~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP


"No I did it. " Nova smirked.


Star watched him, "really Valor? "


"What if my mom unravels it? How do you play both sides. ..that's so strange. " Cherry sighed.


"What sorts of magic? How do you not have all? " Sky asked.

Angel looked up, "nothing at all. "
"Can you teach us?" One finally yawned.


Kuru snickered. "Reminds me of a toy."


"He does, he always has. his father is a Shadow and his mother the Life Giver . It is in him to do so." Illykran sighed. "And Zandor has your mother again."


"You are shifting the balance.... " He mentioned.

"I doubt you could do it. " Nova sighed.


(Cute. )

"Yep Hover is a good nickname for you. " Star smiled.


"So he's battling between good and evil? That would explain plenty. " Cherry sighed. She looked up, "how do you know. "


"Um, no I'm not. " "Oh well we like that you can." The giggled. "Will you be staying up here with us?"


Kuru snickered. Valor kept going int circles.


"Everything is on that chip." He nodded. "Inoth, King Nostros, and myself have combined our knowledge... and experience. Nostros' wife the Queen, suffered many months as his prisoner. He commenced great evil against her. And another of our females... endured his torture. Both came out scathed and deeply scarred."


He knew that something must be happening because she is separated from herself. "Angel.... I cannot fix you. He had done this and I fear only he can undo this." Barabus knelt down taking her hand. His silver eyes showed his pain.

"Well I guess I will. " Nova nuzzled them, kindly.


"You dork. " Star giggled. "Kuru watch this. "


Cherry plucked out the chip and looked at it. "How can someone, like Barabus endure the screaming and crying of pain and hurt. How can he keep going causing so much suffer? And scare so many innocents? " she cried.


Angel gaze into his eyes, "my love.. what do you mean by fix? " she kneel down and kissed him again. "Yay." They wagged their tails.


"I'm watchin." Kuru smirked.


"I assue that he has been around so much of it... that he has learned to tune it out to survive.. then became the monster out of desparation. Some people are just Evil.. his Grandfather is Valhallah who sought to destroy all life... your great grandfather."


"You are not well... nor yourself my dear... the child is not well.... when I try to undo what he has down you begin to die." Barabus stroked her face.

"But once your parents are here, I'm gone. " Nova sighed.


"First shift is not bad. " Star smiled.


Cherry looked him straight in the eyes, "are you saying if he had gun to a child's head.. .would he release or pull the trigger? "


"How can you fix this? " Angel cried in his chest. "Awwww." They licked her.


He snickered. "We could tie him up and he would be happy... "


"If it suited him to he would not hesitate." Illkran sighed. "Pruple gains character from each of his hosts... Barabus was ruthless as many Rukes can be.. that has been added to all of it."


"I don't know... I have a way... but it means that we have to loose the baby... or I send you back to someone who will... see it fixed.. but I still will have to rescue you later."
"I will visit you though. " Nova wagged her tail.


"Yes, what do you think of it Valor? " Star grinned.


"I can't believe my father is ruthless to so many things. " Cherry sighed, climbing up the ramp. "Why are the men usually cruel? Very rare the moms. "


"What? I don't want to loose our child again. I surely don't want to be sent back. " Angel pouted.
"Okay." They said. "Is your friend still coming with food?"


"Hilarious." Kuru snickered again.


"Oh when a female is cruel she is far more dangerous... but if I can say anything about us males.. is w are more deeply hurt.. not designed to handle the emotional damage like females.... our coping is different. But having to be strong we put layers on top of that hurt and bury it.. but the process often is twisted and malice until we loose ourselves in it. The the cruelty becomes craving.... and one goes farther. He was not this way over night my dear.. but over the span of thousands upon thousands of years. The brother who is much younger but the second eldest of his siblings... is growing just as cruel."


"Angel... there will be more.. but the baby.. he has changed it. It isn't really ours anymore.. I promise we will have another and I will protect you. The loss grieves me Angel.. I beg you." Barabus was very close to being able to give her back to her full and powerful form.. to create the body she needed.
Kassidy lurched to the side, but then changed her momentum, and slammed her shoulder into the mare. She then got to her hooves and sized up Helga, her hands bunched into fists.

