The Camera Thread


The truth is out there...
12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
This is a spin off from my post about a camera I will be purchasing soon. However, I want to see what everyone else here is using! Feel free to post pictures and tell what cameras you are using. If you use an SLR, post what lens you used to shoot the picture.

Currently I have an Olympus SP-560UZ with an 18X zoom. It's not an SLR, but it has been a great little camera for me to learn on. I've had that for two years and just recently I made the decision to upgrade to an SLR. In a couple of days I will be purchasing a Canon 50D with a 28-138mm and 70-300mm lenses. I just can't pass up the deal on them!

Here's a picture of my crested gecko Marcus that I took with my Olympus. It was indoors using artificial light and macro mode. No flash:


Here's an outdoor picture of a flamingo using the Olympus. It was a very sunny day and I was zoomed in pretty far. I love this picture though!


This is a picture I took with the 50D at a Bat Mitzfah. I was using an 85 mm f1.8 portrait lens. The fruit is a little overexposed but this was one of my favorite pictures! This is what sold me on the camera.

See my siggy for photobucket link, all taken (I think) with the Cannon Powershot SX110 IS- I'm still lerning how to control it manually so some of the pictures are off.

LMK if you want me to take any under particular conditions. (Low light, cloudy, macro, 10x zoom)

the best are 'zoo' and 'chickens' for outside, 'rats' for lowlight and macro. Sept 9th is disney picts with 10x zoom and macro in full sunlight.
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Okay, dumb question time. What does SLR stand for? I don't really know much about cameras but I do know the digital camera I have now is already smarter then me so I probably won't ever get into the real high dollar stuff.

Oh, I use a sony cybershot. From reading the other thread it doesn't seem like too many people use sony. I know the first one I bought (an FD 88) was a real workhorse. Used it alot doing ebay for about 10 years. I would probably still be using it today but floppies started getting hard to find.
I used to work in a photo lab and I love seeing other peoples pictures. When people develope pictures of their vacations, it's almost like you were there with them (if you let your imagination run) seeing what they see. Getting to see all the newborn babies, the prom pictures, weddings, all of lifes precious moments. Kid's playing in the leaves, riding their bikes, I could go on and on. I'm surprised how many hobby photographers there are out there. Keep up the good work.
Nikon D90. Finally a Christmas gift that I wanted! LOL

Last year was a mountain bike. Babe, just 'cause we live on a mountain doesn't mean I need a mountain bike.

The year before that was a pot rack. If we had someplace to put one, we would have done it when we built the house!

But I digress .....

I love my camera.
Here are a couple I took with the Sony. The butterfly is not that great I know but I couldn't get him to hold still for anything.

Actually there is one area that I would have to upgrade for and that is taking pictures of the moon. I've tried a couple of times and can't even get anything halfway decent. Maybe someday. It's not really at the top of my interest right now but maybe later on.


I use a Panasonic Lumix ZS7. It is AMAZING. I just got it because of an accident with the last one.. (A Cybershot, not sure which type) I'll post pics of the pics it takes later!

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