~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Quote: Kaliska nodded, closed her eyes, and almost instantly fell asleep.

Barrett opened his eyes and looked around. Then he stealthily jogged into the bushes, a startled a woman who was hiding. She gasped, and started running. Barrett tagged her. "Sorry." he chuckled.

"We didn't exactly farm, just had a lot of chickens for eggs." Hannah smiled at the memory. "I was scared of the rooster." she chuckled.

Jesslyn laughed, doing a sliding stop by the building, and sticking a hoof out in his path jokingly. "Trip." she snickered.

Jasmine's arms her folded across her chest. "Stupid flower-headed mares.." she growled, and watched as the mare's tail vanished down the hall.

Braxton was sitting in a chair, looking at a magazine. "Darn..." he muttered, flipping the page. He hadn't meant to offend Lana, he just wasn't ready to be even a tiny bit close to another mare yet. He sighed deeply.
(Lol. XD)

Chester gave an exasperated sigh. "You're just like your mom." he gave her the same look she gave him, then started laughing.
Brenk just cuddled with his babies and Gratina cleaned everything up and made it comforatable in their room.


"Okay I'm it.. go find the others until you find your mate."


"How come?" Noonan was curious.


"Hey." He slid stopped and hopped over it.


"What she seems nice?" Ferris wondered.

(what was the cuddly all about earlier then :p)

Lana woke up and realized the time. "I need to head back and sleep. Otherwise I won't make it." She mentioned to Braxton in the hall as she hobbled out.


Lexus smiled. "Good cuz you are a stubborn mule." She then giggled. Later Kaliska woke up, and looked around sharply. "Brenk?" she called.

Barrett slipped into the bushes and searched for Myrna.

Hannah looked at him, then lifted a pantleg. She had many criss-crossing scars. "He attacked me once, when I picked up some chicks." she explained.

Jesslyn swished her tail, and smiled. "Thanks for walking me." she said. "Were you going to stay or head back?"

"Did you not see what she did to dad?" Jasmine looked over. "That girl is trouble.... and I'm gonna watch her.." her eyes narrowed. "Brat..." she muttered. Her hair flopped down in front of her angry eyes. She didn't want some dumb mare getting between her dad and Lana...

(Shh, he's making up his mind. xP)

"Hey, wait up. I'll walk with you, if they allow me out." Braxton said, touching her arm. "Let me go find out and then say bye to the kids." he went past her to the information desk.

"Well you aren't so bad yourself.." Chester chuckled and kissed her cheek. "Right here." He took her hand. The babes were bundled on their bed with a warmer.


Myrna was between two rocks and a bush.


"Ouch.. I would have eaten him for that one." He huffed. "But you guys don't do that."


"Well I am on a pager.. and it's not my shift.. but they might need extra hands.... do you want me to stay?" Thrain asked.


Ferris covered his mouth then couldn't help but snicker. "You should see your face.. no.. no I didn't see what she did.. what did she do?" He had this grin of amusement on his face.


Lana nodded then took a seat.

The nurse looked at him. "Trying to escape?" She smiled. She handed him his papers. "Just sign and come back in tomorrow for a checkup with a doctor."


"Daddy." She smirked. "Okay go lay in bed and maybe I will let you eat half a pie." Kaliska smiled up at him. "Are they alright?" She asked him, sitting up.

Barrett searched around, and saw a flash of Myrna's shirt from the angle where he was. He started sneaking up.

"Nope. We most differently do not." Hannah chuckled. "I just had to learn to avoid him."

Jesslyn shrugged. "I'm just leaving the option open to you." She smiled. "So when and where is this marshmallow gathering again?" She asked.

Jasmine looked at him through her hair. "Flaunted her little self right by him...." She turned pink with anger. "You better hold me back Ferris.." She snarled.

Braxton signed it, smiled kindly, then hurried back to Lana. "Ok. I can get out of here." He said triumphantly and grinned.

Chester slumped, and trudged off to his room. "Meany." He told her, then went speedy quick into his room.
"Yes they are hungry babies." He picked up the daughter first. "Here's you mini me." He handed her to Kaliska. "They are so sweet." He was overjoyed.