"Yes, actually. I don't know why I was so tired.." Hannah shrugged.
"On no you don't cheeky your stud is a bottom dweller." She rammed her weight into her and grabbed Kassidy's hair.

Don has been shadowing and waited for when he needed to step in.


"You did seem upset... that can drain you." Noonan took a few bites of food.
"Not for long." Kassidy grimaced, but reached up and slapped Helga's face hard. At the same time she swung her hindquarters into Helga.

"True.." Hannah also began to eat.
She slapped Kassidy back and yanked hard on her hair. Don sighed she was fighting back, so he wasn't going to step in and stop it. ANother mare came in and grabbed Kassidy's arm yanking her towards the ground.

Don perked, two against one was his cue.


"I thought you would be happy to go home Hannah?" Noonan finally asked.
Kassidy bit back a yelp, and before she hit the ground, she shoved Helga away from her, hard, with her hands. Then she scrambled to her hooves, turned on the other mare, and swung a well-aimed fist at her face. It wasn't a hard hit, but it would leave a bruise. She wasn't aware of where she was at the moment, or what the reaction was of any other mare that saw them. She wanted to prove that she and Don weren't something to be messed with.

"I am.... but.. it's so sudden, and right when I was getting sort of used to everything. I don't know." Hannah shrugged dejectedly.
Angeline came up next to her washing. She had bruises around her neck. She kept her head down. As she started to scrub. She whispered. "How is home?"
Zena glanced to Angeline curiously. "Home?" Her eyes took on a faraway look as she thought of it. She shook her head gently "The same as it has been. Where are you from? I'm Zena by the way" She kept her voice soft and didn't stop washing
Quote: "You're funny... but adorable." Jack winked starting to walk.


"I have had to make new ones.. in here... and here." Vlad pointed to his head and heart.


"Ah I see... well then would you like to make contact with your world and let them know what is going on here?" He inquired.


"Well they are not empty words." Keith locked onto her eyes.


"Oh for me it is." He ordered one as he ate the rice.
Kitkat locked her elbow with his, "I think you're adorable too." She thought about kissing his soft cheek, but wondered how he would feel.


Azia didn't get what he meant by new, but nodded in a reply. "Ya...that's true." she mumbled, not sure what to say.


Avery swallowed the grape whole and bolted up from the exciting suggestion. "Yes, sir!" he bowed his head three times. "I'm dying to aid your people...and maybe we could send someone here to replenish the broken light, or even grant them to be a light creature."


"I can tell..By your feelings." Theniza swam so close, that she finally wrapped her arms around his neck. "You're causing me to fall for you." she sighed, pecking his lips once.


Shade examined the exotic burrito, "Looks great." she smirked, not sure how to compliment the correct way. "Why thank you." Erol laughed.


"One can use his imagination to do anything.. but in time we wake up from the dream and reality sucks." VLad sighed.


Notros smirked. "of course."


Keith smirked And then kissed her lips back but a tad more than a peck. "I am glad you approve Thenzia."


He cut a piece off and fed it to her. ( I so want one!)

Kitkat brushed her die against his, "ready to make some jam? " she questioned, penetrating a sappy peach.


"Vlad ." Azia sighed, snagging his delicate palm. "I know when you dream it's basically a free getaway. ..but when you wake up.. it's over. But right now you can create a fantasy. "


"Oh thank you Nostros. " Avery swung hi arms around, kidding around.


Theniza felt his alluring touch, "Kieth. ..you kissed my lips deeper. " she gasped, but surprisingly smiled. "I'm happy I came here too. "


Shade gave her taste buds a tease, "oh it's so good. " she hummed, finishing it off. "SUre I wold love to learn." Jack smiled.


He looked at her. "How is that?" Vlad held her hand in return.


He laughed. "You have a lot of energy.. have you explored much yet?" He asked.


Keith smirked. "I was just expressing how I felt." He winked.


"Yes it is... would you like half?" Kyle asked.

