THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

I find that if I bend the wire right at the top of the plastic of the probe, I can turn it so that it misses the heater and bands. This also makes the probe kind of lay flat once it gets to egg level, and is a little easier to "drive" around the incubator

I'm guessing that didn't break it because you still rely on it. I'll try it. But going up under the edge few days before eggs and one day after, left me confident that the glass thermometer is reliable. It is comforting to have confidence in the product. My 5 min with the LG still air, wasn't the same experience.
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Here is a picture of where my spot check is. I just had 100% hatch so I guess it is working. I raised the temp to 100 because I was having a lot of late term death and chicks not making it out. Increasing the temp seems to have worked! I use the eco for an incubator and the advanced for a hatcher.
Okay I was actually wondering about that because of the variation of Temps and the measureMeet of 99.5 being so near the heating element. So, your read of 100 is on the spot check or the glass bulb? I like your placement. I was frustrated that mine did not come with suggestions/diagrams. Heck I didn't even get a manual. Yes, it was new.

I noticed this little hole yesterday. Is that on all Octagons? Nothing to worry about when adjusting humidity?

I was wondering if it was suggesting to add water thru there??? I couldn't fit airline tubing thru it so I gave up. It would be nice to know, though.

-- ooh I see someone knows and I didn't catch it!
Hmmm okay so my thought is that perhaps I can purchase the tubing for the advanced model and thread it thru to reach the trough area for lockdown.
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I found the glass thermometer to be useless. It reads 98 when the spot check reads 100. Yes, different placements of the spot check read different temps. I am guessing that is the reason for the varying hatch rates for different egg placements within the octagon.
The very best investment I made was to get the humidifier for my advanced. The tubing goes down through that little hole. There is an online manual at the brinsea site. It is better than nothing. I think I have learned the most from this site though.
Okay I was actually wondering about that because of the variation of Temps and the measureMeet of 99.5 being so near the heating element. So, your read of 100 is on the spot check or the glass bulb? I like your placement. I was frustrated that mine did not come with suggestions/diagrams. Heck I didn't even get a manual. Yes, it was new.
I bend my wire right where it connects to the plastic on the probe. After I dop it into the incubator, I can push more wire through the hole, and with a little manipulation I can put the tip anywhere in the incubator. Directly under the element, like the picture above, I usually read around 100.2, and in the corners I will read around 98.5. I try to measure the whole incubator, then take a median temperature. Doing this, I bumped my display up to 100.0, and my last 2 hatches have been my best ever
I bend my wire right where it connects to the plastic on the probe. After I dop it into the incubator, I can push more wire through the hole, and with a little manipulation I can put the tip anywhere in the incubator. Directly under the element, like the picture above, I usually read around 100.2, and in the corners I will read around 98.5. I try to measure the whole incubator, then take a median temperature. Doing this, I bumped my display up to 100.0, and my last 2 hatches have been my best ever

Thank you for the detailed breakdown. I will do this right now.

So I did this. Looking at the incubator, front left corner is 100.2, front center below element 99.3, Front right corner is 99.2, back right corner is 100.1, back left corner is 99.6.
Average is 99.68 degrees. Now, I'm new to this. We are told that the goal is 99.5 degrees on forced air. Is it actually higher?

Also, I'm doing this with eggs. Should I be doing this with eggs each incubation? Or do it empty?
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Thank you for the detailed breakdown. I will do this right now.

So I did this. Looking at the incubator, front left corner is 100.2, front center below element 99.3, Front right corner is 99.2, back right corner is 100.1, back left corner is 99.6.
Average is 99.68 degrees. Now, I'm new to this. We are told that the goal is 99.5 degrees on forced air. Is it actually higher?

Also, I'm doing this with eggs. Should I be doing this with eggs each incubation? Or do it empty?
That temperature is perfect. I tested mine empty, then 24 hours after setting eggs. If everything is good, I will double check once or twice every batch, but mine has never wavered. Good job
That temperature is perfect. I tested mine empty, then 24 hours after setting eggs. If everything is good, I will double check once or twice every batch, but mine has never wavered. Good job

Wonderful! Thank you! Figured better to find out now, than when it's too late.

Also, I set a still air for hatching and it is never consistent temps. I am not quick to adjust, still it can be a bit unnerving.
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Wonderful! Thank you!  Figured better to find out now, than when it's too late.

Also, I set a still air for hatching and it is never consistent temps.  I am not quick to adjust, still it can be a bit unnerving.
Unless you are using another Hatcher so you can set again, I would hatch in the Brinsea. Such a controlled environment, and a snap to clean
I need help with my incubator. I keep getting around a 50% hatch rate and cannot figure out why. I do better in my little giant, then my Brinsea. I set the humidity at 25-30 the first 18 days. Take it off the auto turner, and remove the rails on day 18, bump the humidity up to 65% give or take a few. The temperature the whole time is 99.5. I also do not open the incubator until everyone has hatched. I do candle and get rid of Any eggs that are infertile or that stopped developin. Any suggestions? I think I just have a bad unit...:(.
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