The Chickendad Chronicles

So, Barbara, what's your next move? It's cold here in Florida - we keep the big light on in the coop with our wimpy chickens. One wrongly directed stinkeye would wipe out our entire flock! I'm gonna go find my jammies with the footsies and read some more. oxoxo
Dear Barbara,
I would like to join your flock! I'm sick of this endless snow and days of 20 degrees here in Alaska. I'm telling you, if I have to fluff my feathers one more day, I swear I will hitchhike outta here!
The Silly Season

It was an especially long mud season at the Chickendad’s, but Spring seems to have finally come to Michigan. Not only have the flowers started leaping out of the ground (the bleeding hearts which were sleeping underground last week are now blooming!) but the chickens seem to have gotten a silly streak.

For starters, the four little self blue cochin kids have decided to sleep in the single nest box in their pen every night. It looks a bit strange to see two little rooster heads poking out of the box, in addition to the two girls who like to sleep there. One of the girls has gone broody and tells the Chickendads what they can do and where they can go. She may be crankier than usual, trying to incubate all those eggs with 3 other birds in the same box. The boys do manage to get up about 5 a.m. and communicate with the other roosters in the big coop. They also communicate with the Chickendads, who are trying to sleep only 10 feet or so away. It may be time for a move. . .

Over in the Ameraucana pen, Bobby is taking good care of his 5 ladies and there are several of their children sleeping in the incubator. One hatched last week and is keeping company with the cochin babies. The ameraucana chick is nearly twice as big as the little cochins, who have learned to avoid his giant feet. He likes to flutter and run up and down the pen, cheeping madly. Another silly baby.

One of the Ameraucana girls has an independent streak and a crush on Leroy, so at the first opportunity she escapes the Ameraucana pen and high-tails it for Leroy’s place. Chickendad fixed the holes of escape to keep her in with Bobby and her sisters, but he must have missed one because she is usually out before Chickendad can get back to the house.

Stud Muffin, a white cochin, has a new girlfriend in the broody house, and they have “fallen in love”. It was love at first sight, as they spend the day clucking to each other and cuddling together. Stud Muffin has been picking out choice pieces of wood shavings to present to his lady love, but she is not impressed with that. Mrs. Chickendad offered them some mealworms and got a peck on the hand for her trouble. Stud Muffin did give the mealworms to his lady first, though. Silly chicken!

Apparently Barbara has singlehandedly shut down baby production in the Big Coop. Her stink eye is so fierce that the boys have not been doing their duty and the girls are laying blanks. Mrs. Chickendad let the girls out to free range, hoping that the boys would be tantalized by not having the girls with them 24/7. Time will tell next week when those eggs get candled. Silly boys, afraid of Barbara! Even the Wyandottes are laying blanks, but the new BLRW rooster may find that eight hens with attitude may be a bit much for his adolescent self!

Here are a couple of shots of Barbara 2.0, showing off her "assets" to boyfriend Carl:

This is not Michigan, but it's not Florida either. We usually move straight from winter into summer. It's behaving like hurricane season with rain for the past four days and a chill in the air. My chicks are wearing water wings in the swamp. Good story, MrsChickendad; are we sure Barbara is not latino? Or maybe, Carl is! Ah Carumba! (the closest this southerner can get to Spanish)

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