Myrna unknowingly started to doze off. (lol)


"Ah... Well I won't let ay rooster be mean to you." Noonan stood tall an proud as he said that then he relaxed.


"My place the older foals will come, and at dark. No worries I will walk you home safe." He nodded.


"You are already in bed.. and I can't move with my leg like this. Well you dad's a grown stallion. He can say no... unless you think he will say yes?" He raised a brow.

"Good. It's near dark anyhow. I feel better about that." She sighed in relief.


She giggled and took the pie that was cooled already and put a towel under it and stick a fork in the middle. (I am guilty... my husband caught e and took a picture.. I was pregnant XD) She carried it into him and then put on his favorite show in the viewer and sat down a large glass of creamy cold milk. "There daddy knock yourself out."
Kaliska took her, and held her close. She looked at her tiny face with a look of joy on her own face.

Barrett peeked over the edge of the rocks, and stared down at her. He touched her lightly, "Boo."

Hannah glanced sideways at him, then looked away. "That's... kind of you." she said, with little emotion in her voice; it was hard to tell what she was thinking.

"Thanks. I'll be there." Jesslyn smiled, and started to head for the building. She turned around at the door and waved. "See you then!"

"No! He would NOT say yes." Jasmine frowned at him. "I just don't like her.... I don't want her interfering-" she blushed deeply. "Nevermind."

"I do too." Braxton smiled, "I'm gonna say by to Ferris and Jazzy." he said, then went quickly down the hall. He came back in a few minutes. "Lets go."

Chester poked his head around the door frame. He looked surprised. "Well that looks delicious." he grinned. He came down the hall, and got all excited when he saw that his favorite movie was playing. His blue eyes twinkled. "Wanna stay?" he asked her, and settled into the couch. He rarely ever got the chance to relax and take a break.

"I see the love taking over.' Brenk smiled.

"Yelp." She grabbed her heart. "Oh you are stealthy."


Noonan opened his door then locked it once she was inside. Then he showed her the shop. "Here." He opened the door.


"C ya." He smirked. then headed to the back to check on things.


"Don't you never mind me... with what... Lana? You want you dad with her don't you?" Ferris poked her rib.


"Okay." Lana got up and carefully hobbled. "Well this walk will be nicer then that last.. the shuttle is a floor down."


"Sure... After I check the chickens and cows.. will be just a few minutes." She kissed his cheek.
Kaliska chuckled. "Of course." she smiled at him.

Barrett laughed. "You okay?" he touched her shoulder gently.

Hannah held the box of peepers close, and looked around.

Jesslyn opened the door and went inside, closing it behind her.

Later, after all her work was done, Jesslyn pulled on a jacket and went outside. It was after dinner time, so she went out and looked around at the sky. She breathed in the cool evening air.

Jasmine squeaked and moved away. "Nooooo..." she pulled on an innocent look.

"Good, your leg doesn't seem to be doing well." Braxton said, concerned.

"Ok." Chester looked like an excited kid. He took a bite of pie, and turned his eyes on the viewer.
"How are you feeling baby?"


"Yes." She smiled then gave him his kiss.

"I you have then anywhere in the apartment.. just keep the mess cleaned up.. and no counters or furniture k?" He clarified.


Thrain had the fire starting up and the supplies pulled out along with hot chocolate and cider.


"Ah ah ahah.. don't lie to me.. I can read you eyes just fine." He kissed his finger then carefully touched her lips with it.


"I am just tired.. " She admitted. "Did a lot of walking today." She leaned against him. "How about your head... I think I need to make you some ice packs for it."


Late Lexus came in with popcorn ans sat with him. "This is nice." She snuggled against her daddy.
"I'm fine... a little tired, but fine." Kaliska answered.

Barrett grinned. "You're it again."

"No problem." Hannah nodded, casting a glance at him.

Jesslyn walked over with some of the older foals. As they neared Thrain's place, the sound of their laughing and talking grew louder.

"Ok fine.... yes." Jasmine smiled, then her green eyes turned intense, and she leaned toward him. "And no dumb mare is gonna interfere with my plan." she smiled after she said it.

"No, I'm alright." Braxton patted her shoulder, tempted to lean into her lean. "But if you need anything, let me know."

