The American Cemani Breeders forum

These are my 2 new hens

First one


The second one

These are my 2 new hens

First one

The second one

Is it typical for Mike's line to feather in that slowly? I know with my Svarts, the birds are fully feathered in before the gender can ever be determined. Those birds still have a good bit of chick fluff left on their bodies for their age
So I thought I would post pictures of the "high quality" that you get with Mike Bean's Smithsonian line. Notice this "Cemani" from Mike is only 5 weeks old and already showing red.

Notice the brown feathers in wings. Ayam Cemani do not have brown feathers in either the Dutch or U.K. standards.

Now let's contrast that with one of my Toni-Marie Astin line (and one that was tagged as a cull for not having enough pigmentation):

And this pullet is 4 months old. No red. Not super black and why she is not going to be in bred. But no red. And I am not even going to use her since I don't think she is ideal either.

Just thought I would post this comparison between two lines. And what was Mike's response when I asked why it was so red:

Sorry, they vary a lot. Trust me, when you breed them. You will see.

At least I only lost $150 on this poor quality "Ayam Cemani" look alike.
He doesn't seriously think someone could breed two birds like this together and come up with 'true' black birds does he?

When I asked for a refund he replied:

I am asking that you at Lear give it a try and breed them. Toni's are bantams that like have the dark gene from the Sumatra in them from the neighboring island in which you don't get dark combs. Only about twenty percent get bLack combs, and even less get black tongues.


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I always wondered why Mike was selling for only $150. Now I know why. You get what you pay for. $150 buys you a cheap knock-off. I will still love and care for them like I do all my birds. But they will never be Ayam Cemani.

At least I have my Toni-Marie Astin Cemani and my Svart Hona to breed.
Mikes line are Cemani. In the cemani breed you can at times hatch a completely normal colored bird, and various shades of black as well. Cemanis were created by mixing several breeds together originally. Any chicken with that many crosses is bound to have throwback chicks. Even ggf does not guarantee all black chicks. Mikes line was breed for egg production as he freely shared before I placed my order. This is why not all of his birds are solid black. He told us what we would be getting for what we were paying. You can't pay as little as we did and expect $5000 quality which is what GFF was charging at the time. Don't hate me, just sharing my opinion. Why not breed and cull hard until standards are met like other breeds? Breed the blackest to the blackest, and keep the all black chicks...cull the rest.

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