The American Cemani Breeders forum

A cross, however, can never be a pure Cemani and should not be referred to it as such. A better term to use is "FM" as it is not specific to a pure breed like Ayam Cemani, Svart Hona, Ogye, etc. FM is the gene that causes the black skin (hyper-pigmentation).
Thank you for your feedback DC. I would never entertain passing anything off for what it is not, and that would go 10 fold for these chickens.
That would be such an injustice, and from what I have seen, there are enough of 'those' people out here that pollute the 'system' as it is!
eBay auctions alone blow my mind with that.
I was expecting what I call muttmoes... then when she told me they might be pure Cemani and I did a 'tad' of research, I had a small 'cerebral vascular accident'! Thought to self, that won't happen, I wouldn't get that 'lucky' and if they are such a rare breed I knew I "just wouldn't want the responsibility" of keeping true to the breed in all their facets.
Then when the first one hatched out I had a bout of tachycardia and dug as deep as I could into research... and WOW!
I am hooked no matter what I have.
I give everyone here as well as all breeders that have their heart in what they do and what they are trying to accomplish a lot of credit.
The people who are above board and not out to pull the 'feathers' over others eyes have garnered instant respect from me. Which is why I posted in the first place...that and I was too type-A to sit tight and wait to hear back from the breeder!
I just wanted to ascertain that I am doing the right thing if they were pure.
Already in love with the little guys and am happy the breeder made the choice to share them with me.
Thanks again, I appreciate it your input.
Thank you for your feedback DC. I would never entertain passing anything off for what it is not, and that would go 10 fold for these chickens.
That would be such an injustice, and from what I have seen, there are enough of 'those' people out here that pollute the 'system' as it is!
eBay auctions alone blow my mind with that.
I was expecting what I call muttmoes... then when she told me they might be pure Cemani and I did a 'tad' of research, I had a small 'cerebral vascular accident'! Thought to self, that won't happen, I wouldn't get that 'lucky' and if they are such a rare breed I knew I "just wouldn't want the responsibility" of keeping true to the breed in all their facets.
Then when the first one hatched out I had a bout of tachycardia and dug as deep as I could into research... and WOW!
I am hooked no matter what I have.
I give everyone here as well as all breeders that have their heart in what they do and what they are trying to accomplish a lot of credit.
The people who are above board and not out to pull the 'feathers' over others eyes have garnered instant respect from me. Which is why I posted in the first place...that and I was too type-A to sit tight and wait to hear back from the breeder!
I just wanted to ascertain that I am doing the right thing if they were pure.
Already in love with the little guys and am happy the breeder made the choice to share them with me.
Thanks again, I appreciate it your input.
That's very good to hear. I can tell you from experience that when you go to sell, people want perfection, at least with the real serious buyers. They want paperwork. They want breeding records. They want guarantees of pigmentation in the offspring. They have become very educated which is a good thing. However, for breeders it means being extremely careful. If you are not 100% certain of the roo and the hen that produced a chick, then it is going to be tough to track it for future breeding pairs or for a sale. I have a full pen of Cemani chicks that lost their tags and are now will be grown for a personal flock but not used for breeding. Some are even perfect black. But because I cannot trace the lineage, they are essentially culls. Lucky me, as I will have lots of "pretty but I can't sell you those" birds. Maybe some of those will make there way into the Smithies project.
Hughess- I have 12 chicks from the same person yours are from and I have seen all her chickens in person many times and have pictures.

There were 3 nice looking pure ayam cemani hens covered by 2 purebreed roos, the bigger one didn't let the beta roo get to the girls. But 2 large purebreed mottled orpington roos did, I have pictures of those also.

In the spring I'm adding ayam cemani, svart honas, smithies and new white bresse line from dc to my flock/projects. I'm adding new ayam cemani from Cindy's new greenfire farms line juvenile pair she got a couple weeks ago when the time comes. So far I have 1 ac with good black coloring to breed with, better than nothing. The rest will become capons and then freezer camp *gasp*

Out of 12, 4 are obviously haffies, but much blacker than the full mottled as to be expected, they have pink skin and white feather leakage




These are my chicks from the same breeder, you can see the obvious haffies. I have 2 nice black females and 1 nice black male so far out of 12... but I love and adore them all. Handle them a lot, they're flighty.. they have made my sweet slw flighty in the 3 days she's been with them.

Here is one of my girls at 4 months old. How does she stand? All of my 3 girls and my roo ended up being black, no stray color feathers.
Thank you, I love these guys. Yes they are the nipple waterers. We love them. We set it up with a bucket, float, and garden hose. There is also a drain out at the end of the line, so they always have clean water. I run ac vingar through once a week diluted with water for the chickens and to clean the lines a little. We have really hard well water so the AC vinegar helps, and they love the taste.

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