~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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"I like it.. but so far out.. don't you ever get lonely out here?" Jack asked.

(having a hard time picking?)


Vlad smirked. "Oh really?" He brushed the side of her face then did it again.


"Your ways are childlike..... we tend to be like that for those who have never had to harbor and whittness death of war. Or be tortured be evil darkness." Nostros sighed.


"Um no... we just kissed... courting is what happens up until you allow me to become your husband." He informed. "Its growing to love each other."


Kyle smiled. "Alright." He put some more burrito on her plate.

Kitkat set down the peaches, "It really does get lonely, but hey I make the most of things." She glance over at him.


Azia fell back as she tried to evade it, "Vlad!" she snickered, curling her legs to her chest.


"And are you disagreeing because of it?" Avery folded his arms, looking up. "We try to make the best of things, despite the situation."


"Well I'm sure falling for you...which I'm not sure why." Theniza rolled her eyes, but sprouted a joyful smile. "Alright I guess I will go with your way, since your ways already interest me."


Shade ate more of it, "I like your exotic food here, so yummy." she giggled.
(between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?" He laughed. "You're too cute not to." He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving." He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks." Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.

"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin.
Angeline started to shake. "It's not easy and my stallion will kill me if I try to leave."
"I don't even have the beginnings of a plan yet, so calm down, please." Zena said and glanced around quickly "Easy or not, I will find some way to go home, no matter how long it takes "
Kassidy lurched to the side, but then changed her momentum, and slammed her shoulder into the mare. She then got to her hooves and sized up Helga, her hands bunched into fists.

"Yes, actually. I don't know why I was so tired.." Hannah shrugged.
"On no you don't cheeky your stud is a bottom dweller." She rammed her weight into her and grabbed Kassidy's hair.

Don has been shadowing and waited for when he needed to step in.


"You did seem upset... that can drain you." Noonan took a few bites of food.
"Not for long." Kassidy grimaced, but reached up and slapped Helga's face hard. At the same time she swung her hindquarters into Helga.

"True.." Hannah also began to eat.
She slapped Kassidy back and yanked hard on her hair. Don sighed she was fighting back, so he wasn't going to step in and stop it. ANother mare came in and grabbed Kassidy's arm yanking her towards the ground.

Don perked, two against one was his cue.


"I thought you would be happy to go home Hannah?" Noonan finally asked.
Kassidy bit back a yelp, and before she hit the ground, she shoved Helga away from her, hard, with her hands. Then she scrambled to her hooves, turned on the other mare, and swung a well-aimed fist at her face. It wasn't a hard hit, but it would leave a bruise. She wasn't aware of where she was at the moment, or what the reaction was of any other mare that saw them. She wanted to prove that she and Don weren't something to be messed with.

"I am.... but.. it's so sudden, and right when I was getting sort of used to everything. I don't know." Hannah shrugged dejectedly.
Don casually walked up and folded his arms as he watched. "Ahem."

The other mares stopped to see who it was but did not meet his eyes. They backed off. "Knock it off." He growled at them then he grabbed their laundry and threw it on the ground. "Wait your turn." He simply stated then gave Kassidy a kiss on the cheek an walked away.


"I was starting to enjoy having you around...." Noonan admitted. "Some dreams just never come true for some people. Instead we get teased with them."
Kassidy panted, but as Don walked away, she couldn't help but give the mares a sly smile. She went back to her laundry station and glanced at Lola. Her hair was bedraggled, and she had a bright red mark on her cheek where Helga had slapped her, but her eyes shone.

"Dreams?" Hannah asked, looking up at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
"You seemed to have enjoyed that." Lola shook her head.


"I just wanted to one day find a woman I love and settle down and me happy. Rise a family. So far life seems to make it otherwise. I lost my wife to another man... now I am going to be living life on the run again. Start to like another girl, but she hates me and I have to let her go too... like I said... " He sighed.
"Now hopefully they'll leave me alone." Kassidy sighed. She continued washing Don's shirt, which had gotten dirty when the mares shoved her away.

"Is that girl who hates you, me?" Hannah asked quietly, her cheeks pink.
Nightshade snickered, "hmm and I love your ways. " She pecked his lips. "Yes, but, buttcrack is under you. "


She pattedVictoria's shoulder, "hey, I'm sorry that you can't go back, but hey would you feel better if you converse with him? " She lifted up a shimmering gem.


"Lets get going. " Honeyheart walked out with his hand.


Sunny reversed and set her hands on her hips, "Are you ssaying you're growing fond of me? She puckered her lips, thinking.
*snicker* "Be nice.. He is under me. He is my apprentice as well. I have my actual clan here. I moved them last week. Plus whatever of their ships come in.. hence the boys here." He gestured to the others there with them.


"If I do they will try to get us home. And what would I tell him? To move on?" Victoria wiped tears before they fell. "Karl.. he has a foal coming soon. Talking to his wife would mean more to him" She looked around. "Where are they?"


He led her to the restaurant. Pulling out her seat for her.



