The American Cemani Breeders forum

eBay found in my favor. I received a full refund. Meanwhile, the seller/scammer's listings that are using my photo and text, lifted from Craigslist, are still up, offering "Ayam Cemani" eggs. :(

Good for you! I wasn't so lucky and lost claims against all three orders (I placed all three orders within a couple weeks, unaware at that point what was going to hatch out or not hatch out)... but oh well, it was a learning experience. My first clutch actually came pretty close. There was one chick that died in the shell that passed as a Cemani to me. Had light feet and some white, but probably would have grown out with that pretty green sheen that I like so much and probably would have ended up quite dark. The others, not so much. Ho hum. I'm excited about what I should have hatching tomorrow. I don't care about light toes. I've seen pics, and these babies should be pretty dark and have that "look".

Day 20 on my Cemani eggs. I shouldn't be candling, but I have every day since Day 17. Everyone is still alive in there... I'm probably going to be a little stressed tomorrow. Good think I'll be at work instead of hovering over the incubator.
I usually don't touch mine until day 20. Then I quickly move to the hatcher. They are usually already pipped, or in position internally. I've found the later I let them sit, the better hatch rate I get. I've had them hatch in the turning tray before on day 20 and they do just fine.
I usually don't touch mine until day 20. Then I quickly move to the hatcher. They are usually already pipped, or in position internally. I've found the later I let them sit, the better hatch rate I get. I've had them hatch in the turning tray before on day 20 and they do just fine.

It's funny you should mention that... because I've started noticing the same thing. I was actually hesitant to put these into lockdown the night of Day 18, because lately I have been going into lockdown early on Day 20. I check the air cells at 18, just to compare... but the size usually looks good, and hold off until 20. I swear I've hatched more this way... whether it be luck or what...
Sorry to keep pestering you all with my Ayam Cemani hatch. I'm just so excited, and I desperately want these babies to hatch!

No sign of external pipping yet... but there are soft little peeps coming from my incubator!

I hope everyone's hatches are going well this weekend! I am so stinkin' excited!

I'm sleeping next to the incubator tonight.

:(. ...
I received four eggs from a fellow BYC'r and one was infertile and two quit early and the last quit day nineteen.
My Cemani Xs on the other hand are like kernels in a hot-air popper! Got three out and two more pipped! Also got two Svart Hona. (Out of eight)!!! One other pipped so might have three.
Really really bummed about my Cemani chicks... but fuzz butts numb the pain just enough to keep me occupied while mourning.
Better luck to everyone! Happy hatching!

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. ...
I received four eggs from a fellow BYC'r and one was infertile and two quit early and yhe last quit day nineteen.
My Cemani Xs on the other hand are like kernels in a hot-air popper! Got three out and two more pipped! Also got two Svart Hona. (Out of eight)!!! One other pipped so might have three.
Really really bummed about my Cemani chicks... but fuzz butts numb the pain just enough to keep me occupied while mourning.
Better luck to everyone! Happy hatching!

I'm sorry to hear that, HugHess! When I lose them, I tend to lose them early (within the first week), OR Day 18/19. Losing them so late in the game is difficult. When they've already come so far!

What are your Cemani chicks crossed with?

I've been seriously considering a Svart Hona lately... and I'm glad that you still have some fuzzies to enjoy! The babies are so much fun!
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I'm sorry to hear that, HugHess! I tend to lose them early (within the first week) OR Day 18/19. Losing them so late in the game is difficult. :hit

What are your Cemani chicks crossed with?

I've been seriously considering a Svart Hona lately... and I'm glad that you still have some fuzzies to enjoy! The babies are so much fun!


Thank you for your empathy. I didn't realize how much I needed it until you gifted it. Thank you for that. I appreciate it.
My babies are supposed to be a 'boo-boo' w/a Mottled English Orpington roo.
Here are a couple pics of hens at about 4 months and new babies...






I am with you on both Svart and AC ! I need (want) a good roo and a couple more pullets!
STAT! Lol! I just love these two breeds. Darn chicken math!
Woot woot for all hatchers ( and my sincerest condolences for those who find themselves in my 'shoes'...)
"Stay calm and set another batch" like I am doing because I can't crack my eggs for breakfast, they keep magically finding their way in my three bators!

Best wishes everybody. Happy Easter weekend!
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