Chester smiled, and put the pie on her lap. "It's good." he chuckled, then turned back to the movie.

"Ready for your boy?" he held him down at her level. "We still have to pick names."


"I am? You didn't tag anyone else first?" She sighed.


Noonan then went to sit down and read some data.


Thrain put out beef dogs in case anyone wanted to roast those He saw Jesslyn in the failing light and waved up to her. "There you are." He smiled.


"Oh boy.. what diabolical deed are you cooking up now?" He snickered.


"Just having you to talk to.. is wonderful.. and I feel protected.. I miss that feeling. You are a blessing to me Braxton." She smiled softly.


"Glad you like it daddy." She smiled.
"I know.... have you thought of any?" Kaliska took their son.

"Oh wait, yeah I did. Nevermind." Barrett smiled.

Hannah settled herself on the floor, and held each chick and gave it a name.

"Thought we would never get here." Jesslyn laughed. "Had to round all of them up."

"Somethin' small..... but effective." Jasmine had a sinister grin on her bruised face.

"What do you mean protected?" Braxton asked, his eyes curious. "You had body guards, right?"

"Thanks, Lexi." Chester smiled.
"I like Linden for the boy.. what do you think?" Brenk stroked Kaliskas hair.


'Then we get to hide." Myrna kissed his lips again. "Time to head out. once you tag someone and find your partner you yell Oly olly oxen free and everyone has to come out of hiding." She smiled.


Noonan just listened to her and the peeps.


Thrain smiled. "It's alright. Jesslyn this is Jared an associate of mine. We had some business to discuss so he stuck around." He introduced him.


Jared nodded. "Pleased to meet you."


"K You're scarin me.. what is it?" He raised a brow.


"I had then until I quit my career and it was just my husband.. A mare like to feel protected.. I feel that way with you. You did chase off Naug,and have been looking out for me. You care." She gave him a soft smile.


"You are welcome daddy.... I am happy that I have you." She hugged him.
Nova leaped off and began to flap continually. XD


"Okay you moaned." Star rolled her eyes.


Spirit looked at one of his helpers, "We need to help her..." He pouted , researching more with Barabus or Kraken.
"Well that works." He chuckled watching her.


"Grooowled in my sleep." He licked her.


The Counts only tie to Barabus and Kraken was the Dark Science Guild membership.

Nova flapped, "I'm falling! "


"Oh sure." Star laughed.


Spirit searched if Count created, caused, or prevented anything.
"Well you are hovering a few inched above the ground." He held back a snicker.

Kuru laughed. "I best get ready for work." He stretched.


He was known for putting ou tgood fighting stock, and unique weaponry, as well as custom designed ships. Nothing else was public.
"I'm going to die!" She whimpered.


"You have a wonderful time." She licked his nose.

Spirit glance over to see if anyone was watching them. He searched the name Angel.
(started the other line for you already)

Silver Dane chuckled. He blew hot steamy air out and she lifted way high into the sky then he put his head under her. "You were fine."


"Thanks... you too." Kuru nuzzled her. He left...


Nothing came up.
Nova leaped off and began to flap continually. XD


"Okay you moaned." Star rolled her eyes.


Spirit looked at one of his helpers, "We need to help her..." He pouted , researching more with Barabus or Kraken.
"Well that works." He chuckled watching her.


"Grooowled in my sleep." He licked her.


The Counts only tie to Barabus and Kraken was the Dark Science Guild membership.

Nova flapped, "I'm falling! "


"Oh sure." Star laughed.


Spirit searched if Count created, caused, or prevented anything.
"Well you are hovering a few inched above the ground." He held back a snicker.

Kuru laughed. "I best get ready for work." He stretched.


He was known for putting ou tgood fighting stock, and unique weaponry, as well as custom designed ships. Nothing else was public.
"I'm going to die!" She whimpered.


"You have a wonderful time." She licked his nose.

Spirit glance over to see if anyone was watching them. He searched the name Angel.
(started the other line for you already)

Silver Dane chuckled. He blew hot steamy air out and she lifted way high into the sky then he put his head under her. "You were fine."


"Thanks... you too." Kuru nuzzled her. He left...


Nothing came up.
(Posted :p )


"You believe so?" She stuttered as she kept flapping.


