The curiosity is killing me!


In the Brooder
Apr 23, 2016
I purchased 6 chicks from TSC from the "asst. Bantam bin" and I'm dying to know what breeds. I'm new to chickens, and whereas my mother in law is a massive help with care, she knows nothing about breed!
There are (2) striped, clean legged
(3) yellow/cream feather legged with 5 toes
(1) dark yellow/buff with feathered legs, 4 toes.
Thank you!
the darkest yellow, feather legged, 4 toes. (also very fiesty!)

one of the yellow/cream/five toed (no purple skin)they all look the same

one of the striped

sorry, it hadn't let me upload from my phone!
Well I'm not sure on your clean legged birds, but your feather-legged five toed babies are sultan bantams :)
Well I'm not sure on your clean legged birds, but your feather-legged five toed babies are sultan bantams :)
awesome! I think the darker yellow baby may be a Cochin . I'm so excited either way I could spit!

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