~The Battle of the Empires~ A RP

don handed her the sandwich again the pulled out his apple.


"Um..... softcake?" Noonan crossed his fingers.
Kassidy resumed eating, keeping her eyes straightahead in thought.

Hannah shook her head. "Nope."
Don finished his apple then kissed Kassidy's cheek and got up. He took his shirt off then waded into the water. "Ooh tad chilli."


"Pie?" Noonan shifted in his seat.
Kassidy watched, finishing her sandwich. "Cold? Or just a little nippy?" she asked, standing.

"Nope; not my favorite." Hannah smiled. "...One more guess.." she smirked.
"She will die.. and you know what else will happen. "You and I still have tribe rights." Ferris wasn't going to stop.
Braxton nodded. "Ferris, listen.. I'll not have us rush in and get both her and us killed. He need to be stealthy." He said, his voice was firm and didnt allow any arguments.
"I am not rushin. I am just not sitting on my duff. Keira lasted 3 days... 3 days with him." he snorted.
Braxton didn't say anymore. "Alright... where do we go?" he asked, his hands bunched.
"Choose one." Chris pointed to the locations on the map.  "We can go look at them."


Bekah did not like this. What was Taurus up to? She turned and debated on not letting Timber play with her alone. Besides it was time to visit their father. And as soon as finished they were leaving.  She frowned the found Timber. "Sweetie... play time with Jenny won't be too long. As you need to spend time with your father too.  Do you mind is Aspen plays too? Maybe Jenny and her can be friends also."


Food appeared for her.


"He is both young and old. Any Oracle born gets life from the light realm... taking wisdom with them until the find how to use it. They can be both Children and adults."Nostros explained.

Meadow examined each of them. "I like the hidden ones, and ones that can grow the rainbow tree. "


Aspen stalked on them with her eyes and ears.

Timber glance up, "We played with dad last night, and he's going to sleep for a long time. " he smiled, and noted her frown. "I don't mind if Aspen comes. "


Aquarius for once actually ate it.


"Is there anything we can do to bring him back to normal? " Hydro asked.
"Did not.. Ice keeps them fresh. I want to take a shower so they need to go on ice."


"What the foals?"  Dega stroked her.


Daniel put it back on. "Its that or risk everyone seeing me I'll put up with it."  The ship was just down the way.

(depends on the hood)

"Yes you did. " Amy pecked his cheek. She galloped, "race ya! " she called out, darting off.


"They're sleeping. " Hylia whispered, and kissed his hand. "Are you tired too? "


"Fine. " Bella huffed and scanned around. "It's just bugging my skin. "

(All. )
Quote: "So does this mean I am allowed to kiss you back?" Jack asked.


"Me too..." Vlad tried to give her another kiss.


Ira jumped in her seat a bit. "okay."


"That is what I have been hoping for." Keith told her.


He raised a brow. "Okay... are you planning on getting a room mate?" Kyle wondered what was up.

Kitkat played a suspicious smile, that fired at him. "Maybe. " She sounded bluntly. She swiveled around, and resumed to the creation of the jam. She silently blended ingredients.


Azia shunned her face, "I would fight them, if they tore me from you. " She stated, sternly. As she decided to confront her face to him, her lips clashed to his. She found it quite pleasing.


Avery glued his ecstatic smile from all the complication soothing out just graciously. "Yes I'm done. " he announced, overjoyed.


Theniza gradually completed a massive smirk, "Me too. " she agreed nearly inaudiobly. She surveyed around, "where are we heading? "



Shade bolted her vision on him from his mysterious question. "It's for my siblings.. .well the ones that survived. " her eyes glassed over. Jack came over an sweetly kissed her cheek again. "What else would you like me to do to help?"


"I............." He halted when she decided kiss him. Vlad held her close.


"must have went well." Ira smiled.


"To the dispensary." Kieth informed.


"Oh.... I can help you look for them." Kyle offered.
Kitkat flushed from his unknowingly kiss, that enlightened her evening. "Boil some water? " she peeped very quietly. She kept her head in the bowl.


Azia huddled up to him and slightly kissed him deeper. She restrained herself, back evading away. "I'm sorry. "


Avery fired his eyes at Ira, and scurried up to her. His feet nearly tripping over each other. "Yes! Thank you!"


Theniza gradually got impatient from the long walk, but was soothing as she traveled with Kieth. "Okay. "


"Um. " Shade rubbed her head as she concentrated on what to say. "Well. " she trembled over her words, as her tears overpowered.
"Sure." Jack got a pot out and filled it with water for her.


"why? I am not complaining." *smirk*


"Okay." he giggled. "What did they say?"


They passed the laundry station and he pointed it out. Then he walked u to the counter and set out a basket. The mare filled it with food. "2?" She asked.

"Yes 2." He nodded. Then he carried it for Thenzia as well. By a tree Kraken was waiting. He watched the two.


"Did I say something wrong Shade?" Kyle asked.
The next morning, Connor went to the back to get Jasmine. "You're getting sold today."
Quote: He bolted to catch up with her.


"Mmmmm not quite yet." Dega smirked.


The Dark Shards men waited at their ship for them to get back.

Her father lowered the ramp. "Cargo room 2." He told them.

Daniel darted on board with Bella and made for their room. "I don't plan to hang out here." He mumbled.
"She will die.. and you know what else will happen. "You and I still have tribe rights." Ferris wasn't going to stop.
Braxton nodded. "Ferris, listen.. I'll not have us rush in and get both her and us killed. He need to be stealthy." He said, his voice was firm and didnt allow any arguments.
"I am not rushin. I am just not sitting on my duff. Keira lasted 3 days... 3 days with him." he snorted.
Braxton didn't say anymore. "Alright... where do we go?" he asked, his hands bunched.
"To North Dock on the City." Ferris mentioned.
"She will die.. and you know what else will happen. "You and I still have tribe rights." Ferris wasn't going to stop.
Braxton nodded. "Ferris, listen.. I'll not have us rush in and get both her and us killed. He need to be stealthy." He said, his voice was firm and didnt allow any arguments.
"I am not rushin. I am just not sitting on my duff. Keira lasted 3 days... 3 days with him." he snorted.
Braxton didn't say anymore. "Alright... where do we go?" he asked, his hands bunched.
"To North Dock on the City." Ferris mentioned.
"Ok... get a ship, and get to the planet?" Braxton asked, wondering what Ferris had planned.

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