The Big Fat Is This A Rooster? Thread

Good thank you, one more question, does it by any chance look like they will have full crest or small crest like the brabanter in the parent pen?
The crests are fuller than the Brabanter crest, but smaller than the full Polish crest. Both breeds are crested, but I'm pretty sure that there are other genes that alter or modify the crest of the Brabanter and prevent from being the all out crest of a Polish.
My chicks are 4 weeks old today. I think most of my chicks are female. However, I'm a newbie. But I have 2 that I have a gut feeling are male. Can you give me your opinions please?

Silver Laced Wyandotte 4 Weeks Old

SLW 4 Weeks old (same chick as above) The comb is pinker in person than in pictures.

Same SLW 4 Weeks old Wattle development

Easter Egger 4 Weeks old

Same EE as above 4 weeks old
My SLW is about 3 weeks also and she/he is starting to redden up in the comb and wattles. Still don't know for sure what she is but posters have said roo based on her comb, but she was sold as pullet.
I'm not sure on her but I am leaning towards her being a rooster. But then again she might be a pullet. I can't tell the gender of the Easter Egger, could you please get a better photo of its comb and head?
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Not sure if I figured out how to get my pictures into the msg but here's a hopeful... I would like to know îf this is rooster and maybe what kind it is.

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