese".
You're trying to hatch 23?! Wow!! Good luck!! There are some REALLY good threads that I think you should read, so you're not flying blind
  9. <--- VERY GOOD THREAD. focus on post # 18 (or was it 19...)

Um... I didnt realize there would be so many. But all have good info, I promise!!

And there's actually a current Goose egg hatch-along thats going on right now you might want to check out,

Goingducks & Impress, if you want to see what your brown chinese will look like as they grow, start from page 1 of this thread - prepare for cuteness overload
April has laid 16 eggs so far. She laid in October, but only stopped at 12, so whenever we find an egg its always a surprise

She'll be a year old in next month. We're lucky she decided to lay inside their coop this time

so i just got a brown chinese goose a baby about 2 weeks a girl and we also got a duck a boy crested runner... I just read that you should always have two chinese geese together cause if you didnt it was cruel. But the little goose follows they duck around and is in love with him. If you pick the duck up and she cant see him she cries. I guess what i am trying to ask is will they make a good pair? I didnt get two duck or two geese cause i do not want them to breed. I just want them as pets

Hi all! Just wanted to see what info there was about Chinese geese as we have had them for a year now. We started out with a brown gander and a white goose. When we bought them, we had also bought 6 guinea keets and had to put them in with the goslings. The geese thought the keets were their babies.. they went every where together. The drawback was that the guineas thought they were geese and would not stay inside the goose pen at night, nesting instead, on the ground beside the goose pen. They all became dinner for roaming predators. We could tell the two geese were missing the guineas, so we got month old ducks for them... they again "adopted" the ducks. The gander would watch over his flock very protectively, and even today stays with them even though they are all grown. We had one drake with our ducks and he tended to mate with the goose, and our gander will mate with the ducks... otherwise, they are one big happy family.
Here are my babies!!! Not sure if an African or Chinese goose and i don't know yet if male or female.


My other baby I still have no idea what breed it is but with time hopefully I can figure it out.:D:D


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