WHile Kuru was gone, Star decided to take Valor (this is his name..I researched itXD) Blaze, Odette, Aquila to the park today.


Spirit looked at her, "We must help." He took a gander at the trade.

"Well then strawberry you shall have." He headed for the store.


"They poo inside... and we hear their songs just fine. out ears are very keen." She informed.


"I know." She giggled. "Come and get me puppy." She kissed to him then started running again.


"Yes I had two wives taken.. a new foe that is succeeds will destroy us all. a handfull of other foes. and heard headed being who won;t tll me what I need to know.. and yes of course I irritate others im a 'bad guy' according to everyone else.. ya know if only people would be as sweet as you maybe they would see me differently." he sighed.

"oh I also over passion fruit." Shella winked into his eyes.


"A lot of species have keen hearing. But I guess I enjoy birds so much, is because I'm part of one." Zahara snickered, reversing back to Kasha's direction.


Alto blinked at her, "Puppy?" He grinned, obviously thinking it's playtime now. He sprinted and clamped to another branch and skydived down to a pair of vast leaves. He landed on his feet and pounced off the leaves to a branch, then the ground. "Your mine now." He snickered, and darted after her.


Amalurra tilted her head sideways, "How are you bad? You helped Aura from....Someone's mess up and your protecting an Oracle...How does that make you bad?" She asked, faking her sorrow. "Those are good too." He entered the store and went to the juice isle. "Here you go.. pick as many as you want... just not the whole store." He chuckled.


"Of course." She smiled.

Nostros was settling a border dispute for some colonist farmers.


She kept running but didn't have his speed. She bound over a large log then hid under it. She held her breath.


Barbus was no fool, but he continued. "Perhaps you should ask my enemies.... they like to make crafty assumptions about what happened. I just do what it takes to assure we all survive."

Shella grew a sparkling smile and her eyes glisten full of joy. "Oh there is so many." She snickered, examining each one closely.


Zahara nodded, "Shall we go visit Nostros? " she asked, examining the plants.


Shakiera glance at Mea, "hey do you want to glide somewhere else? I promise to be gentle." She smiled, for a promise.


Alto was concentrating on his sight instead of his smell. He briefly leaped over the immense log and proceed to dot, until he realized she was out of his sight.


Amalurra nodded, "And who are your enemies?" She asked, finishing her cheese. "Can I have more juice?" She asked.

"Take your time." he stroked her wing.


"No.. he needs to work." She smiled. "We can watch a bit or continues about if you like?"


"Um... howabout a walk.. I need to settle my breakfast back down."


Jolly crouched low under the log the grass hiding her... mostly.


He summoned more. "Many.. Some are light creatures.. others not." Out of the blue Shella glided down the Ilse and stocked up on the juice, by tossing them in a basket. "All!" She hollered. As she return she began to smoothly slid across the floor in a rhythm. (I love juice." She grinned as she continued.


Zahara nodded, "As long as you and he don't mind it." She shot a shy smile, observing more.


"he he. Okay." Shakiera giggled, launching off the tree. She fanned out her wings and glided down to the surface.


Alto wasn't going to use his sense of smell, yet. He keened his eyes and scanned around for her.


Amalurra tilted her head at the juice, "And why would you want me to talk to them?" She asked, tilting back and sipped on it. "One of each.. only have so much room pumpkin and we can always come back." He snickered at her cuteness.


"Not at all." She smiled.


"-better." She rolled in Shakeira's fur.


Only a small patch if the shiny purple hair could be seen if he could see them through the flowers. Jolly listened for him and after it grew silent she carefully moved her head up to look.


"It was a figure of speech.. as in you can ask them why they think I am a bad guy." "Oh that sounds good!" Shella hollered over excited. She scouted for the pumpkin juice, as she listened, "Okay." she giggled. She found it and snatched it, "I love juice." She snickered, setting it in the basket.


Zahara didn't pay any attention to Kasha, but listened, "Okay." she muttered, observing still.


Shakiera felt her rub against her pelt, "You like my fur?" She giggled, preparing to land.


Alto did detect something purple, he silently scurried on the log. Once she peeped her head up he pounced on her, "Your mine." he smiled.


