The American Cemani Breeders forum


That's terrible news.

If you need any of my line, I can drive out to you and trade you 3 for 1 to boost your Population.

I have six 3 month olds from my winter hatch and 18 more which are younger.

Call me or pm me.

The headless ducks makes me think your suspect is a racoon. Did you get any photos of its tracks before yesterdays rain washed them away?

If it is a racoon, it will be back.

I know a breeder who could not trap his racoon. So he finally got up in a deer stand and put out 4 roosters in a little open pen. He waited there 3 nights. Shotgun killed all of them with 3 shots after the racoon got in and started killing.

Problem solved.
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Sorry for your loss. You worked so hard on the birds you have. On the bright side, you didn't lose all of them :)

Anyway, looks like I have black cemani, ginger and "Albino" Cemani chicks in this batch

No, those chicks are from my Hmong pair below


Was just poking fun at that ebay seller someone posted a link of his "Albino" cemani ad and trying to lighten things up :)
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Thanks everyone, still no luck yet at catching it, but almost 100% sure it is a raccoon. My traps have been dragged and moved and everything else, I now have them tied down and even have tied the bait down on the inside to keep them from trying to pull it throw the cage.

I spent the last few days re-enforcing my lots, adding more strands of electric fence along my chain link fence, mainly at the bottom where it has been trying to dig under it.

Also thanks to everyone's offers, but I will be fine, it didn't get my Ayam Cemani roosters or hens, just juvenile birds, pullets and ducks, and a few of my other breeds. But I am just moving forward, I've already ordered a pair of Mandarin ducks and some hatching eggs to replace some of the other breeds that I lost.
I've given up on the Ebay thing since, but I couldn't help but see something funny on my home page, with suggested sells and such (based on past purchases, I assume). 

New Albino Ayam Cemani Mutation... 


...Really? :pop

Ya this jokers ad came up on the cemani fb group I'm on. If it isn't a joke already albino animals have pink eyes, also notice how it's only a head in every photo, well except the chick which has 2 colors so also not albino.

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