The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Captain Steele was informed that a survivor was found after the most recent string of brutal murders.

The survivor's name has not been released, but is reportedly recovering in the hospital from the attack. Captain Steele will interview the witness soon. Authorities hope this will provide a break in the case.

The continued media coverage of the grisly events in Hick County has captured the interest of super hero and global celebrity Iron Man.

While such fowl happenings would typically be handled at the local level, Iron Man admitted to reporters at a recent press conference that the grievance as filed by The United Sisterhood of Chickens was the final straw prompting him to get involved.

"This is not usually my thing, but everyone knows that I'm a ladies' man," Iron Man stated. "The overly high ratio of female victims in this case has touched my heart, and I want to do whatever I can to prevent the unnecessary deaths of any more hens or pullets."

While many celebrities have shown an interest in the Hicks County events, including many who donated their time and talent at the recent benefit concert, Iron Man has offered to actually assist local officials in the investigation of the murder(s). Reporters were able to obtain a photograph of Iron Man out in the field.



(I hope it's okay for me to jump in the story! This Halloween pic of my son cracks me up and I just had to use it...)

The lone survivor of Tommy's latest killings has been identified as Henelope Bumblestaph. She is currently residing in an unknown henpital recovering nicely. She has been imediatly put into protecticve custody.

here Henelope is seen soaking her injured feet.

She has been working with physical therapy daily

Henelope reported to us that she had her hendroid phone and managed to get a few photos of Tommy as proof!

Ms. Bumblestaph continues to recover....

Two Detectives seen collecting what they said was DNA evidence of known predators in the area of Hicks...have both been reprimanded for destroying evidence of known offenders... they were under the impression that x-rays could be taken of evidence consumed....Captain Steele was said to be utterly devastated at the kidding around of these juveniles....their identity badges may be removed from their ears as a reprimand!
As the word goes out about the Hick County orphans, more artists are wanting to give of their talents to the Chicks for Change benefit concert. A spokesbird involved in organizing the event, Al Flack, states offers to sing are pouring in from all over. The Beagles have even reunited for the event and have agreed to show, if they can keep from fighting...many wonder if their tempers will be on a short leash as they travel together to this event.

The Beagles, reunited to appear at the Chicks for Change concert. Skenny Rogers will be appearing as well to sing a duet with Dolly Carton.

Lynbyrd Skynbyrd was also scheduled to appear but their plane went down, tragically, and all that was found at the crash site were scattered feathers. They will be greatly missed to the world of music and to the world in general and the concert will serve to act as a tribute to their passing as well. The Beagles will be covering some of their songs as a tribute to a great band, such as Free Bird, Last of a Dyin' Breed, Tweet Home Alabama, That Coop Smell, Gimme Three Nests, Crow for the Bad Man, Call Me the Breeds. They will also sing some of their own legendary hits: When the Quill Is Gone, Hotel Cowafornia, Midnight Flyer, One of These Fights, Take It Over Easy, Witchy Wyandotte, Peaceful Easy De-fleaing, Seven Biddies Road.

Legendary Three Hog Night will be at Chicks for Change!

Also on the concert rooster is Three Hog Night, who are remembered well for their great musical genius with such songs as Fry a Little Tenderness, Easy to Be Lard, Never Been to Spam, Sham-baa-la, The Crow Must Go On, An Old Fashioned Egg Song, Eli's Crowing, Mama Told Bee(Not to Come), Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog. They will share a private jet to the event with the Marshall Plucker Band and Stink Floyd.

Other bands and artists scheduled to appear are Bawkman Eggturner Overdrive, Blackfeather, Bob Sebright and the Silver Pullet Band, Blue Orpington Cult, Charlie Spaniels Band, Crawsby Quills Mash & Dung, Do Bee Brothers, The Four Crops, Joe Cocker, Broody Blues, Robirda Flock, ZZ Crop, Wild Cherry Eggers, and the Yolkbridge Boys. This reporter will update this list as the artists continue to join this massive benefit concert. We are also getting offers for some comedians to appear, such as Gabriel Egglesias, Buff Foxworthy, Bill Eggvall, Chris Plucker, Eggie Murphy, and Rosecomb Barr. ~United Press


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