Announcement The Coop Page / Article Rating & Review Project!

Do I have to add a written review to rate with stars? Do I have to click anything else after clicking the star to make sure it was recorded?

Once you click the star rating, you'll be taken to a page where you can also enter a text rating, select anonymous review, or just click "Submit Review"

... but yes, you have to at least click the "Submit" button.
As a reminder: Please be somewhat critical / objective with your ratings. This project becomes less valuable if peeps give every page a Five-Star rating.

Oops! I was doing just that. But only rating the ones that appealed to me... hope that didn't throw things off too much. :hmm

Have enjoyed the excuse to look through all the different ones, there are a lot of interesting coop designs on here!
We still have a long-ways to go, but y'all are chomping away at the whale at a good pace!

How low do you think we can get the "0" ratings by the end of the day? Below 2,000?

We still have a long-ways to go, but y'all are chomping away at the whale at a good pace!

How low do you think we can get the "0" ratings by the end of the day? Below 2,000?

View attachment 1449607
I'm trying to get a whole bunch far I think I have around 200 reviews done...:p
Haven't had the time to read this entire thread yet, but do we know how to find our coop page? As far as I'm aware, I don't have a coop page, but all of the sudden I've got an award for a rating. Now that ratings are involved, I'm thinking about posting up more pictures and laying out more details. I figured since I didn't have anything special I'd just toss up some photos of my finished coop in the DIY coop page.

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