The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread


Kind of has feathers down its legs. Would that change anything?

I can't see any leg feathers, but that might just be me! :) However having leg feathers would definitely make them EEs because Ameraucanas don't have leg feathers.
Hi, the white splash is about 8-9wks? We think. The partridge is about 6wks? We think. And the little cream/apricot one about 5wks? Again we think, the gentleman we bought them from wasn't very helpful.



Here's a somewhat better picture of the combs. They rush my hand thinking I have treats every time I reach in there so it's hard to get a good face shot up close.
Started my own thread before finding this one...oops. Any idea on breed would also be helpful....assuming she/he is some sort of red?

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