The American Cemani Breeders forum

Thanks so excited. Our pair was a gift from a friend. We have one Greenfire and one Toni Marie. Hoping for good genetics and then to ad one more hen.

That is a good start. You will get culls from them, so just cull really hard and keep the best for breeders. Grow their chicks out and see what flaws show up, you may get some with some bleed through in their necks, may get some where their mouths are pink or gray and even pink and gray spotted. But you should also get some good ones to work with and breed back to.

My cross between these two lines keep getting better with each generation with less flaws showing up at hatch.
I did on eBay. The one chick that hatches had a pink tongue and light toes...but the chick didn't make it so I can't tell you how it matured, sorry.

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