The Brooding of Allie, Casey and Latte

You're so good at observing and interpreting flock behavior. I wish I could know the order of my flock like you know yours. I can kinda tell who is on top and bottom, but it's very hard. It seems like there is no order among my four adult drakes. They all chase each other; Potato the mallard will chase Tate the WH, and then a minute later, Tate will turn around and chase Potato. I think the presence of the two younger mutt drakes have them fighting more and is keeping them from really establishing a dominant drake. The two young half mallard drakes (Potato's sons) will be culled here shortly - sad but necessary :( - so maybe that will help things calm down and help an order to be established.

Biff the buff duck is clearly the top girl. She will body slam the other girls and bully others away from food and water when she wants it. The two mallard sisters are at the bottom. They are meek and quiet, and I have never seen any kind of dominant behavior from them. They get pushed around by every one, but it's not constant or to the point of stressing them. They're well accepted, they just don't get the best spots for foraging and other perks. Other than that, it's hard to tell the order of the flock. The other girls never really pick on anyone too much, and don't get picked on much either. So I would assume they are in the middle somewhere.

My flock is in such a confusing state right now with adding the chickens and two juveniles ducks. The roosters will all be culled, as will be half mallard drakes and possibly the young Pekin juvenile that turned out to be a boy. I hope once the excess testosterone is removed from the flock then maybe they will settle down and establish order.
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Today's weights:

Allie: 6lbs, 4oz
Casey: 2lbs, 14oz
Latte: 2lbs, 14oz

The last 3 days, their weights have gone unstable and there has been some minor decreases as well as increases. I believe they have hit their first plateau where other things like feathers and other things that I would know about if I knew more about duck biology. But their growth pattern has accomplished its first goal and gotten them past the "nature's bon bon" phase.

Well since we didn't do any work outside today, and the 'lings didn't get to go out, and the big ducks were enjoying melty snowy muddy mess and could have cared less if we existed, we spend some time with the 'lings inside. They got some bath time...

Casey really loves the water.

I mean REALLY!

Here is a good size comparison:

Allie gave me a nice flappy shot:

And Latte sparkling with water gems:

Then they got out and we let them preen on the towels (they're big ducks now and they don't need a heat lamp).

Allie is getting so much stronger now that she is growing proportionately less, she used to lay down for most of her preening.

She's even ready to start trying to scratch her bill while standing on one foot.

Latte, AKA Buff Ducky, is coming into her color (no more purple bill):

And Casey still loves the camera:

And her wing/feathers all grew into place normally...

So far, no sign of the earring, but no problems either. Casey is such a little devil...
Tony, how do you and Yvonne function? Seriously. I'd be staring at these burds or more accurately stated, ducks, all the time. Their insane cuteness is not lost on me at all. I notice everything about each duck as I look at each picture. Like fluffy roundness, uprightness flappy body positioning, sweet faces and the webs. I never, ever miss those. I love all your commentary about each shot. Latte's sparkling with water gems. Absolutely beautiful. Ducks are super heroes.
Tony, how do you and Yvonne function? Seriously. I'd be staring at these burds or more accurately stated, ducks, all the time. Their insane cuteness is not lost on me at all. I notice everything about each duck as I look at each picture. Like fluffy roundness, uprightness flappy body positioning, sweet faces and the webs. I never, ever miss those. I love all your commentary about each shot. Latte's sparkling with water gems. Absolutely beautiful. Ducks are super heroes.
Who said we function??? Haven't been on here much lately. We are giving the 'lings as much outdoor time as possible and trying to teach them to use the feeder. I think Allie has it mostly figured out. Right now the feeder is half open, but they do have to step on the kick plate. Since the feeder is half open, a mouse got in it last weekend. I saw the feeding tray was low, so I opened the back part and there was a mouse. I pumped the foot plate a few times and the mouse took off. Allie chased it and although her legs are getting pretty strong, she still runs a little Forrest Gumpy so she didn't catch it. She definitely would have eaten it if she would have caught it. If they starve, they can get some food at night in the brooder. So when they are outdoors, they have the choice of their half open feeder or the completely closed one the adults are supposed to use. (They are lazy so are also eating out of the half open one.) The 'lings are starting to mingle with the adults a little bit, but mostly they stay together. Kaine when released just avoids them for the most part. Once Latte and Allie start getting further from Casey, that might not hold true... We'll see. Still working on the secure area. By the time I am done, it might just become Kaine's new jail location. The lings may go in the house with the adults (minus Kaine). Kaine hasn't slept in the house for 2 months, he won't get the chance until I've seen him behave with Allie and Latte without Casey being right there.
Well this may be the official end of this thread. Allie, Casey and Latte were put in the house with the big ducks for the first time. So far there are no fights, but everyducky is uneasy. Yvonne is not thrilled with me either, I took her babies away. We will be monitoring them throughout the night. No one will get much sleep tonight.
To honor our grown-up babies, I have updated my signature so they are listed with the other ducks in the flock. They still have some things to learn, so there may be a post or two still, but if all goes well, we will take down the brooder this weekend and pack it up. We will have to introduce ourselves to our three new ducks.
Well this may be the official end of this thread. Allie, Casey and Latte were put in the house with the big ducks for the first time. So far there are no fights, but everyducky is uneasy. Yvonne is not thrilled with me either, I took her babies away. We will be monitoring them throughout the night. No one will get much sleep tonight.
To honor our grown-up babies, I have updated my signature so they are listed with the other ducks in the flock. They still have some things to learn, so there may be a post or two still, but if all goes well, we will take down the brooder this weekend and pack it up. We will have to introduce ourselves to our three new ducks.


why is it that I am having empty-nest anxiety???????
Well, this thread convinced me to get a pekin, instead of two welshies the plan is now one and a pekin too, thanks to little sweet Allie. She won me over! I've loved getting to see these three grow up, although it was much too quick, ducklings need to get better at listening when they're told to grow slower...

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