Kitkat glimpse at his smile, "you don't know how to create jam? " She sprouted her brows, stunned.


Azia rose halfway up and gently stroked his hair, "by spending time with each other. " She whispered in his ear. "Nothing is like a fantasy, until you share it. "


Avery halted sideways to Nostros, "I'm still just a kid, and no. " he answered, swiveling around to meet his eyes.


"You really care that much about me? " Theniza popped out her eyes, inflaming her cheeks and boiling the water, but it was still warm.


"No thank you. " Shade shook her head, and fiddled with the fork against her plate. "Nope.. not too much into cooking at all actually." Jack admitted.


Vlad looked at her then leaned in and pressed his lips against hers.


"I can see that.... you should.. mind you take your sword we still have those invasive rats."


Keith raised a brow at the special effects. "Yes I do.. I am a simple stallion and you are... incredible to me."


"Well help yourelf to whatever you want.. I shant order more because we have to eat all this." Keith laughed.
Kitkat flickered the strands from his face, "I'll surely teach you. " she whispered among his ear.


Azia was tense at first, but reduced it and relaxed. She slowly pulled away and set her palm on her lips, "Vlad why? " she was stunned.


Avery bowed his head, "Sir, I always have my blade." He unsheathed his golden saber.


Theniza stunningly held him tight and smooched his cheeks, "I oddly and have no idea why.. .but I feel the same way. "


"I'm good. " Shade smirked, and winked at Kyle.
"Great." He took her hand.


"The way you spoke I thought...." Vlad searched her face.


"I see that." He smirked. "Tell me at what age do you consider yourself an adult?"


"So are we courting now?" Kyle asked.


"Okay." He munched some more, knowing he would need more boxes. "You sure.. this is a lot of food?"
Kitkat lead him to her house, that was quite lavished in every way, other then the dusty floor. "Here we are."


Azia slide her fingers along her lap, "Hey, it's okay...I kinda liked it." she flushed, meeting his eyes.


"Ha! Never." Avery snickered, sheathing his saber. "We do grow up, but me never. Right now i'm a captain...and others."


Theniza flashed back, "What? Courting? Oh Kieth...Don't you think it's a bit early?" she gasped.


"Alright, I'll have some since you offered so nicely." Shade sighed, scooting her plate to him.
"I like it.. but so far out.. don't you ever get lonely out here?" Jack asked.

(having a hard time picking?)


Vlad smirked. "Oh really?" He brushed the side of her face then did it again.


"Your ways are childlike..... we tend to be like that for those who have never had to harbor and whittness death of war. Or be tortured be evil darkness." Nostros sighed.


"Um no... we just kissed... courting is what happens up until you allow me to become your husband." He informed. "Its growing to love each other."


Kyle smiled. "Alright." He put some more burrito on her plate.
me: There are 12 inches in 1 foot

7 year old daughter: I don't have 12 inches in my foot!
Quote: "It was an interesting experience. quite Magical. They are Light creatures.. The last time I tried being one too." Barabus explained.


o.o "I see........." She got real uncomfortable. "Do you know anything about Barabus or like him?"


"The ones that don't last long?" He mentioned. "I hope we can overcome that too."


"I would love to." He was still in a state of shock.

"Tell me about the experience. " Nightshade laid on his back.


Lynole shook his head in disgust, "no, I hate that being. Seducing my daughter and trying to get my wife empire under his thumb. " he growled.


"Yes. " Honeyheart rose off the couch.


"Cool, let's go get it set up. " Sunny grabbed his hand. "I was a knine, and a bushy tail and fizzy ears." He snickered. "The Light is comforting, but after what happened to me, it just .... it made it hard for me to understand it."


"He is evil... I am glad we see eye to eye about him. He justifies his evil as well." Victoria sighed.


He watched her with a smile. "I can't see myself giving you up... ever."


Maximus nodded. "I am... overjoyed lass." He felt like he could fly, but he legs were still tender. He was used to such things though. He proudly walked with her, ignoring his limps. "Are you well enough though?"

