~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

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Kaliska smiled, and looked down at Anna who was still staring wide-eyed at the fish.

Barrett whimpered, rubbing the spot to get it warm, and laughed the whole time.

Jesslyn squeezed back. "Thanks."

Jasmine took it from him with her teeth and smiled.

Braxton glanced up at Lana and smiled.
"For you? No." Seera stared back at Maele with the air of a smart alec.
"Thanks.. I just hope he's not lying to me." She sighed. "If these rukes want to be happy they should earn love instead of what they do to us." Lola stood up and got some bread out. This is all I can ration you for today. Tomorrow Jessup will have to go with me so we can get more food."
Amelia took the food gratefully, her hands trembling. She tried to remember manners as she quickly stuffed part of the bread into her mouth. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." She sighed. "How long have you been with the Rukes?" She asked.
"Years." Amelia said, trying to be respectful, but also trying not to give away too much of her information.

(Owl.. Chic ain't on, so, would you like to RP?)
Quote: Lexus giggled loving every nook and cranny of his face. "Well I try to be sweet." She held his hand.


Shy nodded. "When I find my feet I will rub your back."

Angeline came out another other tent room.

Shy saw her. "Go fetch the laundry from the road and wash it again." Shy ordered her.

Angeline did not argue and headed to do so.


"Mmm." Sam smirked then caught his colt out of the corner of his eye and quickly reached grabbing his tail. "Oh no you don't"
Owl... + one above
"I like it.. but so far out.. don't you ever get lonely out here?" Jack asked.

(having a hard time picking?)


Vlad smirked. "Oh really?" He brushed the side of her face then did it again.


"Your ways are childlike..... we tend to be like that for those who have never had to harbor and whittness death of war. Or be tortured be evil darkness." Nostros sighed.


"Um no... we just kissed... courting is what happens up until you allow me to become your husband." He informed. "Its growing to love each other."


Kyle smiled. "Alright." He put some more burrito on her plate.

Kitkat set down the peaches, "It really does get lonely, but hey I make the most of things." She glance over at him.


Azia fell back as she tried to evade it, "Vlad!" she snickered, curling her legs to her chest.


"And are you disagreeing because of it?" Avery folded his arms, looking up. "We try to make the best of things, despite the situation."


"Well I'm sure falling for you...which I'm not sure why." Theniza rolled her eyes, but sprouted a joyful smile. "Alright I guess I will go with your way, since your ways already interest me."


Shade ate more of it, "I like your exotic food here, so yummy." she giggled.
(between Jack and Erol)

"Thats a good attitude to have." He put down the other sack and started sorting them by ripeness.


"What?" He laughed. "You're too cute not to." He ticked her side a bit.


"I am not disagreeing with anything.. I was approving." He smirked.


"Thank.. and it must be my good looks." Keith teased and winked at her.


Kyle chuckled.

"Tell me do you live alone?" Kitkat questioned searching for the tools for the jam.


"Oh come on I'm not that cute."Azia flushed and grasped his palms before he done anything.


"Oh my bad." Avery sighed, scratching his head. "Anyways, thank you."


"No, more of your personality." Theniza smirked, darting to the surface with his palm.


"hat's so funny?" Shade demanded, not noting the gooey sauce seeping down her chin.
(he he. Tough choices.. Erol is more shy about affection though)

"Yes I do. But I have family I visit and friends and such." Jack informed while continuing to sort the peaches.


"Yeah you are.. I see a sweet woman.. great hair... interesting tattoo's... but I see a fierce fighter in there too. Kinda... hot." vlad snickered a tad then winked.


"Mhmmm... well Ira will take you to the comms center for you to talk to your kinfolk." Nostros nodded.


He went with her as he didn't have much of a choice.


"I just find your manner.... cute." He smiled then offered her a napkin.
Kassidy lurched to the side, but then changed her momentum, and slammed her shoulder into the mare. She then got to her hooves and sized up Helga, her hands bunched into fists.

"Yes, actually. I don't know why I was so tired.." Hannah shrugged.
"On no you don't cheeky your stud is a bottom dweller." She rammed her weight into her and grabbed Kassidy's hair.

Don has been shadowing and waited for when he needed to step in.


"You did seem upset... that can drain you." Noonan took a few bites of food.
"Not for long." Kassidy grimaced, but reached up and slapped Helga's face hard. At the same time she swung her hindquarters into Helga.

"True.." Hannah also began to eat.
She slapped Kassidy back and yanked hard on her hair. Don sighed she was fighting back, so he wasn't going to step in and stop it. ANother mare came in and grabbed Kassidy's arm yanking her towards the ground.

Don perked, two against one was his cue.


"I thought you would be happy to go home Hannah?" Noonan finally asked.
Kassidy bit back a yelp, and before she hit the ground, she shoved Helga away from her, hard, with her hands. Then she scrambled to her hooves, turned on the other mare, and swung a well-aimed fist at her face. It wasn't a hard hit, but it would leave a bruise. She wasn't aware of where she was at the moment, or what the reaction was of any other mare that saw them. She wanted to prove that she and Don weren't something to be messed with.

"I am.... but.. it's so sudden, and right when I was getting sort of used to everything. I don't know." Hannah shrugged dejectedly.
Don casually walked up and folded his arms as he watched. "Ahem."

The other mares stopped to see who it was but did not meet his eyes. They backed off. "Knock it off." He growled at them then he grabbed their laundry and threw it on the ground. "Wait your turn." He simply stated then gave Kassidy a kiss on the cheek an walked away.


"I was starting to enjoy having you around...." Noonan admitted. "Some dreams just never come true for some people. Instead we get teased with them."
Kassidy panted, but as Don walked away, she couldn't help but give the mares a sly smile. She went back to her laundry station and glanced at Lola. Her hair was bedraggled, and she had a bright red mark on her cheek where Helga had slapped her, but her eyes shone.

"Dreams?" Hannah asked, looking up at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
"You seemed to have enjoyed that." Lola shook her head.


"I just wanted to one day find a woman I love and settle down and me happy. Rise a family. So far life seems to make it otherwise. I lost my wife to another man... now I am going to be living life on the run again. Start to like another girl, but she hates me and I have to let her go too... like I said... " He sighed.
"Now hopefully they'll leave me alone." Kassidy sighed. She continued washing Don's shirt, which had gotten dirty when the mares shoved her away.

"Is that girl who hates you, me?" Hannah asked quietly, her cheeks pink.
"Yes hopefully." She snickered. "Wish I had some of your size and toughness."


Noonan licked his spoon clean. "Maybe." He said casually then smirked at her blushing. He had to literally wipe it off his face.
Thelma smiled and pecked his cheek. "I still love you." She bat her eyes.


"Oh my."  She wiped her face off. "I better eat fast." 


Loredo handed Zander a chip. "For you to contact him....  My time is limited... he is keeping half of me hostage... and he knows we are weak in leadership...  as we both have a good idea he is the one that did it."


*snicker* She pulled another out. "On guard?"  She held it like a sword.


He lifted his weapon. The program.. you choose a female." He watched the guys movements carefully.


"I know that...  I just.." She sat down then told her the whole story From the time the storm came.
"I am immune to puppy eyes." he snorted.




he nodded taking it, "looks like it time to pull a old card." he thought to himself.


( >.> who dis?)


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