My chicks are coming! They left New Orleans last night & should be here tomorrow! I am getting 10 BBS bantam orps: 5 blue, 3 black and 2 splash. Gotta get the brooder set up today...
My chicks are coming!  They left New Orleans last night & should be here tomorrow!  I am getting 10 BBS bantam orps:  5 blue, 3 black and 2 splash.  Gotta get the brooder set up today...

Exciting! I can't wait to see pics! Are they from a hatchery or breeder?
Congrats! They are so cute. it amazes me how quickly those little chicks fall asleep. I saw one today bend down toward the feed, stretch out its neck, then face plant in the food - fast asleep. If only i could sleep that well....

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