"Yes quite... We hardy know each other.... I mean you can't be any worse that that fight we had.. so now that we have sen each others worse side.. all that's left is the better right?" He smirked smooching her puckered lips.
"Ha! Me be nice to buttcrack is telling me to leave you forever." Nightshade snickered, looking at the others.


"We have a communication thing...if you're willing to use it." She smiled and hugged her trying to cease the stress.


"Thank you." Honeyheart took a seat.


SUnny reversed, "I didn't say you could kiss me...BUt on the other hand I enjoyed it." She smirked, playfully shoving him down.
"What are you talking about?" Barabus raised a brow.


"Yes... I should at least tell him what is happening... can Kendel contact his wife also?" She accepted the hug.


Marc nodded then took a seat as well. The menu was blank. "Just write on it what you want." He informed.


Maxim chuckled then "Ow." When she shoved him. "Easy.. still sore from you kicking my ars woman. You did stick your lips out at me you know."
_-_ "As in I'm not being nice." Nigthshade huffed, flipping upside down on the chair.


"Yes...But you must promise you will never speak of where you are at." She gazed into Victoria's eyes sternly. "Promise me."


"I want the type of steak." Honeyheart inscripted into the menu.


"I did not." Sunny rolled her eyes and smirked. "I was simply thinking." She hoped over him. "I'm sore too, but I'm ignoring it."
"It's not that bad and he hasn't done anything to you." Barabus snorted.


Victoria shed another blue tear. "I promise."


Marc wrote his request on the menu too then in 10 minute a fancy waiter brought it to them. "Viola."


"So am I ... well glad you 'kinda' liked it. Because I really liked it." Maxim winked.
"So..." Nightshade looked over the cushion to his eyes.


"Then I'll will do it." She slide the tear off with her finger. She fired the tear in the fountain lighting it up.


"Thank you." Honeyheart smirked, lightly dicing her meat.


Sunny kissed his lips, "I can tell by your actions." She returned the wink.
Quote: Hasis sat down and swung his feet against the shelves, "not sure, well I might." He shrugged not sure.


Harmony gently pulled away the menu, "Anything you desire.. .anything. " she whispered the last part.


Talos rose up and headed to the girls, Hasis. " he responded and continued to walk up to Yarsha, if she was there still.

The ship was transferred to anywhere the guy wanted to go, since the coordinates was in the ship.


"It's complicated. " Nyra leaped out of mirror. She glance at him and strolled into the kitchen.


"Duvall! " Esta hollered from the bathroom as she got dressed.


Zandor grew a smirk, walking up to her, but kept a fair distance. "Don't hide your feelings Skita, no one here will judge you. Express them all you like. "
"I have extension implants so you can use them when I am close." Loreena said two words out loud and motioned her hand and a simple whit flame appeared. "This one is the first spell we teach anyone. It lights the way." She smiled. "When you get advanced you can shape it into things. But you really only need to used the words in your mind if you are of strong light."


"Um...... Frnch dip with cheese on it and seasoned curly fires on the side with a ceasar salad." Zanthas smirked.

"Lasagna!" A few of the girls shouted.

"Pizza and garlic cheese bread!"


*blinks* "Well you picked a handy host." He smirked then settled the ship and followed after.

Yarsha and the girls were still huddled in the shield he made. "Talos!"


Derek looked back and forth between Nyra and the mirror a few times, then he walked over and touched it. "How the heck?" He mumbled. Then he looked back at her. "I don;t give a crap how complicated it is I need to know."


"Yeap?" He called back and stood up turning to look at her.


Skita's eyes moved back and fourth along the wall. "I don't want to be given to anyone. I wish I had the freedom to choose. But If I do I have fear. Fear that Barabus will kill who ever I love. Plus I don't know how to be a lover. I never satisfied my husband. I just know how to take care of someone, like a servant. I want what I can't have. Skita took a deep frustrated breath. "My feelings betray my husband."
Hasis plucked out a band, "Well I was told that if the light goes down...you can stay close to me and regenerate," He sighed, nuzzling up to her. "Well I will accept your gifts for sure." He released the band and it collapsed on the tile floor.


Harmony waved her finger, "Alright...girls calm down and boys." She winked at the toddler. "It will come, just give it sometime." She smirked, leaping in the tree and snagging fresh fruit. She pounced back into the seat, "Who wants fresh juice?" she called out.


Talos lifted the shield and darter after Yarsha. He swung her in his arms, "I told you I'll protect you until I was dead." he whimpered in her fur.


Nyra walked back out, "You really would want to understand?" She widened her eyes, and sipped her drink.


"Don't eat that!" Esta hollered, inhaling the scent intensly. "IT was sitting out too long!"


"Didn't he betray you, though? Loving females that he just meet? You can choose." Zandor whispered in her ear, enchantingly. "You just set your heart on someone, and you are a lover towards your foal."
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Quote: Milan smirked then walked through the illusion and continued. She followed the flame her dainty feet making no sound as she walked. she listened and examined carefully.


(it's okay just means I can surprise you tee hee)

"Just checking in." He smirked. "Did you locate that brat Hasis yet?"

"How are you enjoying your stay? " A voice ranged around.

