The American Bresse...

They actually use grains soaked in skim milk

From age 5 weeks to the beginning of the finishing process, French Bresse chicks are allowed to forage all day for bugs and greens in grassy pastures. Required are 108 square feet (10 square meters) per bird. The typical flock of a maximum of 500 birds forages in 5,000 square meters of grass (53,819 square feet, or 1.24 acres).

Their diet is supplemented with a lower-protein, locally grown whole grain mash (corn and wheat) soaked in skim milk. See photos below. The lower protein intake encourages foraging. Foraging contributes to both muscle mass and flavor, hence, to the unique qualities of poulet de Bresse"
This all sounds like snake oil salesmanship
I have eaten about 2 dozen of White American Bresse. They taste pretty good at 5-5.5 months. The meat sweet and little gammy. I just feed them just regular laying feed and scrap from the kitchen.
It makes me wonder if they just taste like most heritage breeds if they aren't raised under the French method.
Personally, I think the heritage breeds taste so much better than the meat breeds.
It makes me wonder if they just taste like most heritage breeds if they aren't raised under the French method.
Personally, I think the heritage breeds taste so much better than the meat breeds.
It taste like Dorking or other heritage breeds+msg with regular feed. I tried more than 30 various breeds over the years. It is good dual purpose breed that worth raising because the cost very much the same as other breed, good layer, and has great flavor. There are about 1600 various breeds world wide so I am not even close.
YES!! They are on my list as well. I'd like to find good breeders for each instead of relying on hatchery stock, since I'd really like to get the best results possible.
Bielefelder is very calm and friendly chicken. They are not larger than RIR and don't lay a lot of egg like GreenFire Farm mentioned on their website. If you like nice calm and friendly chicken, go with Bielefilder and Breeder Orpington.

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