"Oh one of the fierce ones? " Nightshade snickered, laying next to him. "What didn't you understand? And a hey is that really true.. if you mate with a Shiruni they grant you immortality? " her eyes big, and her voice loud. "Because it says it in your book, so it must be true! "


Lynole glance back after hearing something they had in common, "wow, glad you see it my way too.. .I hope he never finds this place.. .that is one of the reasons we can't let you loose. "


"Me either. " Honeyheart reached out her hand.


"Yes I'm fine, my neck will appear better soon. " Sunny watched him, very closely. "Yes it is true.... and don't you get any ideas either." Barabus poked her foot.


"When I promise we would not endanger you you can trust it.. we do not lie." Victoria sighed. "And yes I hope he doesn't either, but he is not your only threat."


Good." Count Marc took it and kissed her hand tenderly.


"Good. I feared I had killed you... and I never wanted to hurt you at all. You were just huge and fierce. in the arena. I survive." Maxim was still upset about it.

Nightshade snickered, "what ideas? Like what selling them off? " she deviously smile. She clench her foot and sat up, "Hey if you do sell them off your Ruke people will live forever, plus get loads of cash to feed your people too. "


"I know you don't like." Lynole growled, looking up. He sighed deeply, "Who's the other threats? " He pondered.


Honeyheart began to walk off, "what do you want to do? "


Sunny rolled her eyes and kissed his lips, "forget about it. " she smiled. "Quite feeling bad. " "I was teasing and I was referring to you seeking imortality from them... we both know I can give you that... and no. It's more complicated than that with the Shiruni. I won;t be doing that." *snorts* such a bad girl you are."


"Mind your temper and earn my trust and maybe I will tell you." Victoria was tired with his wishy-washiness. "I should be the one growling, loosing my freedom after nearly being blown to bits and crashing into an ocean which terrifies me. My best friend will never see his family again and my fiance.. well so much for the wedding." She huffed then sped up ahead of him having no idea where she was going.


"Not sure. I have plenty of work to tend to." Marc informed.


Maxim liked that. He kissed her back.
"Aww what's so complicated about it? " Nightshade perked her head up, wondering if the others were listening. "I know I am. "


Lynole glared as she stormed away. He swiftly caught up and slammed her against the door, "Everyone has it hard sometimes, quit trying to seem the only ones. " he snarled and shoved her in. "I can bet you many had it worse then you. You can tell whenever you'd like, but mind you others won't like you for it." He slammed the doors shut, locking her in.

A golden fountain laid on the middle.




"Well I have free time. " Honeyheart whispered.


Sunny kissed him more, "better? " she asked.
"Well for one, I don't intend to become their enemy. I already have things in the works with them. And gaining eternal life is not for everyone to accomplish. All aside from their unique magic, which is dangerous. "Barabus sighed.


Victoria trembled as he slammed her. "You twist my words you brute." Her fear released more of the exotic rose scent. Victoria pushed herself off the floor and looked around. She wondered where she was, and where the others were. She shed a blue tear, which tickled like crystal on the floor.


"I can have free time at my leisure. .. What would you like to do? " Count Marc inquired.


"Mmmhmmm but when you grow bored with me... will you move on? " Maxim whispered the last.

"Ohh what kind of magic? And what sorts of works!?" Nightshade grew wide eye. "Because I sure love to help. "


A female strolled up and gently helped Victoria to her feet, "Don't cry, please. Lynole can get quite offensive and mean at times. "



"How about that dinner? " Honeyheart kissed his cheek.


"I will never growbored of yyou, because I have feelings. " Sunny stroked his head. "Why would you ever think that? "
"So curious you are." He chuckled. "It's bronze magic. So far they are the only species to have it. "


"Thank you." Victoria gave a weary smile. "I noticed. I am surprised that his wife put up with it. But then again my species is gentle. " She sighed.


"Dinner sounds great. " Count Marc put his arms around her.


"Because it has happened, or at least that's what I have been told. The reason she stopped seeing me. " Maxim admitted.
"Oh and is it powerful, and why don't you have it yet? " greed dwelled in Nightshade 'a voice. "That's because I love being your little helper. "


"Victoria, mermaids are quite complicated. " She sat her on the brink of the fountain. "I read the councils reports and it says you commit crimes, but I scanned through them, so I understand and will convince to drop the charges. " She perked a smile.