"Well I can say this, there has been many bad news about, like kidnapping creatures such as the Terrelians." Amalurra cocked a brow. "I see that. I like it too.. but don;t you get it often enough?" He wondered.


After the farmers finished arguing Nostros took the data and read it. He then sighed. "Very well if you cannot come to an agreement yourselves I will do it for you. Each year you trade the adjoining territory in dispute or split it down the middle.. if you continue the path you are on even with such an agreement then after the third year, I will take the questioned plot for myself and give it to another farmer.. is this understood?"

"They nodded."

"Now who will go first?"

The one farmer sighed. "I'd rather not loose the land completely so I will let him go first.. I will have to adapt my crop."

"Sounds good to me." The other huffed.

Nostros watched their eyes carefully. "No.. you work he land first.. and in fact I think I better look at this property again. Hmmmm. Ah well you sir since you have shown the spirit of generosity and care for the land you get 2/3 of it and the other 1/3... you have 3 years an suggest you make peace.." He sealed the new property line. "Here you go." He smiled. "Good day."

Both the men bowed and left.




Jolly yelped and panted as she lay flat on her back looking up at him from being startled O.O..... then she settled and smiled. "Darn you got me... " She giggled. "Did you enjoy your chase?"


"Mmm yes ... I have heard that too.... and it happens to most species. I don't have any here right now. My last slave escaped. And yes I keep a few, I have a lot to maintain around here and so many detest me I have to make them stay." He shrugged.

Shella nodded as she place some juices back, "Well ya, but if some of us don't get juice in amount of time we go crazy." She grinned, glancing over her shoulder in his eyes. She set a few more down, "By the way your immortal." She snickered, hiding behind a stock of juice.


Zahara listened and observed closely, "Too bad life isn't like that all the time." She sighed.


Shakiera landed on her front paws and fanned her wings for a bit, "there." She smiled, creating a ramp from her wing.


Alto swayed his tail full of joy and panted too, "Yes he nodded happily. "I must say your really good." he grinned, pouncing off of her and on the log. "Joy...you're really fun." he gasped.


Amalurra raised a brow, "You keep slaves?" :hmm "Why? What did they do to deserve it?" She asked, sipping more.

"Oh yeah forget I am not just some old stud anymore." He smirked. "Are you addicted or something?" He wondered.


"Like what?" Kasha asked quietly.


Mea scurried down. "Thank you." *squeak*


Jolly lay there and looked up at him. "Thanks.. well I have had training.. and I always was a bit of a daredevil. Having 3 brothers can do that." She giggled. "You put up a good chase too Alto." She ginned. She thought a moment. "Do you like to play hide and seek?"


"I have my reasons." He smirked. "I do what I need to ensure certain things will happen.. like all of us survive. And I need certain people for certain things... " He shrugged.

Shella strolled up to him and gifted him an lovely hug, "That's right, and your now part of me." She kissed his lips tenderly. "We just love juice that much."


Zahara glance at Kasha, "More friendly and fair." She sighed, explaining. "Life ist isn't fair to most...even if we do sweet things."


Shakiera fluttered skyward, "good bye and your welcome." She nodded and glided back to the palace.


Alto nodded in. Delight, "I love hide and seek...I was born with it." He grinned, rising up. "You hide and ill seek you out."


Amalurra slurped a but more, "Luke who? " she wondered, planting it back on the table. Gerard stared into her lovely eyes. A loving smile spread across his face. "Well I will just have to keep you happy hm?" He leaned in and kissed her soft lips. "Lets buy this and head back... " He winked.


"We understand that... it's they way he rules.. and he oversees the other Kings as well. we have a massive and intricate system of governing... but most that dwell in our empire are light creatures.... that and my husband is not a harsh ruler.. even since Odin's attempt to save his people.. he became harsh.. then his sons after. Nostros and his brother are fierce fighters.. but their hearts gentle." She watched her husband as she spoke.


Mea scurried away. In the far distance the twin shimmering peaks of the palace could be seen like beacons.


Jolly sat up the leaned against his knees. "The borders are about 1000 feet from this log.. If you find me and tag me... I owe you dinner." She smiled. "If you loose.. I get a tour of your ship?" She smiled up at him. "Or do we just play until the night falls?"


