~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Quote: Mershan carefully carried the babes following Traveler. "If she is that upset she must have lost someone." She frowned.


There were two other cells with the crew in them. He continued on. The their third engineer was in the cell with Porthos. He came over. "I counted 3 Dracon Porthos." He whispered.


"Cal off the attack now as spare your mens lives." Gordon squeezed more.

Suddely the ship powered off and the gravity released.

IN the other hall the men used their night vision to get Loora and the cook out of the pod.. but only after Cook killed 2 of them and bit another ear off. Loora was still unconscious.


Theia sat in a chair bouncing her leg ad watched him.


He smirked and watched her.
Honestly, keeping up with this thread is like swimming through quicksand. Chic, I'll look up the last rp post I did, see if I can remember what was going on and what I had planned. I think that I remember something about Callabine and co needing a rescue....
We can just start. You backed out a meteor heading for the ship)

Ykran held his breath..........
Quote: (here Blue)
(PART 1)

Callabine mumbled something incomprehensible as she flew the ship through the asteroids. Duran pulled a plasti-bond patch from a compartment. He opened the panel and pushed the rock back out through the hole in the hull, then pressed the patch on the hole.

The two remaining ships changed tactics. They stopped at the edge of the asteroid belt and fired two heat-seeking missiles at Callabine's ship. The tracking system in one of the missiles glitched, causing it to spin around as soon as its rockets engaged and fly into one of the enemy ships. The other missile flew after Callabine's ship. Ykran stabilized himself near he cockpit. He couldn't remember things but still had knowledge in there some how. "Blow up some bigger asteroids behind you quickly."

A large warship had been dispatched after them it was five minutes out. (PART 2)

Callabine flew in a spiral, the speed of the ship sending asteroids spinning into the path of the other rocket. It crashed int an asteroid, sending rock shards flying through space in all directions. One of the shards pierced the engines of the remaining ship, creating a massive explosion that shattered many nearby asteroids. The shards of metal and rock flew towards Callabine's ship.

My phone's about to die, I'll be back later. (kk)

"Nice moves." Ykran complimented. (PART 3)

"Don't complement me yet," Callabine ground out between her clenched teeth. "Wait until we are on Terrelis. Could you please sit down, I'd hate for you to die of a broken neck during your own rescue mission." She increased their speed, trying to outrun the shrapnel from the explosions.

"Hurry up, Captain!" Duran said.

"I'm trying!" she hissed. She tightened her grip on the controls until her knuckles turned white. A large piece of shrapnel flew at the ship. Callabine jinked the ship from side to side as she tried to avoid it. Suddenly a small asteroid crashed into the side of the ship, sending it spinning.

((Happy New Year's Eve, everybody!!!)) Ykran held tight as they were slammed around. this would be their end, once a ship lost control in an asteroid field.. they met their end.
Thanks Owl. Here Blue )

****. I thought that I had part four done. Now I have to rewrite it.
Quote: Milan smirked then walked through the illusion and continued. She followed the flame her dainty feet making no sound as she walked. she listened and examined carefully.


(it's okay just means I can surprise you tee hee)

"Just checking in." He smirked. "Did you locate that brat Hasis yet?"

"How are you enjoying your stay? " A voice ranged around.

Wolves appeared again, and flashed their fangs.


(Okay. )

"Yes. .he forgot to take off his bracelet when he treasoned with me. " Zandor another, rising up. "He's at Shirunian, " "Um.... well I find it curious.. but I am not really enjoying my stay. I would like to go home please?" She folded her hands and ignored the wolves. "Your dogs are pretty." She continued to walk.


"Hmmmm well that should be easy for you with all those Shruni under your control." Vader smirked. "If you need me to kill anyone's will to fight you, you know where to find me."

