The Chickendad Chronicles

That is too funny! What a gift you have for telling stories! I just finished reading a book "Once Upon a Flock" by Lauren somebody and it was good but you are just as good! DO put writing a book on your bucket list, please!! I know everyone here would buy it!
Your knee problem was one of the big things that kept me from replacement surgery for a long time, but last year I did the left knee and other than the skin nerves that still get wonky, my knee and I are good friends. Thinking about getting the right knee done this year, but knowing me it will take it waking me up at night when I move to do it. Really don't like hospitals and doctors.
Buy the time spring is here you should be able to spend time with your girls.
I lost all but 10 of mine to dogs, finally bought a revolver and despite the fact I can't hit much of anything (I am careful to aim towards the back of my property and my huge dirt pile (10+feet high) so I am not a danger to my neighbor should they be out. At least the dog runs faster and takes longer to return. Anyway, I add 25 buff sex links and by spring I should have enough eggs to sell to my customers again. I am also thinking to get another 25 chicks in the spring so I will have eggs in the fall.
It looks like the necked neck hens are trying to grooming the easter eggers, so they qualify as necked necks, or the easter eggers are sloppy eaters and they are getting their necks cleaned by their "sisters".
Take it easy on the knee, once it heals it will be such a relief.
So good to read your update. Oh but your knee, ouch, ouch, ouch! I was thinking of you and hoping all was well when I use my Barbara mug a few days ago. Please keep us updated about Sneaky Girl's chicks. Will her pullets grow up to be olive egger bearded ladies in clown shoes? Could this be the making of the Chickdads' Three Ring Circus?
I just spent a good part of this bitter cold day reading this entire thread. Loved it and loved the chicken stories from everyone, but especially Mrs. Chickendad. Such a delightful read for a second year chicken lover like myself. I probably won't look at my chicks the same way ever again. Thank you, Mrs. Chickendad for your positive attitude and your lovely spirit. Even with your serious medical issues, you remain your humorous self and never complain. A true inspiration for us all. :)
So glad you are back!!! We all missed you! Praying you will be up and around very soon.
Naughty little Sneaky!!!
Can't wait to hear what those babies will look like!! Will be waiting anxiously for more stories!!
Barbara at the Honeymoon Hotel

After all the hoo ha about getting Barbara’s adventures back online, Mrs. Chickendad is mortified to learn that it has been over two months since she promised to bring things up to date. Good intentions not withstanding, there are several stories to report and pictures to take to get this show on the road again!

Barbara Jr. spent most of this horrid winter in the big coop, but has since been moved to the Honeymoon Hotel together with her husband and one sister wife. Barbara’s husband should be named Ken, but it does not suit him, and there is already a little cochin boy named Kenny, so the Chickendads will have to wait for the Barred Rock Rooster to tell us his name. By the same token, the Sister Wife should be named Skipper, but her name, so she says, is Ruthie. Barbara is quite satisfied with her own name, having decided not to try to improve on perfection.

Barbara is quite taken with her handsome husband. He has lots and lots of tiny stripes on his feathers. He still has a bit of filling out to do, but Barbara (cougar that she is) does not mind and has been dutifully depositing her eggs in the milk crate nest. They keep disappearing, so Barbara goes back every day and lays another in an attempt to fill up that milk crate. Her Sister Wife, Ruthie is helping with the project as well, so the Chickendads will be setting some eggs in the incubator any day now. None of the incubators has been set up this year yet, due to the problems Mrs. Chickendad has had with various surgeries and complications, not to mention that the incubators are downstairs in the basement and Mrs. Chickendad’s knees do not want to go down there yet!

(photos to follow soon. . .)
Oh, thank you, Mrs. Chickendad! You have made my day!! So happy to learn about the love bugs and that there are Barbarettes in the near future! Waiting anxiously to see the pics!! Thanks again! :D

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