The Brooding of Allie, Casey and Latte

Great post, Tony! I enjoy reading about them almost as much as seeing their pics.
Love the video! I've seen Walnut do the same thing with her bill resting on the waterer while she was asleep. Of course, both times I came back with the my phone, she had woken up. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!
Great post, Tony! I enjoy reading about them almost as much as seeing their pics.
Love the video! I've seen Walnut do the same thing with her bill resting on the waterer while she was asleep. Of course, both times I came back with the my phone, she had woken up. Thanks so much for sharing them with us!
And likewise on your thread... I love that I can go there and get a little flash back just like you can come here and see a little of the future
Oh, wow!! I got so behind... :oops:

Tony, the snuggle moment with Allie was precious... she is super sweet... love her blissful face in the shower too...
Latte sure is getting her color, looks gorgeous!
And Casey's continued web fetish is just hilarious... maybe it's because theirs are lighter colored than hers?? :gig

Growing in leaps and bounds... wonderful job, proud duckie parents!! :thumbsup
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Casey has an unusual (for my limited experience) development now that her flight feathers are growing. Both wings, but mostly the left wing have a tendency to have the last 4/5 feathers face outward when she has her wings drawn all the way up. To me it seems to be a conflict with her secondary feathers lying so flat against her body that her primaries can't get under them. Now I realize that when they are fully developed the primaries will be aiming for her tail feathers more than her shoulder blades and I think in that instance that they would still be inward of vertical so gravity would tend to help the situation. It seems kind of like Angel Wing, but all of the pictures I have seen of Angel Wing are much worse than what she is showing. I have taken some pictures showing the worst and the best apparent rotation of the wing tip. Also the rest of her primaries lie up tight against her body so it may also be a feather angle thing. I don't want to put her through any undue trauma wrapping her unnecessarily especially since her brooder mates will most likely think she is now a game and so she might have to be separated which would be awful. I also don't want to let a simple to correct problem go and have her end up with Angel Wing for life. If there is one thing I have learned about ducks, it is that they don't come with a redo button. So I look forward to any education those of you with more experience (with ducks or just having seen everything from being around the site) might provide me. Thanks.

@Miss Lydia

Here you can see her left flight feathers face outward a bit. They are still fairly vertical, they just point away from her body. This is about the worst they look.

Her again you can see the last couple of feathers on the left point outward. Again they aren't anywhere near the 45 degree plus tilt that I have seen for Angel Wing, but they aren't straight either.

Here is a picture when her wings are hanging a bit and not in conflict with her secondaries. They look pretty normal and straight to me here.

All of these pictures were taken today within 30 minutes of each other so they represent the same condition for good or bad. You can see here that she holds her elbows in pretty tight to her body, so I am wondering if that is not what I am seeing. Her feathers are still pretty heavy for her, so she only has her wings fully pulled up when she is lying down or when she is swimming. She flaps them normally and they don't look twisted at all then either.

Thanks guys! (Well mostly gals), I appreciate you looking at this for me.
Tony, I don't have as much experience with Angel Wing as others, but I'll pop in my 2 cents, for what it's worth... ;)

Io went through it, an it was much more turned out than that, but I am not convinced it wasn't caused by her sleeping with her left side wedged against the brooder... I dunno why, but she had a certain spot she always insisted on sleeping, even if she had to squeeze into it, lol... I wrapped it for a few days and it was fine...

But, I had a grey that had some issues when her flight feathers started coming in and it looked almost exactly like the pics of Casey... I don't think it was Angel Wing, but just that the feathers came in so quick, thick and heavy that her wing muscles couldn't keep up to the new weight yet... I just helped her tuck them in properly when she was sitting and eventually her muscles caught up to the heavier wings...

I would keep an eye on it though, and wrap it if it gets worse... a few days is all it would need when caught early... but I'd see what others say... hope this helps...
Tony, I don't have as much experience with Angel Wing as others, but I'll pop in my 2 cents, for what it's worth...

Io went through it, an it was much more turned out than that, but I am not convinced it wasn't caused by her sleeping with her left side wedged against the brooder... I dunno why, but she had a certain spot she always insisted on sleeping, even if she had to squeeze into it, lol... I wrapped it for a few days and it was fine...

But, I had a grey that had some issues when her flight feathers started coming in and it looked almost exactly like the pics of Casey... I don't think it was Angel Wing, but just that the feathers came in so quick, thick and heavy that her wing muscles couldn't keep up to the new weight yet... I just helped her tuck them in properly when she was sitting and eventually her muscles caught up to the heavier wings...

I would keep an eye on it though, and wrap it if it gets worse... a few days is all it would need when caught early... but I'd see what others say... hope this helps...

Thanks. I figured I would keep an eye on it. The scenario with your grey sounds right. Her feathers are way ahead of the others and have been growing very fast. If it doesn't get worse I would think that the flight feathers weight would tend to roll her wing tip back in. If it gets worse, then the opposite is true. And she can roll it around still. One moment I look at her and go, "She's fine..", the next "Arrrg! she's mangled I need to get wrap on her NOW!!!!"
Maybe I should just pin it in place with an earring....
When the Runners' little wing feathers were coming in, there were days when a few of them (each in turn) had what looked like the beginning of angel wing, and within a few days, it was gone.

So, I'd breathe, and let it be for a few days. They do grow so quickly, and some of their developmental stages are uhh, indescribable.

Thanks.  I figured I would keep an eye on it.  The scenario with your grey sounds right.  Her feathers are way ahead of the others and have been growing very fast.  If it doesn't get worse I would think that the flight feathers weight would tend to roll her wing tip back in.  If it gets worse, then the opposite is true.  And she can roll it around still.  One moment I look at her and go, "She's fine..", the next "Arrrg! she's mangled I need to get wrap on her NOW!!!!" :gig Maybe I should just pin it in place with an earring.... :oops:

If she'll give it back, you could... btw, did she pass it yet??

When the Runners' little wing feathers were coming in, there were days when a few of them (each in turn) had what looked like the beginning of angel wing, and within a few days, it was gone.

So, I'd breathe, and let it be for a few days.  They do grow so quickly, and some of their developmental stages are uhh, indescribable.


Indescribable indeed! And I thought chickens looked rough in their teen stages! :lol
If she'll give it back, you could... btw, did she pass it yet??
Indescribable indeed! And I thought chickens looked rough in their teen stages! :lol

From what I have heard whatever comes out will be so pulverized, we probably won't see it (or it might be grit for a couple weeks).

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