Wolves appeared again, and flashed their fangs.


(Okay. )

"Yes. .he forgot to take off his bracelet when he treasoned with me. " Zandor another, rising up. "He's at Shirunian, " "Um.... well I find it curious.. but I am not really enjoying my stay. I would like to go home please?" She folded her hands and ignored the wolves. "Your dogs are pretty." She continued to walk.


"Hmmmm well that should be easy for you with all those Shruni under your control." Vader smirked. "If you need me to kill anyone's will to fight you, you know where to find me."

"No you're not leaving. " The voice fumed. "You like my dogs.. .well they sure want to play with you.. "


"No the Shiruni is not under my control, not since Hasis became free. But Riko was sent there for some task, I suspect him to get Hasis. Plus two Oracle readings are heading to Celestial. " "No one is playing with me thank you." Milan continued on her way. She was debating on using the power Aurora gave her, but she felt she should not give it away yet, no more than making small things like food.


"Ah..... I see.... That is one place both of us cannot go. Don't even attempt it." He rubbed his head. "It is a death sentence." Something was agitating Vader.

"You can be there new chew toy. " It chuckled.

The wolves walked closeer to her, snarling.


"I was planning once they leave the place. " Zandor smirked. "Why are you agitated?" He questioned. "Then why not just kill me and get it over with?" Milan sighed. "Thy are not real anyhow."


He nodded. "One of the things I need to do to complete my goal is not making much if any headway. I am running out of time and Purple has things a need but he know who I am and would never cooperate."

(Aurora and Ralis are on their way to Sedonia now. Sentena is on the moon.)
"Because I need you.. ." It replied and the wolves moved, and vanished. "You have a great pair of eyes.. .but how long till you know real from fake? "


"What sort of things do you need? " he asked.

(I know. :p. .who? )
Milan sighed. "I don't use my eyes." She informed then continued. "Nor am I afraid of animal species of any kind. Not even the Drex frightened me.. I just knew they had to be fought." She sped up as her white flame did.


"It's not my place to involve you..." His agitation increasing. "Not because I don't want to .. but because I can't." It involved Zandor's past and his and he could not risk speaking about it. Documentation about it was rare too.

(Oracle of Magic by hollieberry)
"Hehe what about humanoid?" It cackled,vanishing.

Two Succubus appeared in front and behind her.


"I was going to use an Oracle to get the certain things you need." Zandor noted his frustration skyrocketing.
(Ahh...So you want me to get her?)

Shella kept going, "Aww see you are sweet. " she pecked his head. She worked on the spinebnext.


"They won't, and if they try it will vanish just like our samples. " Alto stated, stroking her hair. "We will be there as soon as we can."


Harpy stole some too.

"I see. " Skite sat back, smiling.

(Yes. )


"Will it change the future by a ton? " Kedar wondered, still worried.
Gerard fell asleep.


Jolly nodded just studying his face. The a smiled came. "I do love you."


Kasha went through her dresses for the ceremony of announcing the betrothal "Did you want to borrow a dress?" She asked Zahara (sorry drawing a blank on the proper name)


"The future is seen not written." He mentioned. "There are deep things at work here Kedar." He stated.

Shella gradually fell asleep by Gerard.


Alto glance at her, and perked his ears high. "Ilove you ttoo. " he wagged his tail, and pecked his forehead.


Zahara examined her dresses, "if you don't mind. " she rose off the couch.

(What? )


"If you do use it againstdark or llight, it will surely backfire you. " Kedar sighed. He rested his hand over SHella


Jolly smiled. "I can't wait to see your world." She played with one of his soft ears.


(nothing just thoght I had the name wrong lol was tired)

"Not at all. Choose whatever you like." Kasha smiled. "I think I will do this one." She changed. "What do you think Zahara... looks like feathers." SHe smiled.

(that's about what she looks like too score!)


"What I have now if one is given a dose then the light and dark no longer cancel out magic powers. Perhaps I have exactly what I need already." Barabus mentioned.
Shella gently plucked off his hand and carefully leaped off the bed. Once she notice he was asleep,she headed to the kitchen.


"If you adore the colors blue, red, and even purple. Then you're going to love it. " Alto whispered, twitching his ear.


(Hey she's cute. XD)

Zahara examined Kasha 's luxuriant, charcoal dress. "I love it, especially the designs. " she rose of the couch. "I don't know what to wear. "


"What do you plan anyway?" Kedar sighed, exiting the door.
Gerard was out.


"I like all those colors.. it that the colors of your sky?" She then moved her hand to his hair.


(she is very beautiful ;) )

"I have lots of them to choose from." She pulled out a few. (just what every guy like to do LOL come on pick out a dress jk :p)



"My plans are complicated, require many things be achieved before I complete my work. And no.. sorry I will not be discussing it with you."
Shella was in the kitchen fetching a glass of water.


"Actually yes, but it varies on the time of day." Alto gently took her hand and set it on his cheek.


(Oh ya...

Zahara examined them each, "I like the blue or black...But you have black." She snagged the blue one.


"I know you won't discuss them, because if you did then you're just being dumb." Kedar padded off.
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