THE Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco Thread; Hatches, etc. (PICS)

After a few hatches I tend to follow the glass thermometer that it came with. The bulb is right under the fan so it shows the average temp being blown around in there. Other thermometers seem to be affected by all sorts of variables. If the glass one is holding steady and you have checked it with other thermometers before you put eggs in then trust it. It will be fine.

To the one that got water in the base. I would recommend taking it apart and cleaning it. There is a metal counterbalance bar in there that will rust and be nasty also course a nasty breeding ground for bacteria. Pull out the 4 screws and clean the all the pieces. Let the foam insulation pieces completely dry before you put it back together.

You are correct! It was nasty in there. I never thought about taking it apart. Thanks!
The base can also start collecting water if you over fill the chanals or use paper towels draping out of the chanals to up the humidity while the incubator is on the turner or being turned manually.
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Wow...looks like a total fail for my entire first batch of eggs in my brinsea. Candled at day 9. Most have nothing to show. No vessels. Nothing. The rest are blood rings. 15 were shipped and there was a detached air cell in one so I know they were handled roughly. The other question is fertility which I'll be checking when I decide enough is enough. Air cells are increasing in size and the weight was decreasing nicely. What. A. Bummer...
I've got 8 heritage turkey eggs coming from Porter's beginning of April. After my epic fail on chicken eggs...aaarrrgh. I'm getting nervous about losing them as well... I thought I was OCD just enough to do everything right. Advice?
Couple of posts above. Mailed eggs did not fare well. Now I'm hoping mailed turkey eggs will do better.
X2 with hennible on leaving them to rest for 24 hours in egg cartons pointy end down after receiving them gives them a better chance. Also incubating them very upright or even in cartons helps. And not turning for a couple of days after setting can also help. Also hatching in cut down egg cartons can help. Here is a Good article with a section on shipped eggs

Wishing you the best of luck with your turkey eggs :fl
LARGE! Will not fit into any normal luggage. If you take it out of the shipping container you will likely be able to fit it into a duffle type of bag and be able to put in overhead bin. Some bubble wrap comes with it so packed around it.

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