The Brooding of Allie, Casey and Latte

Casey ?!?!?!?!?!
Duck drama, new strong willed alpha type ducklings upsetting the old pecking order. The flock's going to heck in a handbasket I tell ya!
Casey ?!?!?!?!?!
Really... Casey!


'Ling power!!!

You aren't kidding!!!
Duck drama, new strong willed alpha type ducklings upsetting the old pecking order. The flock's going to heck in a handbasket I tell ya!
You have no idea. OK here is the whole story. Around mid day, I decided to let the 'lings out of their pen again.

Latte was a spaz and ran after all the ducks with her mouth open. They mostly ran away, if not, she veered off (it wasn't you I was chasing.)

Allie would run after the big ducks with wings in full flap. If you have never seen an almost 7lb Pekin duckling run, I am truly sorry I have not captured this on video yet. I will try very hard to do so in the next several days. Picture Frankenstein's monster stalking its next victim... Got it? Full image in your head: arms out, lumbering back and forth with a stiff gate... Now press the fast forward button until it gets to 5X >>> That is what it looks like

Casey was just chilling out. Didn't seem too interested in the other ducks, except Tevye - she picked a couple of fights with Tevye which Yvonne and I broke up after they had gone on for a while. She would also periodically go up to Kaine's jail and tap bills with him while he went crazy on the inside.

Fast forward an hour later. There are 3 ducks in the whole yard... The 'lings. The big ducks are all hiding out in the pool ('lings don't know about the pool yet). And Kaine is in jail. Pretty calm....

Fast forward an hour later. Waterlogged ducks finally decide to come out of the pool and lie down (all together) in a 10' diameter shade created by one of the gazebos. After a few minutes the 'lings decided that that was their shade and they chased the ducks out of it. At this point, I was concerned that my whole flock order was going to get scrambled because no one who spoke duck could explain to the 'lings that this was an ESTABLISHED flock and they should show some respect. So I did the unthinkable. I released Kaine, the toughest, baddest, meanest drake on the planet. I knew he would teach them a lesson, and I knew I could interfere before he killed them...

Immediately upon getting out, Kaine showed off his prison schooling technique: Beat up the biggest meanest duck you can find. He went right for Allie and he beat her good. She submitted and he let her go (I was so proud of him for showing restraint, I didn't have to interfere to save her.) Then he went for Latte. It was the proverbial two hit punch, he hit her, she hit the ground. It was over. Then he went for Casey.... 15 seconds later, he was still ripping at her so I got ready to interfere, then I saw, she was ripping right back. They did back bites, chest pulls, Kaine even flipped Casey over backwards, but she sprang right back up and got his thumb in her bill and twisted. He was done! He ran off with a big feather bent on his wing and nursed his wounds.

4 or 5 more times they fought today. They all ended up with Casey chasing Kaine around the yard.

Now the interesting part of this is we broke up all the fights between Tevye and Casey. I think Tevye had the upper hand on all of them, but Casey was still fighting. After watching her fight Kaine, I will let her and Tevye go at it until one of them tries to escape, only then I will interfere if it is necessary. I could see this leading to Casey temporarily taking over the flock, then Tevye taking it from her. This might lead to a real fight between Tevye and Kaine. I have always thought that Tevye would win if he fought back. Now since Kaine has been in jail most of the last two months, Tevye has had free access to the ladies. He is not Kaine. Kaine is every duck twice per day. Tevye is about 4X per day total. I think if Tevye won the flock, he would let Kaine have a perfectly good second place status. So it might be that I get Kaine's new super jail done and he no longer needs it.
No matter, an isolation pen is never a bad thing to have when you have ducks.
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That was the most awesome, funniest and amazing thing I have read all day!!! :lau

We were both amazed! I never EVER thought I would calmly point out that Kaine and our smallest duckling (by type - she still refuses to fall behind Latte - I think she fills her crop with rocks before each weigh in) were fighting again.
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We were both amazed! I never EVER thought I would calmly point out that Kaine and our smallest duckling (by type - she still refuses to fall behind Latte - I think she fills her crop with rocks before each weigh in) were fighting again.

She fills her crop with rocks... and then uses them to beat Kaine down with... :gig
Wow, I figured if any of the lings, it would have been Allie, not Casey, to take on Kaine.
We didn't dub Casey "Pesterer" for nothing. She was always nipping/pecking the other 'lings and us. Guess that was just practice for brawling later
She is just over 3lbs now. Kaine weighs in just over 5 and Tevye is just over 6. Allie is almost 7 but she is slow and clumsy. Full grown Casey should be 3.5 - 4.5 lbs. That makes her like a short stocky Runner. If Tevye can best her, It would really throw off the top of the flock. Currently pecking order is:


So if Casey bests Kaine and Tevye bests Casey, it would either make a circular pecking order (I doubt that is stable), or Tevye would at least rise above Kaine. Kaine has physically damaged Greta in the past (the main reason for him being in jail), so I can't see Greta actually winning with either Tevye or Casey. (She is over Tevye because he doesn't fight back.) So I would guess that in this scenario with the least damage, the order would be:


But if Tevye loses, it might be:


Plus Allie and Latte may get inserted somewhere below Kaine.

It will be interesting to see how this progresses. If Casey beat Kaine once, I might consider it a fluke, but she beat him every time yesterday - I have never seen Kaine run away from anything... Not even me!

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