The chicken house to end all chicken houses...

That is great I think I wanted something great at 400 or 500 sq ft I am thrilled to see everyone who lves there chickens. amazing so far kep going with the pics. oh and a building list and a estimated price cst would be nice in case anyone is thinking that biggg!
Those two pics are from the first two days of build..Dec 19th and 20th. It has since been fully enclosed and sheathed. We've always had a few chickens around, and a small coop was all we needed. We mainly raise cattle here on the farm, as our name comes from the first dozen cattle we started with in 1981. We saved them from a guy who didn't want to raise them anymore and was going to send them to the slaughterhouse. So they became the Lucky Dozen, since then we moved on to chickens. We are fortunate to have quite the fresh egg market here where we live and we can never seem to keep up with demand. I have a hard time keeping up with 12 smaller houses (two are in the background of the pic btw) and decided to have a big house where a lot of the work can be mechanized or automated. After this I am building a new area to butcher chickens, my setup now is kinda rickety and "honkey-looking" as my wife says.

I just saw your tag line 5000+ chickens, you might want to think bigger. LOL

All I can say is awesome.
You didn't forget the in-home theater system and the roller rink in your plans, did you?

Those will be some lucky birds even if they have to settle for Redbox on an old TV. Good luck!

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