"That is for this stallion to know my ear.. I can't give away all my secrets. "For most I need only tiny thing.. they would never miss it.. but I am still denied.. so I have to take sometimes... drastic measures."
Shells nodded happily as she set some juices back to their original places. She reversed, slowly detaching, "yes." She smiled, grasping his fingers.


Alto nodded as he heeded, "I like the dinner and the tour part." He grinned, stirring her purple hair.

Zahara nodded slowly, as she listenes, "Just like a wolf. A fierce fighter, but a gentle hearted lover." She smirked, glancing at her.


Rashieka aimed her landing at a balcony.


Amalurra glance at him, "Do you need anything from..." She ceased as she quivered her ears to a sound.

Another portal on the outside of the building appeared.
Gerard held he waist gently as they went to purchase what she has selected. He then paid for the juices and strapped the bags over his back.


Jolly slightly smiled, but then gently grasped the back of his hand. "Who goes first?" She reversed a tad.


"Give him wigs and he would be an eagle." Kasha playfully elbowed her.


A guard slightly startled when he saw Shakeira.


Barabus' eyes narrowed. "Protect yourself... stay hidden. I will deal with this." He disappeared in a black cloud appearing above the portal his black blade in hand. He threw asmal device inside the portal. It was like a tiny flying insect.. but much much more.
Shella had a fluorescent smile blooming at him, "You want me to carry one?" She asked, crawling onto his back.


Alto released her hair and pounced back, "I'll seek you out." He grinned, love in his eyes. "I'll do it." he offered.


Zahara tried to cease her laughing, but it bursted it like an volcano, "Oh...good one.." She giggled to hard and fell back laughing. "Or a pigeon." She added as she laughed.


Shakiera glance down and waved a paw at the guard. She detected the expression on his face and snickered as she landed on a skyscraper balcony.


Amalurra rolled her eyes knowing what it was, but played along. She reversed and stayed behind an object, but peeked over.

A brown wolf with white spots watched him from behind, waiting for Barabus to notice him.

Once the bug seeped in the portal, it enclosed on itself and vanished.
"If you desire.. I am okay though." He gently swat her with his tail.


Jolly gave a smiled filled with wonder and laced with confusion. "Okay I will hide.. no cheating." She giggled then prepared to run and hide once he started counting.


"Oh hush." She snickered.

*ahem* A dignitary cleared his throat as a new case was being brought before Nostros.

"We best move on." Kasha whispered and giggled again.


"Uh hello."


Barabus then gave the wolf his attention. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't roast you on a spit right now pooch."
SHella lightly snickered as his tail swayed in her face, "Soft." She smiled, grabbing it and releasing. She snagged a bottle or two of juice and whacked him with her wings, "backfire."She giggled.


Alto nodded and shook his head, "Don't worry I won't cheat." He snickered, and began to count, "1....2...3" He trailed off, heeding to her sounds.


Zahara was silent, but giggle a mere second. She nodded, "Yes, I agree...Before we disrupt the court." she grinned, following Kasha.


Shakiera Listened to the greeting and glance down to the voice, "Hello." she meowed with a friendly smile.


The wolf grinned, "Because I have a message from Angel to you." he informed, strolling up.

"Hey." He chuckled opening the door to their cabin. "Best put the ones you want first in the fridge." He sat the juices down.

She darted through the grass then fount a thick flower bush and hid inside it. She curled up comfortable under the leaves and flowers then rested as she waited.


Kasha took her back through the back door and then took another path.


"Um... may I ask ho you are with Catopian or Shiruni?"


"Keep you distance and mention it or I will just have my telepath extract it from you." He warned.
Azia grumbled and murmured to herself as she fixed her hair, without observing it. "Oh he thinks he's all better and knows...but he's just like a baby with a pistol." She growled, muttering.

Aquarius listened and wondered how he would make them. She looked at Azia and observed her fixing her hair.
Quote: "How often do you travel to town?" Jack inquired.


"You wield gold.. what can it do?" She asked.

(if her has pewter inside him or growing in his hair or eyes. it looks like silver, only more like a shimmery brushed nickel. The metal is the source that the magic can be used. called an extension)


"Thank you, me too." He smiled. "What about you?"
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