"No you're not leaving. " The voice fumed. "You like my dogs.. .well they sure want to play with you.. "


"No the Shiruni is not under my control, not since Hasis became free. But Riko was sent there for some task, I suspect him to get Hasis. Plus two Oracle readings are heading to Celestial. " "No one is playing with me thank you." Milan continued on her way. She was debating on using the power Aurora gave her, but she felt she should not give it away yet, no more than making small things like food.


"Ah..... I see.... That is one place both of us cannot go. Don't even attempt it." He rubbed his head. "It is a death sentence." Something was agitating Vader.

"You can be there new chew toy. " It chuckled.

The wolves walked closeer to her, snarling.


"I was planning once they leave the place. " Zandor smirked. "Why are you agitated?" He questioned. "Then why not just kill me and get it over with?" Milan sighed. "Thy are not real anyhow."


He nodded. "One of the things I need to do to complete my goal is not making much if any headway. I am running out of time and Purple has things a need but he know who I am and would never cooperate."

(Aurora and Ralis are on their way to Sedonia now. Sentena is on the moon.)

"Because I need you.. ." It replied and the wolves moved, and vanished. "You have a great pair of eyes.. .but how long till you know real from fake? "


"What sort of things do you need? " he asked.

(I know. :p. .who? ) Milan sighed. "I don't use my eyes." She informed then continued. "Nor am I afraid of animal species of any kind. Not even the Drex frightened me.. I just knew they had to be fought." She sped up as her white flame did.


"It's not my place to involve you..." His agitation increasing. "Not because I don't want to .. but because I can't." It involved Zandor's past and his and he could not risk speaking about it. Documentation about it was rare too.

(Oracle of Magic by hollieberry) "Hehe what about humanoid?" It cackled,vanishing.

Two Succubus appeared in front and behind her.


"I was going to use an Oracle to get the certain things you need." Zandor noted his frustration skyrocketing.
(Ahh...So you want me to get her?) That did frighten her. She did her best to hide it. Milan's little heart was racing. "Your not real." She cracked then shoved past the two in front her fer.


(That's up to Hollieberry. Vader has her sister played by heny)

"It's comlicated. He has to be fooled into doing the things I need him too before he is fully prepared... And once you can control Angel and he is able to not realize it and also give her a real body for herself, as in restore it... then it ill be done... then he needs to die." Vader sighed. "I honestly wish I could tell you more."
"Oh but it is. " A Succubus snagged her from her shirt.
Two more approached.


(Ahh okay. )

"Can you send something or someone to tell me more? Zandor questioned,fiddlingwith an aabnormal pen.
Milan yelped making fists so no one would grab her hands. "Let me go." Her voice quivered.


"When the time is right.. I will tell you myself... but you eternal filters have to be completed.... You know I raised you cared for you like a son.. I need you to trust me on this." Vader sighed. "Is there anything you need either? Aside from... what we were just discussing.
Quote: "Mmm but not mine." She cuddled with him. "You have to admit that was pretty... smart."


"I have never.. ever done that before."Ella was so embarrassed.


"Be careful... " Loredo sighed. "What you do and don't agree too. I have to find a way to tell my daughter her mother won't be coming home..."


*snicker* 5 pulled another out. "On guard?" She held it like a sword.


(the spy)

He lifted his weapon. The program.. you choose a female." He watched the guys movements carefully.


Sam sighed. "Now you know why I need to see how he is doing."
[CONTENTEMBED=/t/704258/the-battle-of-the-empires-a-rp/74910#post_12830785 layout=inline]

"I like it.. but so far out.. don't you ever get lonely out here?"  Jack asked.

(having a hard time picking?)


Vlad smirked. "Oh really?" He  brushed the side of her face then did it again.


"Your ways are childlike..... we  tend to be like that for those who have never had to harbor and whittness death of war. Or be tortured be evil darkness."  Nostros sighed.


"Um no... we just kissed...  courting is what happens up until you allow me to become your husband." He informed. "Its growing to love each other."


Kyle smiled. "Alright."  He put some more burrito on her plate.


Kitkat set down the peaches, "It really does get lonely, but hey I make the most of things." She glance over at him.