"Well I'm quite famished. " Honeyheart smiled and cuddled close.


"Who was it? " Sunny stroked his fuzzy locks.
"There is a reason and a rhyme to what I do. You just go along for the ride and enjoy it. " Barabus kissed her.


"Thank you for your compassion and understanding." Victoria smiled. "Maybe you would answer why there is no way for us to leave? My people contain many secrets. "


"We can have anything your heart desires. " Count Marc kissed her lips.


"She was a woman, Dark Shard named Fedora. She was paying to keep my company. I thought it might have been more. I was wrong." Maxim shrugged. "Doesn't matter anymore, you're the one that captures my heart. "
Nightshade jabbed his build, "You're no fun, I'm suggesting ideas that may help your Rukes, but no. " she huffed, but snickered. "What's the ryme? "


"Well the portal that you entered was destroyed, but you were lucky it didn't collapse on you, and if it did you'd be dead. " she pouted, and swayed her finger along the water. "You can't leave because there is no way out, other then a portal.. .and they're complicated to create. I trust you. "


"Flaming yaun steak. " Honeyheart whispered.


"You can't buy love, but express it.. .and to me it sounded like fake. " Sunny sighed. "You captured mine too. "
Barabus stuck his tongue out at her. "It means that I do things with style. " He winked at her. And I help the Ruke plenty. Kraken runs them anyhow. "


"I see, so at this point we assume that this is our new home. " Victoria muttered. "I was to be married next week. He will think me dead. That ship exploded too close and we found ourselves elsewhere. Then when we tried to enter jump we crashed here. "


"Then that is what we shall have. " He charasmatically waved his hand.


"If a woman paid my master she had me for hire. Didn't happen often since he was picky. She just kept coming back. But none of that matters, you matter. "Maxim smiled.
Nightshade snickered, "hmm and I love your ways. " She pecked his lips. "Yes, but, buttcrack is under you. "


She pattedVictoria's shoulder, "hey, I'm sorry that you can't go back, but hey would you feel better if you converse with him? " She lifted up a shimmering gem.


"Lets get going. " Honeyheart walked out with his hand.


Sunny reversed and set her hands on her hips, "Are you ssaying you're growing fond of me? She puckered her lips, thinking.
*snicker* "Be nice.. He is under me. He is my apprentice as well. I have my actual clan here. I moved them last week. Plus whatever of their ships come in.. hence the boys here." He gestured to the others there with them.


"If I do they will try to get us home. And what would I tell him? To move on?" Victoria wiped tears before they fell. "Karl.. he has a foal coming soon. Talking to his wife would mean more to him" She looked around. "Where are they?"


He led her to the restaurant. Pulling out her seat for her.



"Yes quite... We hardy know each other.... I mean you can't be any worse that that fight we had.. so now that we have sen each others worse side.. all that's left is the better right?" He smirked smooching her puckered lips.
"Ha! Me be nice to buttcrack is telling me to leave you forever." Nightshade snickered, looking at the others.


"We have a communication thing...if you're willing to use it." She smiled and hugged her trying to cease the stress.


"Thank you." Honeyheart took a seat.


SUnny reversed, "I didn't say you could kiss me...BUt on the other hand I enjoyed it." She smirked, playfully shoving him down.
Quote: "Larkspur city on Centauria... my stallion took 6 of us.. he kept me." She looked at the tent which was right on the edge of the serving area to make sure he wasn't watching. Hi name is Conner.. make sure you stay away." She continued to whisper only. "I am not even allowed to talk to you."
Quote: Yeah that was yesterday while going over math with her ha ha ha... then at dinner with m y 4 year old...

me: O.O Uh Isaac what are you eating?

him: *shrugs* Frozen chicken nugget

Me: Ew gross don't do that you'll get sick.

Him: *shrugs and munches* It's alright for me. *finished off last bite*

Me: *Facepalms*

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