The Brooding of Allie, Casey and Latte

Today's weights:

Allie: 6lbs, 4oz
Casey: 2lbs, 14oz
Latte: 2lbs, 14oz

The last 3 days, their weights have gone unstable and there has been some minor decreases as well as increases. I believe they have hit their first plateau where other things like feathers and other things that I would know about if I knew more about duck biology. But their growth pattern has accomplished its first goal and gotten them past the "nature's bon bon" phase.

Well since we didn't do any work outside today, and the 'lings didn't get to go out, and the big ducks were enjoying melty snowy muddy mess and could have cared less if we existed, we spend some time with the 'lings inside. They got some bath time...

Casey really loves the water.

I mean REALLY!

Here is a good size comparison:

Allie gave me a nice flappy shot:

And Latte sparkling with water gems:

Then they got out and we let them preen on the towels (they're big ducks now and they don't need a heat lamp).

Allie is getting so much stronger now that she is growing proportionately less, she used to lay down for most of her preening.

She's even ready to start trying to scratch her bill while standing on one foot.

Latte, AKA Buff Ducky, is coming into her color (no more purple bill):

And Casey still loves the camera:

And her wing/feathers all grew into place normally...

So far, no sign of the earring, but no problems either. Casey is such a little devil...
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Great pics! I'm glad the earring hasn't caused any issues. How old are they now, Tony?
Great pics! I'm glad the earring hasn't caused any issues. How old are they now, Tony?
Today is day 40, 68 if you want to include incubation
. We have been blessed with them for 38 of those days. They are gearing up to hate us any time now... They go back and forth from being terrified to cuddly. <sigh> probably by next weekend they will just be terrified. We are trying to keep the trust window open with lettuce and peas... At least we have been through this before and we know we can win back the ducks.
Cute! I have to say, Casey is my favorite. I like em spunky!
She's beyond spunky
Yvonne and I call her pesterer (OK, not a word, but that's what she is... both with us and the other 'lings)
I liked how that last picture almost looks like she has teeth.
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Today is day 40, 68 if you want to include incubation
. We have been blessed with them for 38 of those days. They are gearing up to hate us any time now... They go back and forth from being terrified to cuddly. <sigh> probably by next weekend they will just be terrified. We are trying to keep the trust window open with lettuce and peas... At least we have been through this before and we know we can win back the ducks.

I remember my heartache at the overnight change with the Runners. Whew.
Today is day 40, 68 if you want to include incubation
. We have been blessed with them for 38 of those days. They are gearing up to hate us any time now... They go back and forth from being terrified to cuddly. <sigh> probably by next weekend they will just be terrified. We are trying to keep the trust window open with lettuce and peas... At least we have been through this before and we know we can win back the ducks.

Okay, I'm 3 weeks behind you. Hang on to those nice memories of the cuddly times and hopefully it won't take too long to win them back.
Well with this day being day 40 all the ducks wanted to cross notable lines:

Allie weighed in at 6lbs, 12oz and some change putting her over the 6-3/4 lb mark.
Latte weighed in at 3lbs, 2oz and broke the 3lb mark.
Casey weighed in at 3lbs, 4oz and broke the 3lb mark and refused to be the little duck again.

Today when they were going out to their pen, Latte decided to jump out of the basket they were transported in (after it was on the ground and uncovered). She did that the last time she was outside and last time when the other ducks showed up, she went in her pen. I let her have her head again and this time when the other ducks came around, she charged them. She didn't fight any of them, but she kept them at bay. Yvonne showed up with the water and Allie and Casey ran out the door that was open waiting for Latte to go in... OK... All the ducklings were in the yard. This wasn't too concerning because Kaine was in jail. The ducklings and ducks checked each other out for a while. Then Allie attacked Tevye. This isn't quite as crazy as it sounds because she does outweigh him. Tevye fought back and they were at it in each other's chests. Yvonne wanted to break it up right away, but I held her back. I told her Allie started it. So we just watched. Me with amusement, Yvonne with terror... Finally Allie broke away and tried to run away and Tevye chased after her. I stepped up and put my hand down and Tevye stopped and left her alone (he's such a good boy.) About 5 minutes later, Allie went back for more. This time Yvonne broke up the fight right away and she rounded up the 'lings and put them in the pen. No more flock adventures today...
Well with this day being day 40 all the ducks wanted to cross notable lines:

Allie weighed in at 6lbs, 12oz and some change putting her over the 6-3/4 lb mark.
Latte weighed in at 3lbs, 2oz and broke the 3lb mark.
Casey weighed in at 3lbs, 4oz and broke the 3lb mark and refused to be the little duck again.

Today when they were going out to their pen, Latte decided to jump out of the basket they were transported in (after it was on the ground and uncovered). She did that the last time she was outside and last time when the other ducks showed up, she went in her pen. I let her have her head again and this time when the other ducks came around, she charged them. She didn't fight any of them, but she kept them at bay. Yvonne showed up with the water and Allie and Casey ran out the door that was open waiting for Latte to go in... OK... All the ducklings were in the yard. This wasn't too concerning because Kaine was in jail. The ducklings and ducks checked each other out for a while. Then Allie attacked Tevye. This isn't quite as crazy as it sounds because she does outweigh him. Tevye fought back and they were at it in each other's chests. Yvonne wanted to break it up right away, but I held her back. I told her Allie started it. So we just watched. Me with amusement, Yvonne with terror... Finally Allie broke away and tried to run away and Tevye chased after her. I stepped up and put my hand down and Tevye stopped and left her alone (he's such a good boy.) About 5 minutes later, Allie went back for more. This time Yvonne broke up the fight right away and she rounded up the 'lings and put them in the pen. No more flock adventures today...

Sounds like a very good day.

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