Azia fell back as she tried to evade it, "Vlad!" she snickered, curling her legs to her chest.


"And are you disagreeing because of it?" Avery folded his arms, looking up. "We try to make the best of things, despite the situation."


"Well I'm sure falling for you...which I'm not sure why." Theniza rolled her eyes, but sprouted a joyful smile. "Alright I guess I will go with your way, since your ways already interest me."


Shade ate more of it, "I like your exotic food here, so yummy." she giggled.

(between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?"  He laughed. "You're too cute not to."  He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving."  He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks."  Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.


"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin.

(he he.  Tough choices.. Erol is more shy about affection though)

"Yes I do. But I have family I visit and friends and such."  Jack informed while continuing to sort the peaches.


"Yeah you are.. I see a sweet woman.. great hair... interesting tattoo's... but I see a fierce fighter in there too.  Kinda... hot."  vlad snickered a tad then winked.


"Mhmmm... well Ira will take you to the comms center for you to talk to your kinfolk." Nostros nodded.


He went with her as he didn't have much of a choice.


"I just find your manner.... cute."  He smiled then offered her a napkin.

(Yes. ..but I hope I decide.. .or you can cause a ruckus, so I can only choose one. )

Kitkat surveyed through her memories, and discovered she couldn't remember anyone she knew, other them Erol and Jack. "I have no one. " she muttered, depressed by the thought. She halted sorting the peaches.


Azia dropped her chops as she listened to his glorious comments. "Oh Vlad you're beyond sweet.. and lovable. " she blushed at the ending part.


Avery nodded, "thanks again. " he smirked, walking to the lady. He glance at her, "okay Idna, can you lead me? " He quizzed nicely.


Theniza darted out of the river and fluttered to the clouds. She carried him by his two wrists and granted him stunning, vast wings. "Now learn to fly! " she hollered, holding onto him until he got the idea.


"Oh now stop it. " Shade smiled bubbly. She shunned her face with her hand. "You're kind. "
Mershan carefully carried the babes following Traveler. "If she is that upset she must have lost someone." She frowned.


There were two other cells with the crew in them. He continued on. The their third engineer was in the cell with Porthos. He came over. "I counted 3 Dracon Porthos." He whispered.


"Cal off the attack now as spare your mens lives." Gordon squeezed more.

Suddely the ship powered off and the gravity released.

IN the other hall the men used their night vision to get Loora and the cook out of the pod.. but only after Cook killed 2 of them and bit another ear off. Loora was still unconscious.


Theia sat in a chair bouncing her leg ad watched him.


He smirked and watched her.
"Indeed." He said sofrlt.


"A red female in the group?" Porthos wanted payback.


He did.


He got done "ready?"


She finished.
Quote: He Leaned back.


Vader finally found who he suspected to be him. "Necro." He called his name using summoning power.


"With what?" Tronto asked.


"Hara after 10 minutes she slowly started to relax. "Others have tried to earn my trust and when I gave in.. they showed their true intentions."


"Would money interest you? Rare gems?"
Quote: "Noroleene lillies. They help make you calm and happy. When we have grieving people we fill their house with them. " He mentioned kindly.


(Torid and Ises)

"Or would only your children be keepers?" Torid asked.


Soon they had the bunch tucked in and Yonell turned off the light and backed out quietly.


They went to the palace. Grace was excited to see Barron. "Bar bar!" She put her arms out.

Barron laughed. "Good to see you too. " He caught himself staring at Marie then looked away. "You guys have fun me and Nina got this." Nina was 9 and happily wanted to hold the baby. Lithia was reluctant still but carefully put him in her lap as she sat down.

Crut and his family were at the announcement as well. The babies were under heavy guard with the nursemaids and Nostros' children The next room over from Lithia's babies.


Hera came around 5 hours later. She weakly sat up.


"Good that makes this easier. .... " He went in and tagged the girls then then too disappeared. "Good work. " He winked then headed off the ship.
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